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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Consumer

    While everyone was minding their own business, Koishi and Sariel secretly left while no one was looking, and were looking for a way back to the surface.

    "You'd think they would have escape pods or something, in case of emergency." Koishi said.

    "Or, they thought they would never be defeated, and thus never installed them." Sariel replied.

    "Good point." Koishi agreed.

    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


      Meanwhile, in the consumer...

      This is my vhance. I'm tired of waiting on a command... I... I shall not wait any longer!!!

      "I'm sorry, m'lord, but the green man is mine!!!"

      I charged at John with the blade facing him. I collided with him and pushed him back with his own sheild.

      "Feeling lucky now?! Because now you fight me, an angel!!! Die now!!!"


        The Consumer

        As Zommari yelled at John, John remembered what Yukari had said about fallen angels.

        ("Lucifer, the original Fallen One, was banished from the heavens by a Holy power. From that, we know that all fallen angels and demons are weak to Holy powers inherently.")

        (They are weak against Holy magic. Light and Holy are the same thing. At least I have a weapon to fight him with, but I should disengage as soon as possible. I'm possibly needed...), John thought to himself as he formed a barrier of light magic around himself.

        John's hands began to glow even more with the bluish-white light as he charged up his light magic for his attack. As soon as Zommari attacked John again, he was going to unleash a torrent of light energy.

        "So, what do we do now?", Isaac asked Koishi, only to find that she was no longer there.

        "Koishi? Sariel?", Isaac called out, trying to find them.
        Last edited by S121; 09-23-2013, 08:34 PM.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          I backed off. I saw he was charging a light attack.

          "You wouldn't dare... You wouldn't dare attack me!!!"

          I charged at him at the speed of sound.


            The Consumer

            The two walked through the halls, not really hearing Isaac's calls.

            "There needs to be SOME way off this thing." Koishi said. "They can't be THAT stupid."

            "Or, maybe they are." Sariel replied.

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


              The Consumer

              For the normal person, Zommari would be charging at the speed of sound, but for John, he saw him charging at 40 miles per hour.

              Seeing Zommari charging at him, John unleashed his attack.

              All of a sudden, a giant wall of light orbs flew straight at Zommari, quite similar to danmaku.

              (Heh, I have my inspiration...), John thought as the torrent of light energy flew towards Zommari.

              Right after John unleashed the attack, he then created two swords made out of light with his remaining energy, ready for the possibility that the wave of light orbs wouldn't stop Zommari.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                I was struck.

                "AUGH!!! You won't get away with this!!!"

                I flapped my wings, creating a tornado like wind.


                  The Consumer

                  John saw that his light orbs were slowly being repelled, so he decided to change his tactics.

                  (His wings are repelling all of the light orbs in front of him, but his wings can't cause turbulence behind him...)

                  John created an opaque mist of darkness in front of himself, obscuring his position. He then created a Corridor of Darkness and jumped into the portal.

                  All of a sudden, John appeared out of a Corridor of Darkness behind Zommari and fired off another smaller torrent of light orbs towards Zommari's back.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    The Consumer

                    Renamon was getting anxious, the situation was getting more grim for each minute passing

                    "I hope you two are ready because we got little time and our allies are in big danger at the moment" the fox said towards Domino and his comrade

                    Nera who saw the slowly growing desperation from the vixen agreed "She is right, we must act as soon as we can" she said
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      All hope was lost...

                      Or at least it seemed to be for him.

                      "Foolish mortal!"

                      I pointed at him. All of a sudden, all of the light balls collected at the base of my finger. Then, after it was collected, I fired a thin light beam at his helmet near his ear where the communicator was. The beam continued nonstop. I got up.

                      "Fool. Did you think you could defeat me with holy magic? I'm not a fallen angel. I am an angel."


                        The Consumer

                        "What is this... accursed, wretched power?" The Devourer gasped, finally feeling real threat. He bounced back to his feet and struck Ran with his purple-sheen sword. "What have you wrought?"

                        "I merely tapped on an ancient source of magic:" Ran smiled, blocking the sword by the backbone of it. "The power of Inari Okami."

                        "Comical! There is no God helping you!" The Devourer complained. He retracted the sword and continued the offense, thrusting his blade to Ran's vital organs. "There is no holy presence near you."

                        "That is because of your twisted vision." Ran leapt to the right side of the Devourer. "You see the holy power as that of sin."

                        "Do not cloud my judgment!" The Devourer growled, firing a black orb of energy. Ran sommersaulted to dodge the energy orb, which exploded behind her with a crack.

                        "How long, Yukari-sama..." Ran silently looked to Yukari.

                        "John I need you to keep holding my hands-" Yukari began, but she couldn't make contact as John flew towards the dark angel standing by the Devourer. "Goddammit."

                        'What do you mean, I died?'

                        Isn't it obvious, you simpleton? Your life. It's over. You're on the other side of the living.

                        'Stop lying to me. I feel fine. See?'

                        That is because your spirit is in enlightenment. You will receive judgment soon and head off to either the heaven, the Netherworld, or hell.

