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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Blowhole Entrance, Gensokyo; Shiki

    We stood there waiting for the others. They were taking an awful long time.

    I heard a commotion going on.

    "Huh? Komachi, let's check it out."

    We headed down and saw John talking to a hooded figure, saying, "She did nothing wrong!"

    "John, what's going on? Who is this?"

    Danger Zone, Home Base, Nevada; Otori

    "Alright. Let's begin with specialty, the old Babe Ruth. I need to get used to heat, so turn it to heat. Layout would be the desert. That's a priority."

    I tossed the broken head aside and prepped my bat in my normal stance.
    Last edited by wonderweiss; 06-05-2013, 11:40 PM.


      Blowhole Entrance, Gensokyo

      "John, what's going on? Who is this?", Shikieiki asked.

      "This person attacked Parsee even though Parsee did nothing to provoke them.", John said with his familiar serious tone.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Blowhole Entrance, Old Hell; Shiki

        "Is that so? You! Who are you to inflict harm on someone else when they had no rigt to be punished?!"


          Blowhole Entrance, Gensokyo

          The hooded figure removed the hood to reveal her identity: Reimu Hakurei.
          "What! Oh it's just you Eiki." Reimu responded coldly. "You told me to do my job, so I just did! Youkai extermination is my job! If you think you can punish me for that, then you are being hypocritical!"


            "What? Reimu? Well, you were to exterminate hostile youkai, that I did mention. Explain why you attacked Parsee? Did she show any hostility?"


              Blowhole Entrance, Gensokyo

              "Parsee is a Hashihime who drowned many couples before she became banished!" Reimu said. "A Youkai like her is hostile in nature!"


                Blowhole Entrance, Gensokyo

                "A Youkai like her is hostile in nature!"

                "And how long ago was this? What you need to understand is that people change. By your "logic", I should have killed you by now, seeing as how I was created for battle. As you can plainly see, I have done nothing to harm you. Now, this is what you're going to do. You will go back to the bridge, and you will apologize to Parsee.", John said.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

                  Sitting close to Parsee, Renamon sighed "I have had a similar feeling like your jealousy, you see me as a human, but in my life, many have seen me as just a predatory animal. I always wondered why in my world were the species were ridiculously mixed, I was one of what you could call "Pure" since Im only a fox, that trait about me made me a target for the creatures who enjoyed hunting, therefore I felt a general hate towards the society"

                  Then the fox looked at one of the cave´s lights "Then I met this jackal who showed me that not all the creatures prejudice everything, she lives in my heart and I moved on understanding creatures´ thinking" she smiled a bit but then made a grim face

                  "Then after some years, some human squads destroyed my village leaving nothing but remnants of ash and rubble, my soul thirsted for the blood of the murderers of my people and I almost lost it, but then I remembered the Jackal´s words that stopped me. I still want to find those humans, but I will do what is the correct path, not a cold murder"

                  Renamon looked at Parsee "You are a strong guardian who wants to protect this city, those beings who live there trust you and know you will protect them" she smiled a bit
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Entrance to the Dark Blowhole

                    "She does her deeds for malicious, selfish desires! In fact, all the Youkai underground are troublemakers. The entire reason why I came down here is because of a farmer's request regarding a fissure near his house, endangering his safety. If a Youkai is doing anything to harm humans, I have to exterminate them!"

                    "Ayayaya, what's going on here?" Aya ascended the blowhole to find John and Reimu in a quarrel. Instead of stopping them, however, Aya just took pictures.

                    The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

                    "Thank you..." Parsee said gently. "But I do not think their view of us will ever change... Each of us have committed sins too great for redemption..."
                    Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 06-06-2013, 02:11 AM.


                      Entrance to the Dark Blowhole

                      "She does her deeds for malicious, selfish desires! In fact, all the Youkai underground are troublemakers. The entire reason why I came down here is because of a farmer's request regarding a fissure near his house, endangering his safety. If a Youkai is doing anything to harm humans, I have to exterminate them!"

                      "Ha! What makes you think that they're all trouble makers? Is Koishi a troublemaker? no. Is Satori a troublemaker? She can read your mind, but no. The only people that MIGHT be considered troublemakers would be the Oni living there, but even then, it's because their culture values strength.

                      I should know all of this. In my brief time down there, I fought Yuugi, met Koishi, and entered Satori's home.

                      If a Youkai caused the fissure, what makes you think that they did it on purpose? If it was an accident, then you TELL THEM to be careful, you don't just go around and attack everyone in your sight.

                      What I see is that you lack discipline. Discipline, compassion, and restraint... And about Parsee being selfish, that sounds very human to me. She has character flaws, but so do you. As I said before, you will apologize to Parsee!"
                      Last edited by S121; 06-06-2013, 02:18 AM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Entrance to the Blowhole

                        "You outsider doesn't get it! They each committed sins to humanity greater than redemption!"

