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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Palace of the Earth Spirits

    Hearing the soldierīs emotional break gave some sadness to Renamon, but also it gave anger to her.

    Not saying a word, the fox took the soldierīs chest and pulled him se he could be at eye-level to the vixen "Then stop thinking of her loss and think of why she sacrificed her life, I have seen the ones I love die in front of my eyes and couldnīt help them at all, I have the memories of their deaths vividly on my mind. Life is like a flame, if you are negative and keep mourning, the flame will be weak and can easily be gone, but if you move on and regain your spirit, the flame will not only go back to its strength, it will get stronger as you let those shackles free of you"

    The vixen let go of the spartan as she felt a tear appearing on her eye and she took it off and started following Orin "Come on John, we got a friend to save"
    Last edited by Kristia; 06-04-2013, 01:24 AM.
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      Outskirts - Hawaii

      Zero pays no heed to Hina's warning and continues to fight. As he does a large surge of electricity courses through his head, causing him to fall to his knees screaming in pain. A bright purple light emanating from the gem on his helmet.


        Palace of the Earth Spirits

        "Come on John, we got a friend to save."

        John remained silent.

        (I don't want to forget Cortana, but her memory kills me.)

        John watched as Renamon began to follow Orin.

        (I can't keep going, but without Renamon having someone looking out for her, she will die. Then, I'll truly lose what I was trying to protect. I can't be like this. If I am, then there's a greater chance that one of us will die...)

        John forced himself to calm down, then began following as well.

        Honolulu - Hawaii

        Isaac saw more enemies approaching, so he pulled out his Javelin gun.

        Isaac fired into the center of the swarm and activated the weapon's secondary function. Electricity coursed through the group of enemies and just as fast as it started, it ended with an explosion, causing everything caught in the blast to die.

        Isaac then turned his head over to CAIN.

        "I'm not a soldier, I'm an engineer!", Isaac exclaimed in triumph as body parts flew in different directions.
        Last edited by S121; 06-04-2013, 01:42 AM.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Honolulu, Hawaii

          "Leave some for me, Engineer!" CAIN mocked as Nitori hopped onto a wrecked car. "This is how real soldiers operate!"
          CAIN started firing micro grenades: small explosives about the size of a ping-pong ball. The explosives were small, but you know what they say, smaller peppers are spicier. Each of the ping-pong ball explosives caught 4 to 5 nobodies, blasting them into chunks of rotten meat.
          "YEEEAH!" CAIN was uncontrollably ecstatic.

          Old Hell - Passage to Hell of Blazing Fire

          "Go through this tunnel." Orin noticed the rest of the party approach her. "You will have to bear the heat: it's fiery in there. Also, your corpse burns to ashes in there, so I can't collect your corpse and turn you into spirits in case you do die. I'm sorry in advance."
          "Orin, you say that every time someone goes in there, but they all come out alive." Yuuka smiled. "Drop the theatric act."
          "I would, if Okuu wasn't so angry." Orin pouted.


            Honolulu - Hawaii

            "Verry well. We will leave, as long as you promise to keep that drive safe." Xehanort turns away from the Auditor. "We'll met again and then we will see who the stronger one is." Then all the members of the exception off Master Xehanort withered away. Xehanort then walked trough a Corridor of Darkness to his room.

            When he arrived at his room he used some time to prepare himself for acting hysterical. When he finally was ready he started screaming as if he just had woken up. "Oh my, what happened? Why... Why... Is this a dream... Please tell me it's a dream"
            Born in the light.
            Molded in the dark

            Never Forget,
            Keep Fighting.
            –Don't Forget.
            Always, somewhere,
            someone is fighting for you.
            –As long as you remember her,
            you are not alone.


              Old Hell - Passage to Hell of Blazing Fire

              John felt angry at himself for being weak when he needed to be strong. He knew that once they met Utsuho, he would need to be strong, not just for his sake, but for those around him.

              "Then stop thinking of her loss and think of why she sacrificed her life...", Renamon's words echoed in his head.

              (It was my job to take care of you.)

              "We were supposed to take care of each other..and we did!", Cortana's voice then flowed into his mind.

              (Cortana... She sacrificed save me. She died, so that I could live... Would she want me to be like this? No... I can't break now, I've come too far to do so. I won't break.
              I won't let her down... I promise.)

              Despite the fact that John was still in pain from Cortana's death, he knew that she would not want him to slowly kill himself from the inside. She would want him to remain strong. She would want him to be happy. She would want him to not just survive, but to live! Upon this realization, John's will had been fortified, and his resolve had been reforged into something much stronger than before.

