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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Bamboo Forest of the Lost

    "I dunno. But I would watch my back if I were you. Word has it that there are two terrifying beasts living here. One of them is a werewolf youkai, that can eat and create history. There is also a phoenix youkai, who can manipulate the flames. Worst of all... she's immortal.", Komachi said

    "Then we'll just have to be on our toes.", John said in a calm tone.

    John was quickly adapting to the many surprises of Gansokyo. There was very little that would surprise him now.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Bamboo Forest of the Lost

      "Tell me..." Wriggle asked the unknown human. "Why are you carrying the Yakitori stand again?"
      "So I can sell Yakitori to those visitors outside, why else?" The unknown human laughed. "It's called business. Go ask Mystia, she can teach you a thing or two about Capitalism."
      "Not interested!" Wriggle dismissed the argument as the visitors came into view. "There they are."


        Bamboo Forest of the Lost

        John saw two dots on his radar, so he approached them.

        "Hello, do you guys know where Eintei is?"

        John then saw Wriggle.

        "So you're Yuuka's friend, Wriggle, right?", John asked.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Bamboo Forest of the Lost

          "Oh, yo what's up!" Wriggle greeted John, her black cape fluttering in the dark, followed by several fireflies floating around her.
          "Eientei?" The unknown human spat her cigarette. "Why do you want to go there?"


            Bamboo Forest of the Lost, Gensokyo; Komachi

            Hmph. I guess he's seen too much of our little land.

            "Okay, you win. I'm talking about Keine and Mokou. Keine, the werewolf, is a history teacher in the human village, and Mokou, is, well, immortal and a fire manipulator. Is there nothing you're afraid of?"

            Underground Base, Base 2, Australia; Volgin

            "What? Who are you!"

            I prepared my volts and bullets.


              Bamboo Forest of the Lost

              "Okay, you win. I'm talking about Keine and Mokou. Keine, the werewolf, is a history teacher in the human village, and Mokou, is, well, immortal and a fire manipulator. Is there nothing you're afraid of?", Komachi asked.

              "There are things I'm afraid of. In fact, I was a little afraid of that dragon we fought. The thing is, I don't let my fear control me. I simply acknowledge that I'm afraid, then put it aside.", John said to Komachi.

              "Why do you want to go there?", the girl with red pants asked.

              "We need something from there. The bridge in Old Hell was destroyed."
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Underground Base, Base 2, Australia

                "Oh sorry, I'm ... I'm With the organization"
                Last edited by Katrix; 06-11-2013, 05:56 PM.
                Born in the light.
                Molded in the dark

                Never Forget,
                Keep Fighting.
                –Don't Forget.
                Always, somewhere,
                someone is fighting for you.
                –As long as you remember her,
                you are not alone.


                  Bamboo Forest of the LOST

                  "Old Hell?" The unknown human lit another cigarette. One thing to note is that the human lit the cigarette with her fingertip, which was bright red, engulfed in fire. "The fuck happened there?"
                  "Ah, I heard about this. That one Hashihime named Parsee had a bridge... What happened to it?" Wriggle acknowledged the bridge, and inquired.
                  Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 06-11-2013, 05:42 PM.


                    Underground Base, Base 2, Australia; Volgin

                    "Ah, the Organization."

                    I lowered my guard.

                    "You're the so-called allies of the Neo-Yakuza. I never really cared for the organization. I only have the goal of creating the most powerful army, allies or not."


                      Bamboo Forest of the Lost

                      "Some evil video game Characters attacked Old Hell. We scared them off, but during the fight, the bridge was destroyed.", John replied.

                      He then looked at the mysterious girl's fingers as they began to glow.

                      "I take it that your name is Mokou.", John said.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Bamboo Forest of the Lost

                        "Yours truly." Mokou answered. "Also, evil Characters? Didn't you get abducted by those Chatacters as well, Wriggle?"
                        "Never will that happen again." Wriggle put on a smug as she took a gin from the Yakitori stand. "How much is this?"
                        "Those sons of bitches, if I had my way I would burn those bastards into crisps like my new crispy fried chicken." Mokou swore. "Oh, that, uh take it. 's on me."
                        "Thanks." Wriggle said. "Well, Mokou and I can guide you through the forest and back, don't worry too much."
                        "Don't you have that firefly performance to do today?" Mokou asked.
                        "Not today. Yuuka's not in the Garden." Wriggle answered as she opened the bottle and drank from it. It was weird to see a tomboyish-looking girl, looking like a teenager, would be drinking such a strong liquor.


                          Underground Base, Base 2, Australia

                          "We only care about reaching our own goal too.
                          We still care for Neo-Yakuza tough"
                          Born in the light.
                          Molded in the dark

                          Never Forget,
                          Keep Fighting.
                          –Don't Forget.
                          Always, somewhere,
                          someone is fighting for you.
                          –As long as you remember her,
                          you are not alone.


                            "Well, your a saint. They call me a stray dog because I focus on my own motives. That's why..."

                            Dramatic pause...

                            "...they detached themselves from us officially."


                              Bamboo Forest of the Lost

                              "...Not today. Yuuka's not in the Garden." Wriggle answered as she opened the bottle and drank from it.

                              "Umm, aren't you a little-... Nevermind.", John said.

                              John forgot that people were not as young as they seemed here.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Underground Base, Base 2, Australia

                                "Then we have to make sure to mend that wound.
                                Remember you are part of something much greater"
                                Born in the light.
                                Molded in the dark

                                Never Forget,
                                Keep Fighting.
                                –Don't Forget.
                                Always, somewhere,
                                someone is fighting for you.
                                –As long as you remember her,
                                you are not alone.

