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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

    "Okay!" Utsuho whirred her machine gun-cannon around, mowing down the Heartlesses attacking the City. The Onis were able to keep them busy while Utsuho blasted them into mass of nuclear waste.
    "Rawr!" Cirno summoned a shard of ice and sliced at the guardian. It did not do a single dent.


      The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

      "Oh no!! I'm going. I found what i was looking for and I'm done here". Ansem then opened a Corridor of Darkness around him and going trough it.
      (John can follow him, but then he have to fight him in the Real of Darkness)
      Born in the light.
      Molded in the dark

      Never Forget,
      Keep Fighting.
      –Don't Forget.
      Always, somewhere,
      someone is fighting for you.
      –As long as you remember her,
      you are not alone.


        The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

        John kept a tight hold of Ansem and was sucked into the Darkness with him.

        (Here we go...), John thought to himself.

        He knew that there was no turning back. There was a chance that he might never make it back home, but such was the life of a Spartan. He was made for this.

        Preparing for the worst, John readied himself for his battle against Ansem.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Desert - Australia

          Suddenly a torrent of bullets begins taking out the shield of dragonflies around Commander Yammark. Commander Yammark tries to stop his flight path, but can't due to the amount of momentum he had gained. The bullets tear apart Commander Yammark's wings and causes him to crash into the ground heavily wounded.

          Gate of Darkness

          X had reached the other side of the gate, only for Zero to be nowhere in sight, instead he is at the end of a bridge underground. On the bridge is John and the others. His friends seem to be in the middle of the fight.

          X who is obviously confused at what happened looks at his surroundings. Trying to grasp at what just happened.


            Wilderness, Australia

            "Leave some for me, mate." Sniper told Snake as Commander Yammark fell to the ground.
            "Is he done, or is this a trap?" I asked in doubt. Sheva approached the fallen enemy to inspect him.
            "I don't know whether he's done for or not." Sheva announced. "But his wings are clipped, he most likely can't fly now."


              (Time for a bit of comedy)
              Wilderness - Australia

              Commander Yammark lies on the ground badly injured. He slowly comes to a stand and looks at Sheva. "M-Must f-finish!!!" Said Commander Yammark as he summons more dragonflies. "Fire!" He yelled as the dragonflies don't respond. "Hey I said fire you fools!" He said as the dragonflies turn towards him and begin flashing brightly. "Ah crap. I HATE YOU GA-" He yelled as the dragonflies self destructed, killing Commander Yammark in the process.

              Meanwhile Gate can be seen laughing as he watches the computer screen. "Sorry friend, but I had to. I was growing bored of you commander... but I have all I need from what I saw..." He said as the silhouettes of a Phoenix shaped Reploid and a wolf shaped Reploid can be seen behind him.

              "It's your turn Blaze Heatnix. You too Blizzard Wolfgang." Said Gate as the two reploids nod their heads. "Yes master!" They said as the leave the base.

              Off in the distance a bright fiery light can be seen, followed by an icy cold wind.


                Realm of Darkness

                It was dark, it was cold, it was unwelcoming. Beams of condensed darkness could be found to walk on, but other than that it was pretty much void.
                "Foolish person. You decide to follow me here. I do not even need to fight you. This is the home of the Heartless.
                They are already setting their eyes on you. You are the most attractive thing in this realm. A living Heart"

                Several red eyes could be seen in the darkness, but nothing more so far.
                Born in the light.
                Molded in the dark

                Never Forget,
                Keep Fighting.
                –Don't Forget.
                Always, somewhere,
                someone is fighting for you.
                –As long as you remember her,
                you are not alone.


                  Realm of Darkness

                  John knew he was in danger. He was in Ansem's world now.

                  John took a deep breath and spoke.

                  "Then they'll just have to come get me, but know this, I'm not going to die alone. This is one thing that I will not do. I'm not leaving here without you.", John said with a sort of finality in his tone.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Blowhole Entrance, Gensokyo; Shiki

                    There was a lot of commotion going on down there.

                    "Komachi, I'm going to go check it out. You stay here."

                    "Are you coming back?"

                    "What do you think?"

                    I went down to find John, Renamon, and some other people, including Okuu and Cirno.

                    "John, report! What's going on?!"

                    Danger Zone, Home Base, Nevada; Otori

                    I went back inside the danger zone for some investigation.

                    I inspected the basic enemies first. Their guns looked like that of a sub-machine gun. Of course, they wouldn't have darts. According to their physical attributes, I'd say they move rather quickly. Their aim seems to be near flawless.

