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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Just before the orbs exploded the replica teleported behind the spartan and kicked him in his back.
    Born in the light.
    Molded in the dark

    Never Forget,
    Keep Fighting.
    –Don't Forget.
    Always, somewhere,
    someone is fighting for you.
    –As long as you remember her,
    you are not alone.



      John spun around as he received the blow and grabbed the dark Spartan's leg.

      John pulled him closer and pulled out his combat knife, stabbing the dark Spartan's inner thigh.

      John fell to the ground, bringing his knife and the Spartan with it.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        "Alright, John! Hey, feel free to tag me in!"



          "I'm sorry, but I don't have time for this. Goodbye"

          Darkness then surrounded the replica and then he was gone.
          Born in the light.
          Molded in the dark

          Never Forget,
          Keep Fighting.
          –Don't Forget.
          Always, somewhere,
          someone is fighting for you.
          –As long as you remember her,
          you are not alone.


            As the round from the Rail Cannon was fired it struck Nemesis with enough force to send it flying. Nemesis fell to the ground after the smoke cleared, presumed to be dead. Chris however stands up, holding his side due to the sheer amount of pain he was experiencing.




              John got back up as the dark Spartan disappeared.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                "... Good. He's dead. Come on. Hold it in before he wakes up. God knows he's already dead. Come along now."

                I grabbed his arm and threw it over mine. I went over to the elevator. One problem: the damn thing was wrecked.

                "Ah... So... I'm open to suggestions."

                "... Great. The guy just literally gets up... And disappears. Our amazing world... Hey, you alright, John?"


                  Chris looked at the elevator shaft and looks up. "We can always try and climb... quick hand me the first aid spray that's in my back pocket... I have a feeling that thing isn't dead quite yet..." Said Chris as he looks at the Nemesis which is lying on the floor.


                    "A spray that can heal... You characters sure are something."

                    I gave him the spray.

                    "Now then... How do we deal with that thing?"



                      John looked over to HM and spoke.

                      "Yea, I'm good.", John said as he put his knife away.

                      "That thing was created by the Organization. They've been trying to kill me, or assimilate me. I have one of their members in my head because I killed him."
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Weapons Lab

                        Chris takes the spray and sprays his injuries healing them for the most part. Though he is still injured the First Aid Spray did also manage to dull the pain completely. However it did use up the whole can. "Well first we need to get out of here. I have a plan, but it involves getting above ground. Once there I'll call in reinforcements, and make sure they bring heavier weaponry." Said Chris as he starts climbing up the elevator shaft via the main cable.


                          "Very well. A wanderer agent is currently calling the agents in charge of this facility to recontain the monster. But you migt want to stick close to me before you get caught."

                          I was climbing at a fast rate.

                          "Great. Now then... I think it's best you head back to the resort and sleep before anything else happens. I'll stand guard out your door."



                            "Thanks, but we still have work to do. We still have to get everyone and continue the meeting.", John said.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              "Sounds like an okay plan. I hope they know what they're doing though." Said Chris as he keeps thinking about the bomb down there. A bomb containing the T-Virus? Hopefully they don't plan on using it anytime soon..."


                                "Geez, you sure are a spartan. I just blew out my voice doing heavy metal, blew up, died, got assaulted by like everyone, fought you in failure, got rejected by a hottie, created an entire freaking robot, danced my ass off for the ladies, had to turn down another hottie, sang a song that Frank and I weren't prepared for, and had to deal with a shadow clone of you. I'm fuckin' beat, man. And I'm still not done yet. I need to talk to the armor lady. Uh? Oh, yea."

                                I changed back into my old form.

                                "That's better. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be heading out. See ya."

                                I kept climbing. At last, I was outside. The reinforcements were here. Hey were amazed at my being there, since I was thought to have died in the explosion.

                                "Come on, Chris. You're coming with me. I've yet to ask you questions."

                                Suddenly an agent came up to me.

                                "Sir, I have some important news!"

                                He handed me a letter.

                                "Thank you."

                                I read the letter. But once I was done, my mood changed quickly.

                                "I've been promoted to commander?!"
                                Last edited by wonderweiss; 07-14-2013, 01:07 AM.

