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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    SDM Gate

    Hank leaned over to John.

    "You and I have a different version of the word 'explore'." Hank made finger quotes at the word as well. Looking up Meiling on his goggles, Hank found she was a master of the martial arts, and this made Hank have a smile under his mask as he pondered for a second.

    ("To fight, or not to fight?") Hank wondered.

    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


      Honolulu, Hawaii

      Zero stops talking with Alia and turns to Isaac. "Yea I know her. She is an old friend of mine. She worked as one of the many operators for the Maverick Hunters. She could decipher any data you give her, fix almost any machine, and even hack a computer from halfway across the globe if you give her enough time. She was also in charge of finding a cure for the Maverick Virus, the same virus that I am an original carrier of. Not only that but her navigational skills are the best out of anyone I ever met." Said Zero as Alia blushes a little.

      "Zero stop flattering me. I also had some of the most advanced computers where we come from which also helped a lot." Said Alia as she walks back to behind the desk. "So how would you be paying for the rooms?" Said Alia as she quickly goes back to work.


        Scarlet Devil Mansion

        Scarlet Devil Mansion, a western-style manor that looks out of place in the Japanese world of Gensokyo. Rumors indicate this mansion to be a place full of danger and mysteries, but in reality, the mansion is mostly tranquil and quiet. Today was the prime example: with everyone minding their own business, except for Sakuya Izayoi, head maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
        "Patchouli-sama, your tea." Sakuya entered the Voile library to find Patchouli Knowledge, librarian of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
        "Thank you, Sakuya. You can leave it on the desk." Patchouli said, her eyes not leaving the book she is reading.

        With the mistress gone from the mansion, Sakuya served Patchouli and Flandre. However, she did not feel the same loyalty as she did when serving Remilia. She has grown too fond: too tied to her fate of serving the vampire.

        As Sakuya walked back to clean the mansion, she heard the mansion door open as unfriendly figures entered. Preparing her knives, Sakuya walked to the main hall to greet the visitors.



          John entered the main entrance and was promptly greeted by a maid with knives. John felt a tension growing in the air, but he pushed it away and acted polite anyway.

          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            "Well, I'm sure Patchy is inside. Not like she ever steps outside in the first place. Welcome in!"

            She opened the gates. We walked in.

            "Thanks Mei-" She fell asleep again. Oh well. Must be on her break again.

            We walked a few steps. At the entrance was Sakuya.

            "Ah, good morning, Komachi. Are you sure everything's alright? There weren't any intruders, so I don't see why anyone would have died here. Speaking of which, I haven't seen Marisa trying to sneak in lately, either. Must have found a new person to bother."

            "Yea, I guess you could say that. We're just here on a tour. We wanted to see some of the SDM. The one with the sword is Hank. The tall one is John, and the yellow fox is Renamon. Guys, this is Sakuya, the head maid. Oh, and Renamon, you wanted to see Patchouli, right? Is she in, Sakuya?"

            "Yes, she's in her room. By the way, is Meiling asleep? I can't quite see her."

            "Oh, yea. I supposed she was on her break."

            "Is that so?" She said with an annoyed smile.

            All of a sudden, I felt a pulse. "Well, I wouldn't want to wake the dear up, so I helped her sleep nice and comfortable."

            "Oh, how sweet of y-"

            I looked behind me to see a bloody Meiling covered in knives.

            "Ya know, if you keep doing that, I'm gonna have to take her, if ya know what I mean."



              John was slightly shocked at Sakuya's treatment of Meiling.

              "Did she just kill Meiling?", John asked Komachi.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                "Oh, don't worry. She can handle it."

                "So," Sakuya started, "if you want to go to her room, you go straight into the main intersection, then into the next left, then make a right, make another right at the intersection, go right, then left, skip an intersection, head right-"

                "Wait, I thought you make a left turn at the intersection."

                "Ah, that's right. Make a left at the intersection, go right, then left, skip an intersection, head right, head down the stairs, make your way to the right, head up the stairs, head straight, and her room should be there. I just served tea to her, so she couldn't have left from then. Did you get all of that?"



                  John got the directions and put a waypoint on his HUD.

                  "Got it. We won't get lost, I have it on my HUD.", John said as he pointed at his helmet.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    "Gee," I said, "you came prepared with that suit thing. What else can it do?"

                    I reached out to press a button.


                      Honolulu, Hawaii

                      Dante has been watching TV for a few hours sits up and stretches. "Looks like it's time to hit the beach!" Said Dante as he quickly rushes into bathroom of his hotel room.

                      After a few minutes he emerges with some flip-flops, and dark red swimming trunks on. He then takes his red trench coat and puts it on, followed by his guns Ebony and Ivory which are holstered on the coats belt. "Can't go unprepared." Said Dante as he leaves his hotel room, his destination - The Beach.
                      Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...



                        Komachi pushed at what looked like a button, but it wasn't. She wasn't even able to touch the suit. John's shields stopped her finger one millimeter from it.

                        John then began explaining some of the suit's capabilities.

                        "That barrier is my energy shield. It protects me from attacks by acting as a wall. The suit doubles my strength and increases my already augmented reaction time by a factor of five. The suit allows me to lift 88 metric tons or 97 U.S. tons, and has a built in radar. The suit is so durable that I can survive falling back to Earth from space, otherwise known as an orbital drop."
                        Last edited by S121; 05-29-2013, 04:42 PM.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          "oh, wow. Well on to Patchy's room!"

                          We twisted and turned as we headed for Patchy's room, but in the middle of the way, we met up with a little girl.

                          "Oh hi there, Flandre! What are you doing out of your room?"


                            Scarlet Devil Mansion

                            "It's Komachi!" Flandre smiled widely: Flandre usually kept her quiet around authorative figures, but when around cheerful, easygoing figures, Flandre was a bright, cheerful kid. "Hi!"



                              "Hi!", Flandre said.

                              John remembered what Yuuka said.

                              "Whatever happens, DO NOT PLAY WITH FLANDRE."

                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                "What happened, ya ain't got no one to play with? Cuz' Sakuya already killed Meiling and Patchy's busy and so is Sakuya. Hey, how bout I play with you?"

