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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Digital Portal - Osaka, Japan

    X turns to Shou. "He also used my friend Zero as a vessel to create a new type of virus called the Zero Virus, and thus in turn destroy all of humanity. If it wasn't for me and Zero humanity could have been killed in my world. Sigma was a monster... I hope no one tried to bring him into this world... if they did then who knows what kind of destruction he might cause." Said X as closes his eyes. Flashbacks of the various times Sigma tried to destroy humanity keep coming up. "We need to keep moving..." Said X in a slightly depressed tone as he kept walking forward.


      Digital Portal

      As he walked, John began prepping all of the weapons in the duffle bags. He first prepped the sniper rifle, then the RPG and anti-air missile launcher, then the GAU-16.

      It was a little bit harder to prep them while walking than to prep them while sitting.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Digital Portal - Osaka, Japan

        "I see..." Shou said. "Well, wherever he is, I hope Mr. Zero is ok."

        Test Chamber - Pentagon

        After a furious dance of blades, Arthas' Frostmourne fell from his hands. Zero's quick maneuver was too fast for Arthas to handle.
        "Dammit, I lost to a mortal?" Arthas gasped as Zero loomed over him. "I, the Lich King... lost to a mere man-made being?"
        "I shall not accept this..." Arthas grasped Zero's shoulders. "You're coming with me-"
        Arthas' curse enchantment was denied by Mr. Johanssen's shutdown. Arthas' virtual being was cut off, and the test chamber was back to its normal background: dull, gray cement walls.
        "Well done. Are you tired yet?" Mr. Johanssen asked. "You have one more battle to perform. After that, you will be free to take a break for today."


          Digital Portal - Osaka, Japan

          "I hope so too. Last I saw him he was sealing himself away to prevent another disaster." Said X as he keeps on walking.

          __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____

          Test Chamber - Pentagon

          Zero tries to stand up after his opponents defeat. His body in even worse condition now from his battle with Arthas. "I-I can keep on... fighting..." He said as he falls to one knee. His Z-Saber falls out of his hands as he struggles to stand. Letting out a slight chuckle he turns looks up at the ceiling. "I-I've been in worse c-condition before! Just bring out the n-next opponent..." Said Zero. He grabs his Z-Saber and grips it tightly. A few surges of electricity can be seen coming from the cracks in his body. Standing up again he gets ready for his next opponent.


            Digital Poptal

            John was curious about these reploids that X kept talking about.

            "So X, who created the Reploids, and why? Why would they also create those viruses?"
            Last edited by S121; 05-17-2013, 02:04 PM.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Test Chamber - Pentagon

              "Alright. Your next opponent..." Mr. Johanssen muttered, then looked at Nitori. "is her."
              "Ara, me?" Nitori asked, pointing at her in disbelief. "You mean, me?"
              "Of course." Mr. Johanssen said. "Get in the chamber. Let's see what you're made of."
              "But he's damaged, can't you see?" Nitori protested, pointing at beat-up Zero. "Don't you think it's unfair to make him fight in a state like this?"
              "Are you disobeying my order, soldier?" Mr. Johanssen glared at Nitori.
              "I agreed to help the government, not be a part of it!" Nitori refuted back. "If this is how the US Government operates, then I will not be a part of it!"
              Nitori's headstrong argument loosened Mr. Johanssen.
              "Very well." Mr. Johanssen said, looking away. "We will give him a one-hour break. You must prepare for battle too, however."

              "You will take a one-hour break, as requested by Nitori." Mr. Johanssen told Zero as he opened the chamber door. "You can go thank her on the other side of the lab, if you wish."
              Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-17-2013, 02:13 PM.


                Digital portal

                As everyone was dealing with their stuff, Renamon took her time to tracj the relays to find the Neo-Yakuza HQ. She was looking at the data hoping to find anything related to character storage or transaction.

                ("I know you are close.. just let me get in..") the fox thought while searching for the correct data until she finally got what she needed, yet it was something that made her shiver.

                It was a document of the transaction of the cat-girl she was searching for, the buyer was a high diplomat woman who paid an enormous quantity of money for the character. the shipment for the transaction was dated to just some days later of the current date.

                ("Atleast I got a lot of time to rescue her") the vixen sighed with relief and finally pinpointed a computer where a lot of Neo Yakuza data gathered below the platform she was standing..