                    Then I inspected the robot. I looked at it and concluded that it was an old model. The others must be making a new one. I looked at the blood puddle. Then I realized that it was just mine. Without noticing it, the glass shards from the goggles had cut me in different places. I guess there was enough adrenaline in me not to notice. The wiring seems to be flawed and the technology dates back to 2012. This thing was just waiting to die.

                    Through further investigation, I realized that an actual MAG would be devastating with it's fast speeds and powerful strength. One hit from that would likely break a bone or two. I felt sorry for Hank, having to deal with this... thing.

                    Desert, Australia; Snake

                    The dragonflies turned on him and blew him up.

                    "...Damn. Now we'll never know where he came from or who sent him."

                    I would track the location he came from, but I lost my sense of direction while fighting that thing, and every thing looks exactly the damn same. Not much difference in sand dunes.

                    "Come on. Let's head out before they deploy more."

                    Base 2, Australia; Volgin

                    I saw what happened to the last deployment.

                    "So. You send out a metal gear, and when it's defeated you blow it up? You're smart, keeping our location secret. Snake would have followed it here. Not only that, when one fails, you send out another? You seem to have experience."

                    I walked back to my office.

                    "But know this. Even though you are a smart tactician, it means nothing if the target isn't neutralized."

                    I went back to my office. I went over to a hand print identification device on the wall and activated it. I went inside and saw the answers to my prayers:

                    The recreation of the Shagohod at my command.


                      Realm of Darkness

                      "Depends on what you mean by me". Several Shadows jump onto John from the ground. These where different from the other ones tough. They were just as high as him.
                      "Those are the smallest ones"
                      Born in the light.
                      Molded in the dark

                      Never Forget,
                      Keep Fighting.
                      –Don't Forget.
                      Always, somewhere,
                      someone is fighting for you.
                      –As long as you remember her,
                      you are not alone.


                        The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

                        "John! Report!" was heard from the entrance of the blowhole, echoing all the way down to the bridge.
                        "Yamada!" Parsee looked to find Shikieiki and Komachi standing at the entrance. "The armored cyborg was abducted by a strange old man to somewhere I don't know."
                        "I got this one." was heard from somewhere... or everywhere... or nowhere at all...

                        Realm of Darkness

                        A gap appeared on the surface of John, sucking the shadows in and spouting them back out to where they came from.
                        "Jeez that gave me goosebumps, carrying shadows. And here I was thinking carrying people around was creepy."



                          Blowhole Entrance, Gensokyo (Shikieiki's Communicator)

                          Shikieiki tried to contact John, but there was only static. She could barely make out John's voice.

                          "Then they'll *shhhh* have to come get me, *shh* know this, *shhh* not going to die alone. This *shhh* one thing that I will not do. *shhhh* not leaving here without you."

                          Realm of Darkness

                          John quickly dispatched the Shadows by tossing them off and killing them by stomping on them.

                          John then looked at Ansem.

                          "Like I said, I'm not leaving here without you."

                          All of a sudden, Yukari appeared.

                          "I think I want to hug you right now.", John jokingly said to Yukari.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Base 1 - Australia

                            "They are not Metal Gears. They are Reploids. Androids with highly advanced artificial intelligence, enabling them to think and act upon their own decisions like any normal human. I just programmed them to obey me. Also do not worry, these first few are collecting data as well as trying to stop them." Said Gate as he turns to his computer.

                            A evil grin comes over his face as he watches Blizzard Wolfgang, and Blaze Heatnix approach the group rapidly.

                            "Even if they do not succeed, my ultimate creation will take care of them..." Said Gate as the screen he is looking at switches to blueprints that look like... Zero?

                            ((I will be introducing the copy of Zero called Nightmare Zero from X6. He is nearly a perfect copy of Zero in terms of skill and power, but his personality is unstable as is his mentality. Though in this RP Nightmare Zero has been upgraded to be more stable. Also Gate's screen is in his personal lab in the base. It is roughly a quarter the size of the wall.)


                              Realm of Darkness

                              "Do remember that those are the weakest. The stronger ones will soon come out. In fact the hunters of the dark is already eying you."
                              Ansem pointed at several red glowing eyes in the darkness. Then the Neoshadows came. They were at least twice the size off John. Coming in numbers of over 50.
                              Ansem looked amused.
                              Born in the light.
                              Molded in the dark

                              Never Forget,
                              Keep Fighting.
                              –Don't Forget.
                              Always, somewhere,
                              someone is fighting for you.
                              –As long as you remember her,
                              you are not alone.


                                Realm of Darkness

                                John pulled out his gun and got to work on the Neoshadows. The bullets pierced multiple enemies as it traveled, making John's job easier.

                                He then turned his gun at Ansem and fired a shot at him.

                                "You won't kill me that easily!", John yelled at Ansem as he began pummeling the Neoshadows with his fists, launching them with each blow.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