                        "Ayayaya! Stop it, all of you, or you'll blow up the entire world!" Aya finally called for order. "Reimu, John has a point. Every incident that happens, you just beat the crap out of everyone until you fix the damn thing. You're lucky that everyone in Gensokyo are so laid-back. If not, your head would've rolled 20 years ago.

                        Aya now turned to John. "You too need to be careful. You might be as strong as an Oni Youkai, but you're young to us. Even though we only look 20, we lived for at least a hundred years more than you have. You saw the ice fairy, right? She's at least two times older than you. Wisdom beats common knowledge."

                        "Stop being childish, both of you. To me, you're all little kids."


                          Entrance to the Blowhole

                          "You too need to be careful. You might be as strong as an Oni Youkai, but you're young to us. Even though we only look 20, we lived for at least a hundred years more than you have. You saw the ice fairy, right? She's at least two times older than you. Wisdom beats common knowledge."

                          "Stop being childish, both of you. To me, you're all little kids."Aya said.

                          John turned to Aya and sighed.

                          He then calmly said, "With all due respect, age doesn't always equate to wisdom, or even intelligence. I may be one of the youngest people here, but that does not mean that I'm naive. In fact, I know more than I would care to. I've seen the consequences of indiscriminate violence on a galactic scale. Wisdom and common sense are basically one and the same. I'm merely standing up for Parsee, and telling this girl that what she's doing is the wrong way to go about things. Before I came to Gensokyo, I was a police officer. Her job is the same as mine was; to serve and protect, not seek and destroy. To be a good peacekeeper, you need to learn to be disciplined, to show compassion for all of the people that live under your protection, and to show restraint and not attack everyone. Not everyone is a criminal."
                          Last edited by S121; 06-06-2013, 02:45 AM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Entrance to the Blowhole

                            "Do you know how many innocent people that bridge youkai has killed-"
                            "Reimu shut up!" Aya growled. "You're right, you have more experience than I do in terms of saving the world and the likes. But you don't know local history. Your helmet is only going to get you so far in determining Gensokyo's hidden secrets."

                            The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                            Trusting that she will not be shunned by the fox, Parsee told her story.

                            "Everyone here, me, Yamame, Yuugi and the Onis... We all committed something despicable..."

                            "I killed couples who did not break up on my bridge by drowning them, out of my selfish desires to find my prince charming... I counted the number of corpses I drowned in my lifetime while I was banished... I am still not done."

                            "Yamame had spread a plague that affected humans, causing rash and blisters... Yuugi caused earthquakes that uprooted their crops... That year humans died of cannibalism and starvation."

                            "We have killed 4/5th of humans in the village. This was 700 years ago. We still cannot be forgiven..."

                            Parsee's head jerked upwards. "But Satori. She took the blame for every one of us. She did not do anything wrong; her power applied fear to humans and Youkais to exile her. If anybody deserves redemption, it's Satori... Yet she carries on in the deepest of the Old Hell, never to see the daylight, never to be free from doubts and banishment... And yet she still smiles? How? I'm so jealous of her!"
                            Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 06-06-2013, 03:02 AM.


                              Entrance to the Blowhole

                              "You're right, you have more experience than I do in terms of saving the world and the likes. But you don't know local history. Your helmet is only going to get you so far in determining Gensokyo's hidden secrets.", Aya said to John.

                              "You're right, my helmet doesn't have all of the answers, but I'm merely acting on principle.", John calmly said.

                              He then turned to Reimu and calmly said, "Listen, I know you have a job to do, a very important one. All I want is for you to try to right your wrong. Parsee may have done horrible things in the past, but don't you think that you went overboard by just attacking her for absolutely no reason? Take it from me. I've fought alongside my former enemies, ones that were responsible for killing billions, if not trillions of humans. They righted their wrongs by helping us against extinction. People really do change. I admit that I don't see the whole picture when it comes to Gensokyo, but I'm merely doing what's right. Parsee is already being punished, she doesn't need you to punish her further. Doing so is just cruel. So, are you going to swallow your pride and admit that you may have been wrong. Are you going to at least apologize to Parsee?"
                              Last edited by S121; 06-06-2013, 04:35 AM.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Honolulu - Hawaii

                                As Isaac had removed the Databanks a small symbol can be seen on it.


                                Suddenly a small dark cloud of purple smoke resembling a skull leaves leaves the databank chip, and into the air. The gem on Zero's helmet which was still glowing finally stops glowing brightly as Isaac continues to work,

                                Australia - Desert

                                Commander Yammark continues to fly towards the group, suddenly Commander Yammark stops in his tracks. "Yammar Option!" Yelled the dragonfly reploid as a small army of robotic dragonflies materialize in thin air. The dragonflies then begin firing small blasts of energy at the group.