                "Guys, I got our exit, just jump into the pit over here" Renamon said outloud preparing for the jump
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Digital Portal

                  "Dr. Cain did. He told me that one day he found me in the ruins of some old lab. He Hoped to bring mankind into a new era of robotics. One where humans, and machines can truly live side by side as equals. As such he decided to make Reploids based off my design. Though there was a problem. For some reason he couldn't analyze my systems completely. Because of that there is a flaw with the A.I. in some Reploids. Causing them to go berserk and turn against humans. Then there was the virus. A virus that causes a Reploid to go maverick. Maverick comes from the term of any Reploid or machine that goes rogue and attacks humans. Mavericks are caused by either a unrepairable short circuit in the electronic brain of a Reploid, or through the Maverick Virus. As such a group of Reploids were formed known as the Maverick Hunters. A organization dedicated to fighting Mavericks. I was part of the 17th Elite Unit along with Zero. Sigma was also once the leader of the Maverick Hunters. Well until he went Maverick at his own will. He thought that Reploids were the superior race, and decided to create his own army of Mavericks. Though me and Zero kept stopping him every time he came back. You can say that I am the great grandfather of Reploids. Though I wish I can completely meet who created me. I read about him though. Dr. Light... I wish I could have met him in person... Dr. Light was also the one who made the Falcon Armor for me. As well as various others." Said X as he lets out a small depressing sigh.


                    Digital Portal

                    Aqua looked at where the vixen had told her to jump. "That's a weird gateway".
                    She knew however that a gateway could take on any shape or form. Then she jumped
                    Born in the light.
                    Molded in the dark

                    Never Forget,
                    Keep Fighting.
                    –Don't Forget.
                    Always, somewhere,
                    someone is fighting for you.
                    –As long as you remember her,
                    you are not alone.


                      Digital Portal

                      "We actually have that same problem in my universe. After about seven years, our AIs become corrupt, otherwise known as Rampancy."

                      For a moment, John remembered Cortana, and how she was going rampant. John quickly cleared his mind, preventing him from feeling the pain of loss.

                      John heard Renamon, and followed her through.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Neo-Yakuza HQ

                        Renamon landed in a storage room, a lot of dosuments were piled around and fortunately there was no one to find.

                        "We are free, everyone, you know your places, lets do it" the fox said jumping to the ventilation system to search for the captured characters
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          Digital Portal - Osaka, Japan

                          "I'll jump in with Aqua too. Stay safe you guys!" Elis announced as she jumped into the portal.
                          "I- I'm going with John!" Yumeko shouted as she jumped into the portal after John.
                          "Then I'll have to stick with Renamon." Sara said, nudging Renamon. "We're a team now!"
                          "Well, Mr. X, whenever you are ready." Shou calmly said. "I will follow after you."

                          (I hereby give free reign over your character's Makai counterparts until Neo-Yakuza fiasco is over. Stay true to their nature though:
                          Sara: Easy-going off duty, serious on duty
                          Yumeko: Hot-tempered. Has a Tsundere attitude towards John.
                          Elis: Whimsical, fun-loving, definitely the opposite of serious Aqua.
                          Shou: The CCC: Cool, Calm and Collected. Also curvy lasers. OP.)


                            Neo-Yakuza HQ

                            John landed outside and readied the GAU-16 for battle.

                            "Get ready, everyone!"

                            Yumeko landed right beside John, hiding away her complications for the battle at hand.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Neo-Yakuza HQ

                              Both the cixen and gate keeper walked through the ventilation system, they found some barracks and offices, yet nothing related to a radio or cells.

                              "Whatever we find, we must be as hidden as possible" Renamon whispered when they found what looked like a radio room, only two agents were taking care of it.

                              "Let me handle them" Sara said as she jumped down silently and hitted the agents´ back necks knockind them down.

                              Renamon looked at the many speeches heard around, some were only little notices and others were rather strange, they were talking about a green-haired character who arrived and was sparring with an pink haired hammer user.

                              "Looks like Yuuka got in too" the fox smirked as she used her power paw on the many machines destroying them
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Neo-Yakuza HQ

                                X and Shou both ready their weapons as they entered the HQ. "Alright Shou let's get in position." He said as Shou nods. "Alright Mr. X I'll be right behind you." Replied Shou as she remains close to X.

                                Shortly after Alpha Team enters the HQ just as the others did. "What now sir?" Asked Jacob the leader of Alpha Team. "Scout the area. If you see any hostages try and get them out of here." Said X.

