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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

    Even though she was exhausted, Renamon got up and started to fight the invaders, using her diamond dust to reach the roof ones and countered the ones of the floor with power paws.

    "Come on people, they are losing their numbers" The fox said kicking an enemy on its face
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      Realm of Darkness

      After killing the Neoshadows, John turned his attention to Ansem.

      (Shields are at 80%.)

      He pulled out his rifle and began unloading a barrage of bullets.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Realm of Darkness

        The guardian blocked the shots. One of the red eyes darted towards John. It's body did not show before it was right in front of John. It then jumped for John
        Born in the light.
        Molded in the dark

        Never Forget,
        Keep Fighting.
        –Don't Forget.
        Always, somewhere,
        someone is fighting for you.
        –As long as you remember her,
        you are not alone.


          Realm of Darkness

          John slid underneath the Hunter and stood up behind it. John sprinted up the Hunter's back and began assaulting it's head.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

            "Everyone stand back, far!" Utsuho shouted. "Parsee I'll rebuild the bridge!"
            "Wait, what are you trying to-" Parsee asked, but the intention was clear as day when Utsuho's cannon reached Magnitude Mode. "Oh please no."
            Utsuho's hands marked bright, red L.

            "Nuclear Sign - Apocalypse Now!" Utsuho declared, firing a single slow, small atomic orb that came into contact with the swarm of Heartless, expanding uncontrollably until the entire army was engulfed in atomic flame. The City was surprisingly untouched.


              Realm of Darkness

              Suddenly it turns into a could of darkness again, the only thing you could see was the red glowing eyes.
              It then jumps into the air trying to shake him off. Then the ground begins to shake. On the border of the platform a big head can be seen walking towards the platform.
              Judging by the size off it 's head the whole Darkside could be as big as a mountain.

              "Looks like the Darksides found you"
              Born in the light.
              Molded in the dark

              Never Forget,
              Keep Fighting.
              –Don't Forget.
              Always, somewhere,
              someone is fighting for you.
              –As long as you remember her,
              you are not alone.


                Realm of Darkness

                John never fought an enemy this large before, but John didn't care. He was determined to live.

                John turned up his suit to full power and flew at the Darkside.

                (I am not going to enjoy this...)

                John did something truly crazy, something even Ansem would be surprised about.

                John flew into the Darkside's mouth, or at least what resembled a mouth.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

                  The sphere of nuclear power was incredibly big and Renamon instinctly ran towards the ice fairy and the bridge princess. She took both of them and hid at the back of the fussion power controller

                  "How much damage does that think does?" the fox asked
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Realm of Darkness

                    Inside of the body of the Darkside hordes of lesser Heartless formed from the darkness it was made from.
                    In addition too that blobs of darkness was being shot at John from the walls.
                    Born in the light.
                    Molded in the dark

                    Never Forget,
                    Keep Fighting.
                    –Don't Forget.
                    Always, somewhere,
                    someone is fighting for you.
                    –As long as you remember her,
                    you are not alone.


                      The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

                      X watches the scene unfold as many odd creatures are destroyed by a girl with crow wings. This girl just used nuclear fusion to attack her enemies. X then sees Renamon and two others take cover and quickly runs towards them. "Renamon what is going on here!?" He yelled in a confused tone.


                        Realm of Darkness

                        Several gap portals caught the darkness blob. But where did they go?
                        "Denied!" Yukari giggled. To her, this is just child's play.

                        Old Hell

                        "Well." Utsuho took off her goggles. The impact site was now a smoldering ground. "Strong enough to wipe them out. Don't go near the center, the radiation will kill you if you stay in the center zone for even 3 SECONDS."


                          Realm of Darkness

                          Dodging the blobs, John began looking for anything that might be giving this creature life, a heart, or a core.

                          Finally, he saw one, but was hit by a blob of darkness. John crashed into many of the Heartless below, killing many of them.

                          John got up, only to be tackled by at least ten Heartless.

                          "AARGH!", John yelled as he threw them off.

                          John pulled out his rifle and prepped it for firing danmaku. John fired at the many Heartless, killing all of the Shadows and Neoshadows around him. All of a sudden, a Hunter of Darkness jumped on top of John, knocking him to the ground.

                          <Shield Strength 47%>

                          John used all of his strength and hoisted the monster off of him.

                          He stood up and fired his rifle at the Hunter's eyes, blinding it. John then Jumped onto it's back, aimed his rifle at the base of the Hunter's skull, and fired, killing it.

                          John jumped up and reactivated his thrusters.

                          "Thanks for keeping the blobs off of me while I was down there.", John said to Yukari.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Realm of Darkness

                            "No problem." Yukari said as she gapped another thing, spouting it in front of John. "Here, a gift from Kanako."

                            It was a spell card, marking "Divine Festival - Expanded Onbashira, Easy"
                            "She saw you using Galaxy in a Pot, so she established that spell card for you."


                              Realm of Darkness

                              Ansem appears in front off John. "I remember it as you wanted to battle me? Very well then"
                              Suddenly all the darkness in the area turn to clouds and flow into the guardian. The nearest area of the Realm of Darkness was now completely empty.
                              The only things to see was the swirling of some other darkness under them, but it didn't matter because even gravity was not behaving. Everyone was just floating in their positions.
                              Born in the light.
                              Molded in the dark

                              Never Forget,
                              Keep Fighting.
                              –Don't Forget.
                              Always, somewhere,
                              someone is fighting for you.
                              –As long as you remember her,
                              you are not alone.


                                Realm of Darkness

                                "She saw you using Galaxy in a Pot, so she established that spell card for you.", Yukari said.

                                (Oh boy, a new toy.)

                                "Thank you. I'll have to thank Kanako later.", John said to Yukari.

                                John put away the spellcard and prepped the duffle bag full of grenades.

                                (The concussive force should destabilize its core, killing it in the process.)

                                John flew as fast as his thrusters could carry him. As he approached the Darkness core, John threw the duffle bag into it, pulled out his pistol, and fired at the duffle bag, causing all of the grenades to explode.

                                The force of the grenades pushed apart the core and dissipated the "heart".

                                The Darkside let out a deafening roar as its core collapsed.

                                John eventually escaped the monster's body and landed safely on the ground.

                                All of a sudden, Ansem appeared in front of John.

                                "I remember it as you wanted to battle me? Very well then.", Ansem said.

                                John felt himself begin to float in the air as dark clouds began to swirl overhead.

                                "Very well indeed. Let's finish this fight.", John said with utter determination.

                                John activated his thrusters and began to fly to Ansem's flank.
                                Last edited by S121; 06-07-2013, 02:48 PM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