              (Cortana, this one's for you.)

              "Come on John, we got a friend to save.", Renamon's words echoed once more.

              (Yes. Yes we do.)

              Right before everyone entered the Hell of Blazing Fires, John stopped and began to speak with a new sense of resolve in his tone.

              "I'm sorry. I apologize for what happened in the palace. As a Spartan, I am not supposed to show weakness. It is unbefitting of a Spartan and I was trained better than that. I was so afraid of losing you guys that I would have rather died alone than to face that possibility. I'm sorry for breaking down, especially at a time like this. I won't let it happen again."

              Honolulu, Hawaii

              Upon seeing the enemies explode into nothingness, Isaac decided to take his brutality to the next level.

              Isaac flew up into the air and soared through the battlefield with his Pulse Rifle, mowing down everything in his path.

              He used his Kenesis Module to throw enemies into each other and at one point, began using his Module to crush his enemies with a nearby car.
              Last edited by S121; 06-04-2013, 04:14 AM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Outskirts - Hawaii

                Xigbar materialize a few meters away from Zero. "Ah, so you're that fighting robot that everybody keeps talking about. As if.
                I think that even one off Vexen's replicas could have done better than that, and to tear your own arm off. That's just bad. And beside you know they'll just keep coming."

                The normal Nobodies clear away from Zero allowing the Snipers to take their place. "See you tomorrow" . Xigbar then begins to shoot with his Arrowguns into the air above him. When the bullets travel for about one meter they vanish into a gap that leads right to above Zero, causing all the bullets Xigbar shoots to come for him from above. While Xigbar is shooting the Snipers also help a little.
                Born in the light.
                Molded in the dark

                Never Forget,
                Keep Fighting.
                –Don't Forget.
                Always, somewhere,
                someone is fighting for you.
                –As long as you remember her,
                you are not alone.


                  Outskirts - Hawaii

                  Zero looks over at Xigbar. "I'm Zero, my sole purpose is to DESTROY!!!" He yelled as he attempts to charge at Xigbar. Only for a large barrage of light arrows to rain down above him, and from multiple directions from the Snipers.

                  Zero screams in pain as the arrows pierce through his body, leaving many holes in his body. He tries to fire his Z-Buster, but it gets damaged from the light arrows and explodes, severing his remaining arm at the elbow. An arrow hits him in the side of the head, causing him to lock up completely. His eyes reverting back to their normal color. He tries to move his body, but due to the extensive damage to his entire body he is unable.

                  One final arrow pierces through his stomach, hitting his fuel cells, causing one more massive explosion resulting the complete destruction of the lower half of his body. Zero falls to the ground, his body a complete wreck. His vision fades to black as he watches Xigbar.

                  Zero's body has been destroyed once more.
                  Last edited by NeoFox; 06-04-2013, 04:54 AM.



                    Suddenly, one by one, the Nobodies started to fall suddenly, engulfed in black flame then exploded from the inside out. The legions of the nobodies fell like rain, exploding into black flame as hundreds of ATP Agents moved in to take out the rest of the straggler nobodies. The Auditor sighed.

                    "ATPs, turn off the drive." The Auditor ordered, the ATPs complying.

                    "My plans are not over yet." The Auditor said to himself, pulling out two dark blades, and jumping down, slashing through the nobodies without a scratch as the beam started to falter, the sky turning black.

                    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                      Outskirts - Hawaii

                      "What a dull, useless robot. I guess it wasn't meant to destroy things after all". Xigbar then disappeared alongside his Snipers.

                      Suddenly a Huge Twilight Thorn appears in front of Isaac, waiting for his reaction.
                      Last edited by Katrix; 06-04-2013, 12:16 PM.
                      Born in the light.
                      Molded in the dark

                      Never Forget,
                      Keep Fighting.
                      –Don't Forget.
                      Always, somewhere,
                      someone is fighting for you.
                      –As long as you remember her,
                      you are not alone.


                        Passage to the Hell of Blazing Fire, Old Hell; Shiki

                        I saw through John's breakdown. He lost someone precious to him. My question is...

                        Is she alive? Not in his world, but somewhere on earth. Otori told me certain cases where some people who died in their respective video game are still alive on earth.

                        "Uh, hey, John. You lost someone close to you, didn't you? Well, I'm not suggesting anything, but... that person may still be alive on earth. It's a possibility, but... I wanted to tell you in case you wanted to talk to her at least one last time before you go back to your own world."

