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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Yukari's Resort

    "All I know is that they are ruthlessly strong." Yukari said. "From what I have read, the Devourer and its army grows stronger as they "eat" more worlds. Seeing that the prophecy is about 1600 years old, who knows how powerful they are?"


      Yukari´s resort

      "Then, we need to get ready, but first you need some rest, you are barely awake, also can I ask you something? Renamon asked
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Yukari's Resort

        "Are they strong enough to survive the NOVA bomb?", John asked Yukari.

        "I have a plan on how to at least severely weaken them before they reach Earth. The NOVA bomb is a fusion bomb that has a yield of 1.2 petatons of energy. It's strong enough to destroy planets and will heavily damage their fleet, if not outright kill them all. The best part is, I know how to build one. Spartans are trained to know about every one of the UNSC's weapons. If the bomb is too strong, then we can make a much weaker version."
        Last edited by S121; 06-27-2013, 01:54 AM.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Yukari´s resort

          "I hope you are planning that as a last resort idea John" Renamon said trying not to think of using nuclear explosives

          "Also, these alien creatures are related with darkness and light, then there must be an advantage we can use with those elements and their combined version" the fox suggested
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            Yukari´s Resort

            "Also, these alien creatures are related with darkness and light, then there must be an advantage we can use with those elements and their combined version.", Renamon suggested.

            "Then I'll have to train with light as well. The only problem is, we don't know anyone that uses light.", John said.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Yukari´s resort

              John´s words made Renamon chuckle "I can help you with light energy John, that is if you are willing to do it" she suggested to him
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Yukari's Resort

                "Yeah... I don't know how strong these guys are going to be." Yukari smiled nervously. "I have a bad feeling that it might not be enough to absolutely annihilate everything."

                Unknown Dimension

                "How long until we get to Earth?"
                "3... Maybe 4 months, sir."
                "Step to it, then."
                "Yes sir."

                "Where was the prophecy located on Earth?"
                "It was a small Japanese realm called Gensokyo, sir."
                "Gensokyo? That'll make things a bit more troublesome."
                "Why is that so, sir?"
                "Gensoky is full of arcane beings and superhumans. They would definitely prepare for a defend."

                "Of course, their efforts will be futile. As long as I stand, my ship stands. As long as my ship stands, my army stands. And as long as my army stands, I stand. This is the perfection that our army has. None shall stand against the Devourer."


                  Yukari's Resort

                  "I have a bad feeling that it might not be enough to absolutely annihilate everything.", Yukari said.

                  "But it's a start. All we need to do is board their flagship, plant the bomb, and detonate it. Their exterior might be indestructible, but their innards wont be. If they lose their command, then they'll be disorganized.", John said.

                  "I'll even volunteer to plant the bomb. I've gone on missions like these before."

                  (Suicide missions,... my specialty.)

                  "I can help you with light energy John, that is if you are willing to do it.", Renamon said.

                  "More than willing.", John said.
                  Last edited by S121; 06-27-2013, 10:29 AM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Yukari´s resort
                    "alright then, just tell me whenever you want to start, but let me deal with something first" the fox said
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Test Lane, Hawaii; Huey

                      "Whoa! Would ya look at that! Alright, next test is the machine gun test. You have to eliminate the oncoming targets. Remember: Be flashy!"

                      A bunch of targets appeared.

                      Plane Station, Hawaii; Komachi

                      "An hour, huh? Well, I guess... Hey, tell me about the toughest demon you fought. I'm interested."


                        Room 509

                        "Well uh... I don't know where to go Yuyuko..." Said Axl as he sat down on the bed and begins thinking. "I just don't know..."


                          Airport, Hawaii, Honolulu

                          "Toughest demon? Well how about the king of the demon world Mundus? Though I did manage to defeat him thanks to the power of my father's blade. Though I'm pretty sure I would have still won that fight. Though there was also my brother." Said Dante. As he mentioned his brother he leans forward. "First person who actually did manage to beat me before, because of him I obtained my Devil Trigger as well." Said Dante as he quickly transforms into his Devil Trigger and back. "Though he is... not really with us anymore."
                          Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                            Axl's Room; Yuyuko

                            "Is that so... That's why I brought this!"

                            I pulled out a brochure full of attractions.

                            "I've had my eye on these volcanoes! I heard it was fun to shovel up some lava. Though I don't know why one would do something so dangerous... Oh well! Come on, let's go!"


                              Yukari's Resort

                              "Hey Rumia, can you take care of Nazrin while I'm gone?" Yukari asked.
                              "Yeah, sure." Rumia nodded. Pretty obvious she was ogling over Nazrin.
                              "I'll be back. I want to see if Patchouli has more info on the devourer..." Yukari said as she disappeared.


                                Room 509

                                Axl stands up and looks at Yuyuko. "Shovel lava? That sounds more like torture than a attraction." Said Axl as he chuckles a bit.

                                "Well then let me get my gun, I don't want to be unarmed near a volcano... after all I have had a bad experience with one..." Said Axl as he remembers the time when he had to hunt down the Maverick Burn Rooster who's base was inside a volcano, and how after he defeated the maverick the lava started to rise with Axl almost being melted.

                                He then stands up and walks over to the table and places his hand on his energy pistol as he does he feels a dull pain shoot through his head. as though he had just been punched in the back of his head.

                                This causes him to drop his pistol, and hold his head in his hands due to the pain