                        'Ha, I already know my destination.'

                        What do you mean?

                        Yuuka's vision, 1500 years ago

                        "Bring in the prisoner."

                        A teal-haired reaper brought in a young, green-haired Youkai to the stand. The Youkai looked dignified, glaring at the reaper as the reaper brought the Youkai down to her knees. The Youkai snarled, and faced the judge.


                        "Kazami Yuuka."



                        "I said, species."

                        "I don't know."


                        "I don't know."

                        "What do you know, then?"

                        "My name, what I'm wearing, what I had for dinner yesterday..."


                        "I had this one really good outside food called smoked ham. Apparently it's from a region called Europe."

                        "Any significant things that I should know about?"


                        "Very well. Kazami Yuuka, accused of violently murdering approximately 4000 humans without proper reason in a single day-"

                        "6000, actually."

                        "...will be sentenced to eternal imprisonment in the bottom-most prison cell in Hell, the Hell of Blazing Fire."

                        " are you holding up?"

                        "Who the hell are you?"

                        "Shikieiki Yamaxanadu, newly appointed Yama of Gensokyo."

                        "You mean that purple robe-bitch is being replaced? Oh what joy."

                        "The sentence still stands."

                        "I know. I'm to rot here for hours on end. Goddamn, it's hotter than usual. Let me take off my shirt real quick."

                        "...keep your vulgar nudity to yourself."

                        "So, why is the great Yama of Gensokyo here?"

                        "I heard that some of the most heinous criminals of Hell hailed from Gensokyo. I wanted to study you to judge the outlaws of Gensokyo better."

                        "Outlaws? Hah! You don't know shit about Gensokyo. Folks over there are the nicest. They laze about, drinking and partying, having fun."

                        "Then they will be guilty of the deadly sin of sloth."


                        "The real reason why I've come down here is to make a deal with you."

                        "A deal, you say?"

                        "Yes. I need someone to customize me into Gensokyo so that all humans and Youkais can fear my presence."

                        "What are you, a dictator?"

                        "Silence! I am merely trying to keep order to that chaotic land you came from."

                        "So you need a tour guide."

                        "It's not a tour!"

                        "Aww, shut up. Working in Gensokyo is going to be the best part of your Yama life."

                        "...will you take the deal?"

                        "What's in it for me?"

                        "I will get you out of Hell until you die once more."

                        "And what happens if I die again?"

                        "Depending on your actions, your next destination will change."

                        " if I act good, Yama-momma will give me some pat on the back, some sweet candy, and send me up to heaven."


                        "...I'm in."

                        Yuuka's vision, 500 years ago


                        "Ah, Shikieiki."

                        "That's Miss Yamaxanadu to you."

                        "Whatever. Have a seat, let me prepare some flower tea for you."

                        "I actually came by just to say this to you."

                        "What is it?"

                        "...Yuuka... I tried... so hard..."

                        "What happened?"

                        "The Ten Kings... they rejected my plea... I can't get you out of Hell..."


                        "I tried everything..."

                        "...It's fine. I wasn't hoping for it anyway."

                        Pretty sad tale.

                        'It happens.'

                        ...Tell you what. I'll grant you another chance.


                        I'll trick those Ten Kings. You'll be given a full revival.

                        'You can do that? How-'

                        I'm your alternative. I can sacrifice myself to grant you another living.

                        'Hell, that means I owe you one.'

                        Of course you do. Come on, step through this door here, and-


                          The Consumer

                          "If that's the case, then Darkness will do the trick.", John said to Zommari as he was about to create a Corridor of Darkness.

                          From behind him, he could hear Yukari speaking, but couldn't quite make out her words over the fighting in the room.

                          At that moment, John decided that it would be best to quickly disengage and get closer to Yukari to hear what she said.

                          John spun around and sprinted off towards Yukari.

                          "What did you say?", John called out to Yukari as he ran towards her.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            "A mistake only a mortal would make!!!"

                            I charged at him while his attention was towards the blonde. I pushed him outside.

                            "Space again, huh? Too bad you don't have a jetpack like your friend. Your move, mortal."

                            I charged the blade with light energy.


                              The Consumer

                              John couldn't help but smirk at what Zommari said and activated his thrusters.

                              As he flew backwards to the ship, he also created a spiked sphere of dark energy around himself and created two energy swords out of darkness.

                              John was ready to counterattack at a moment's notice, all while slowly retreating back to the ship.

                              Just as long as he could make it back into the ship's energy shields, he would be safe from all attack.
                              Last edited by S121; 09-23-2013, 10:47 PM.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                The Consumer

                                "Sariel?" Koishi started.

                                "Yes?" Sariel said.

                                "You keep going. I gotta do something." Koishi said, walking back the way they came.

                                "Like what?" Sariel asked.

                                Koishi turned her head, and made a small smile. "Gotta finish something." she then went out of Sariel's view, leaving the angel of death alone, where she sighed.

                                "She's gonna get herself killed." Sariel said.

                                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.

