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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "How inspiring, to show me mercy. But it's not that simple. First, he's currently inside the resort, meaning he's one of your men. Second, we can only gain the liberty to kill eachother if you destroy this, 'organization' group. So if you want me, you have to destroy the 'organization,' whatever the hell that is."



      After all their speech, Samus only said "If you are all finished with your chat, we got some pyramids to explore, you can kill eachother later" as she was speaking, the bounty hunter called her ship

      The fox looked at both the soldier and the mechanical being and sighed "the moment any of you starts fighting, I will make sure you donīt want to do it again" she warned them while the gunship was landing
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




        "The organization is a group of people led by a man named Xehanort. They want to combine all of the universes, but that would lead to chaos and the death of billions. They use darkness magic as their weapon and they've been targeting us for a while now.", John said.

        John then turned towards Renamon and Samus.

        "You won't see any fighting from me."
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          "... Then it seems like you need to destroy them anyways. Now then...

          "Let's go see some pyramids! This is gonna be great!"



            "We can't go yet. There's still a meeting going on. Once the meeting is over, then we can go. I would recommend waiting until the next day though, when we're fully rested.", John said.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              "Heehee yea. Seems I fucked us both over, huh? Ah well. I'll be back tomorrow. I'm going to go out on the town."

              I switched uniforms to a suit.

              "I have some catching up to do. But don't worry my dear," I said getting close to Samus. "You'll be the only one for me <3!"

              I ran off into the town to go and have some fun. Ya know what? With my new powers as a MIHI... I can hack into any casino games and win win win!!! This is going to be an epic night!!!"


                Alia's House

                Shortly after Isaac arrived, Zero and X arrived shortly after. "Alia what's the situation?" Asked Zero as X enters the lab right after.

                Alia looks at Zero and sighs. "Lumine is somehow inside Axl's mind. Isaac and I think it has to do with that shard inside Axl's head. However we cannot remove the shard due to it being fused to his internal processor. We have restrained Axl so far in case Lumine gets full control over Axl. The tests on the shard have confirmed that it was a part of Lumine." Said Alia as X just lowers his head.

                "Damn it! This is just like what happened with Sigma..." Cursed X as he punches the wall behind him. "Can you manage to send us into Axl?" Asked Zero.

                "I'm sorry, but there is a firewall preventing me from using the transporter to send anyone in. In short... I can't transport you inside him as long as the transporter is hooked up. It also doesn't help that the transporter only works if it is hooked up to something."


                  Alia's House

                  "Would a stronger magnet work? I could hook it up to one of my guns. It uses a fusion reactor.", Isaac said to Alia.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Alia's House

                    "I'm sorry but a magnet of a higher strength than the current one we used to bypass the firewall would cause extensive damage to Axl. I am still working on a way to get through the firewall. I do have a plan, but it is a bit risky. Replied Alia.

                    "What's the plan then?" Said Zero as Alia turns to her computer. "I am developing a program that can erase the firewall but..."


                      Alia's House

                      "But what?", Isaac asked.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Alia's House

                        "But in order for it to work one of you will have to go in and confront the firewall with the program."

                        "Is that it? Is that all we have to do?" Asked X.

                        "No. Once you're in you must download the program to your systems. Then you must take out the firewall like you would like any other type of enemy. Then you can get back inside Axl, and confront Lumine." Said Alia as she continues developing the program.

                        "Then all we need to do is decide on who will go in to destroy the firewall, and then who will go in to confront Lumine." Said Zero as he leans up against the wall.


                          I went back to my house to get some actual clothes and not LED replicated clothes. Once that was done, I headed to somewhere where everyone knows me: The Late Shift Casino.

                          "Hey there, not going to start a party without me, huh?!"

                          Every staff member greeted me. "Hey there, tiger." "Ready to get your party on?" "You always seem to change the mood around here."

                          "Oh, please you all are too kind! Come on, I'll be waiting for the karaoke system to be set up."

                          "Oh, please. We were expecting you, therefore we already got the damn thing set up!"

                          "Wow! I'll just be waiting for my 'best customer ever' awards! Now then, where is Frank with the cards?"

                          "Right here!" A man in a tuxedo came out of nowhere.

                          "Frankie! C'mon, I'll beat ya this time!"

                          "Yea, that'll be the day! Come on! Let's get started!"


                            Alia's House

                            "I'll take out the firewall. I'll be sure to kill it quickly, so then we can all kill Lumine.", Isaac said.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Alia's House

                              "Remember only two can go in at a time Isaac. The transporter can't fit anymore than two people." Said Alia as Zero steps forward.

                              "I will go in with Isaac. He will need back up of course. I'm sure a firewall isn't the only defense Lumine has created already." Said Zero as X nods.

                              "Since I fought Lumine before I can go in after and take him on."


                                "I will take him on as well!" I said. "That lady- MAN has no right to do as she- HE wants to Axl! I'm going as well."

