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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Closet - Flandre's Room - SDM

    John started thinking of ways to deal with this girl.

    (I can't kill her, or else everyone will attack me. I'll have to use non-lethal force. Perhaps if I hit her in the temples... that should knock her out, or at least stun her. From there, I could try to dislocate her shoulders, leaving her defenseless. No no, I can't do that! That would be cruel. Maybe if I use it as a last resort...)
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      SDM, Gensokyo; Komachi

      "I wouldn't have it any other way!" I said as I dodged the danmakus.

      Geez, dodging Flan's danmakus were hard, but fun.

      "Alright, Flan! Dodge these and you get to keep them. 'Throw away yesterday's money!'"

      I summoned a bunch of coins as danmaku. While Flan was being surrounded, I managed to escape outside. I came back through to the entrance and flew by Sakuya, who was screaming at me.

      "Komachi! What's going on?!"

      "Playin' tag with Flan!"

      I flew into her room. "Alright. I'm safe here."

      I hid under her bed. I saw a green piece of metal from her closet. It looked like John's armor.

      "Oh, John. It seems she got you. Don't worry. I'll take you to Shiki-sama once this is all over."


        Closet - Flandre's Room - SDM

        John saw Komachi hide underneath Flandre's bed.

        (SH*T, SH*T, SH*T!!!)

        John set his overshields to their maximum setting and got ready for a rough fight.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Scarlet Devil Mansion Basement

          Flandre saw Komachi enter the basement in the amidst of coins.
          "I'm going to get you!" Flandre shouted, in her own cute but dangerous way. "I know you're in there!"


            Closet - Flandre's Room - SDM

            "I know you're in there!"

            John's heart jumped a little. He has never fought a person with so much destructive power, but he was determined to stay alive, no matter the cost.

            John steeled himself for his confrontation with the little girl.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Scarlet Devil Mansion Basement

              Flandre entered the basement to find a bulging closet.
              "It's too obvious!" Flandre happily shouted as she knocked the closet over, overthrowing John and Komachi inside.
              "Yay, two birds with one stone!" Flandre smiled, but then frowned. "Hmm, it's going to be too hard trying to tag both of you..."
              A light bulb inside Flandre turned on. "I know! I'll use this!"
              From Flandre's palm, a spell card was formed. "Taboo - Four of a Kind!"
              Flandre formed 3 clones of herself, each with their own colorful wings.
              "Now we can play!" Flandre beamed, and all four Flandres, smiling wickedly, dove straight for John and Komachi, their arms outstretched for a... hug?


                Um..., Nevada; Otori

                I was picked up and put in the motorcycle. But I could only see that much.

                Now I was in a pitch black room. I could see nothing.

                All of a sudden, a little ragged boy showed up.

                It was me. When I was a little boy.

                "Well, do you like the life you're living?"

                "Ah... yes. I do."

                "Good. We've lived a rough life over the years. Being beat up, shooting others defenseless, it was a good life, but never paradise. Now look at you. You're living in a paradise. But answer me this again: have you lived a good life?"

                "I... I don't know."

                "You work for an organization that lied to you the entire time. You've fought things from giant bugs to crazy clowns. You even gave up your life to save a girl you were assigned to protect. That may have been a heroic thing to do, but was it really for her sake? Or did you do it for another reason?"

                "... I... I know that my life so far has been nothing but a bunch of ups and downs... but that doesn't matter! While my life hasn't been fair, I liked those days! I met a bunch of nice people, had a lot of thrilling experiences, and even got the thrill back of betraying someone that's lied to me. So even if life's been a pain in the ass... that pain is mine! And I don't want to give up my life for another. I like the one I have now! And that is what makes my life good. Not how fair it's been, but how I lived that life."

                "...Hmph. Good answer. I think it's about time to wake up before they abandon you."


                  SDM, Gensokyo; Komachi

                  She dove at me with a hug.

                  "Alright, you got us. Oh look, John, you're alive after all!"


                    Scarlet Devil Mansion Basement

                    John stopped for a moment.

                    "All you have to do is touch me. No danmaku. I don't even know how to shoot it.", John said, hoping to resolve this peacefully.

                    John was relieved that all the clone did was hug him.

                    "I lose."
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Scarlet Devil Mansion Basement

                      "I know! I just want to give you a hug!" Flandre announced as her clones disappear. The real Flandre was already at John's vicinity, her arms wrapped around John's armor suit as she gave him a hug. "Yay! You're it!"


                        "Okay, John! I'll make it easy on you and not fly. But..."

                        I took off running again. This was fun. I bet John's got his mind off of whatever made him sad.

                        I found Hank. "Oh... Hey, Hank... Wutcha doin?" I said in between pants.


                          Scarlet Devil Mansion Basement

                          "Yay! You're it!"

                          (That wasn't so bad.)

                          John got up and spoke to Flandre.

                          "Okay, now you go hide, and I'll try to find you."

                          Little did anyone know, John had a radar.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Scarlet Devil Mansion Basement

                            "Okay!" Flandre shouted, leaving the basement. "But no tag-backs!"



                              John walked through the halls, tracking everybody with his radar. He saw little blue dots moving around, then staying still.

                              (Let's go hunting...)

                              John continued his prowl.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Nevada; Otori
                                I woke up with a gasp.

                                "God! That heat can sure get to someone!"

                                I looked around to see Sanford and Deimos.

                                "... How long has it been? Feels like an eternity."