                        House, Nevada; Otori

                        "You don't plan on destroying it?" Jesus said.

                        "What? No, I won't. I'll try and use it for myself in order to restore order in my world; in order to return characters to their own worlds. And if I can't do that, then at least I'll be of use to my friends."

                        Middle of Nowhere, Australia; Snake

                        "Hey, it's almost time to head out. We have about an hour left, so be prepared."

                        Now might also be the perfect time for the enemies to make a last assault before the satellite goes out of range. We need to be prepared for that as well.

                        Base 2, Australia; Volgin

                        The snake that got away...

                        "Hey! Where are they?"

                        "They are in the middle of the desert. They were headed somewhere, but then they stopped. One conclusion is that they are out of gas."

                        "Then why are they still there?"

                        "Another possible chance is that they are planning an assault."

                        "Never-mind what he's doing! We need to capture him before we lose track of him. Send another squad to soften them up!"

                        "But sir-"

                        I looked at him deeply with a glance that could pressurize anyone into telling me what I want to hear.

                        "Are you defying a direct order?"

                        I began showing my electricity.

                        "Uh, no sir! I'll prepare the squadron immediately!"

                        See that? Exactly what I wanted to hear.


                          Hotel - Hawaii

                          Dante had fought through a seemingly endless amount of Nobodies. As soon as he gets out of the Hotel he watches on as the Nobodies... flee? "Hey what gives? Suddenly you attack then just flee? That's no fun. Hell you all weren't even a challenge!" Yelled Dante as he sheathes the Rebellion again, getting ready to go back into the hotel. "Thank god no one got hurt though. Would have been a pain if I had to carry someone to the hospital..." He said as he walks back into the main lobby.
                          Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                            (Time to introduce a villain I have been wanting to introduce for a while now. Well kinda.)

                            In the sky - Outskirts of Hawaii

                            A small yellow robot with tentacles resembling strands of DNA hover in the skies above Zero's body. The robot recording the scene live, broadcasting it to a computer in Australia. In a old building in the middle of the desert in Australia a Reploid in a lab-coat looks at the computer screen, a smile comes over this man's face as he sees Zero's destroyed body.

                            "Interesting. Looks like the legendary Reploid has fell once more..." Said the Reploid as he pushes a button on his computer, causing a hologram of him to appear in front yellow robot in Hawaii. "Retrieve any pieces of Zero, and bring them back here. I wish to use them in my new project." Said the Reploid as the yellow robot salutes to gate. Quickly flying down and using it's tentacles to grab an odd computer chip laying on the ground. The yellow robot turns to Hina, looking at her with it's single eye.

                            The robot quickly fires a small blue orb at the ground in front of Hina, creating a large cloud of dust. As the dust disappears the machine is nowhere to be seen.


                              Hotel Lobby, Hawaii

                              Dante stopped as he felt a large presence near the hotel. Without a second thought he smiles as he runs out of the lobby, and towards the presence he felt. Only to find the man from earlier, and a larger one of those things. "Ah I see why all the others fled now... looks like Daddy wanted to come out to play!" He said in a joking tone as he looks at Isaac. "You again? Don't you think this thing is a little out of your league?" Said Dante as he points at the large creature.

                              "Whatever. I don't care, I'm just going to cut this thing into a million pieces!" He said as he flies toward the Twilight Thorn, his Rebellion in his hand attempting to stab his blade into the creature's leg.
                              Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                                Passage to the Hell of Blazing Fires

                                "Uh, hey, John. You lost someone close to you, didn't you? Well, I'm not suggesting anything, but... that person may still be alive on earth. It's a possibility, but... I wanted to tell you in case you wanted to talk to her at least one last time before you go back to your own world.", Shikieiki said.

                                John looked at Shikieiki and said, "Not even a supercomputer in this time could contain her. It would take a computer from my timeline, either a starship's computer or my suit has that capability."

                                Honolulu, Hawaii

                                Isaac saw the Twilight Thorn in front of him and used his Stasis Module immediately.

                                (Sh*t! First Necromorphs, now interdemensional monsters! Time for the heavy weapons!)

                                Isaac then pulled out his C99 Supercollider Contact Beam, charged it up, and fired at the Twilight Thorn's thin shoulder joint.

                                "You again? Don't you think this thing is a little out of your league?", Dante shouted.

                                "I've fought an entire moon before!", Isaac shouted as he flew upward.
                                Last edited by S121; 06-04-2013, 10:49 AM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

