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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Yukari's Resort

    "I see. Hey, John, can you run over to the hotel and get me a wheel chair? I'm starving.", Huey said.

    "No problem!", John said as he stood up.

    "Later Renamon.", John said as he ran inside to put on his armor.

    ...5 Minutes Later...

    John ran out of the house and towards the hotel.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Waikiki Beach

      "The ocean makes me feel the nostalgia all over again..." Murasa smiled as the two were skipping stones while waling back to Yukari's Resort. Rumia's stone went pretty far, while Murasa's sank like a rock... Get it?
      "I bet you want to sink that ship over there." Rumia pointed at a yacht.
      "No... I suppress my desires now." Murasa giggled. "I only sink ships once in a while to keep my status as a drowned ghost."
      "I want you to sink my ship, if you catch my drift."
      "Shut up, everybody knows you're not futa from the way you dress, you whore."
      "You shut up!"


        Hotel - Honolulu, Hawaii

        John was sprinting very fast. He was moving at 60 mph.

        John stopped in front of the hotel and walked inside.

        From there, John bought one of the wheelchairs and took it outside.

        In order to run without the chair impeding his speed, John held the wheelchair to his chest, then shot off again, towards the beach.

        Waikiki Beach

        John stopped in front of the Pupa and placed the wheelchair down.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          "Thank you. Now stand back."

          I lowered the Pupa's head and opened the pod. I crawled out and sat on the wheelchair.

          "Well, this is what I am. Controlling that giant thing was little old me. You're kinda big in person. Now then, mind if I come inside?"


            Waikiki Beach

            "Well, this is what I am. Controlling that giant thing was little old me. You're kinda big in person. Now then, mind if I come inside?"

            "Not at all. Let's go.", John said.

            Just then, John saw Rumia and another person in the distance.

            "On second thought, go on without me. The door is unlocked.", John said as he waved at Rumia.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



              I went inside. "Now then... Where is the kitchen?"

              After some time I found it. I found a carton of eggs nearby. I decided to make myself an omelet.

              "Bon apetite."


                Waikiki Beach

                Rumia waved back at John as she went to him. Murasa followed.
                "Hey, how did the sparring go?" Rumia smiled, her hands carryimg heavy amounts of clothes that she bought... Ok, just kidding, Murasa bought them for Rumia.


                  Waikiki Beach

                  "Hey, how did the sparring go?" Rumia smiled.

                  "I'll just say that killing and maiming is my expertise, not sparring.", John said.

                  John then looked over to the person next to Rumia.

                  "A friend of yours?", John asked Rumia.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Waikiki Beach

                    "John, meet Murasa, world-class DJ and house artist." Rumia introduced as Murasa made a hand gesture resembling the 'rock-n-roll' symbol. "She can totally sink your ship."
                    "Enough with the ship sinking innuendo already." Murasa sighed. "It wasn't funny to begin with."
                    "Fine whatever." Rumia pouted. "She's staying over for tonight."


                      Waikiki Beach

                      "She's staying over for tonight.", Rumia said.

                      "Sink my ship? How's that an innuendo?", John asked in a confused tone.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Waikiki Beach

                        "If you didn't get it the first time you won't get it." Murasa grasped her head as if she's having a headache. "It's a Gensokyo-specific thing."
                        "Come on guys let's go eat lunch early today." Rumia suggested, shoulder-hugging John. (Ex-Rumia is tall)


                          Waikiki Beach

                          "Come on guys let's go eat lunch early today." Rumia suggested, shoulder-hugging John.

                          "Oh, one more thing. A man named Huey is in the resort, so don't freak out when you see him.", John said as they walked towards the resort.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Yukari's Resort

                            Rumia opened the patio door to find a man in a wheelchair eating omelet.
                            "Oh." Rumia stared. "So you weren't joking."
                            "Yukari really is rolling in dough, affording a freaking penthouse like this." Murasa marveled at the house, walking around. "Man, and I thought I had a lo of money from making music."


                              A woman came in.

                              "Huh? Oh, hello there. Who might you two be?"


                                Yukari's Resort

                                "Stop acting like you're the host." Rumia said. "My name is Rumia, and I own this resort."
                                "Well, technically, Yukari still owns it." Murasa argued as she laid down on the couch.
                                "Yeah, well, but still." Rumia dismissed the argument with nonsensical rebuttal. "I'm going to try these new outfit out. I hope they're not too small."
                                "You mean, you actually didn't check what size you need to wear?"
                                "I need to buy larger size or otherwise it'll be too tight around the chest area." Rumia frowned. "You never had any problem like that."
                                "Yeah, yeah, I'm flat as a flat-screen TV, yadda yadda."

