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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The announcer spoke again. "And that is what engi-con is for! Showing off your great creations! Now then, who's next... Pupa, by Dr. Emmerich Huey!"

    I activated the intercom. "Thank you. This is the pupa."

    "It contains six machine guns capable of taking on a tank from all angles. It also has an electric shock unit capable of multiple functions, ranging from a straight up tazing or, as you can see on the sides, it will fire multiple mine-looking pads that when firing the shock units at one, all of them will go off. It also has boosters doubling it's speed. Finally, it runs on a hybrid AI system controlled by a controller I have with me inside the Pupa. I also built a recognition system in here and a self-defense system only accesable by me."

    "Great! But can you walk the walk?"

    "Of course. Bring out the course!"

    "Exitable, aren't you? Alright, bring out the course!"


      Yukari´s Resort

      John focused on the rock and continued to explain.

      "Light is energy. It's magic energy, but still a type of energy, electromagnetic radiation. The catalyst in me is magic, but the end result is still based in science. All I have to do is force the light through the circuits. I can make the light travel through the circuits and up to the surface, causing the rock to be affected. It's the same process as when I use darkness, only with slight variations.", John said as he began to affect the rock.
      Last edited by S121; 06-27-2013, 03:47 PM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Yukari´s resort

        "Ok, but remember, the more time you keep using it, the stronger the accidents may be" Renamon warned him
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          Yukari´s Resort

          "Ok, but remember, the more time you keep using it, the stronger the accidents may be.", Renamon said.

          "Understood.", John said as the light began to melt the rock.

          "That was tiring. I'm going to need to condition myself for extended use of my abilities."
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            The test course showed the maze. The announcer spoke. "Well, no need to reinvent the wheel here. Remember: we're looking for movement promotions, not the speed of getting out. Good luck!"

            I took the Pupa on manual movement mode. I drove the Pupa through many corridors. It made sharp turns and when it reached a dead end, it did a 180 turn quickly, not hindering the speed of movement. It actually temporarily went faster.

            After 5 minutes, I made it out.

            "Fantastic! Let's see... Alright, next is the machine guns test! Are you ready?"

            I readied the machine guns. I set the Pupa on semi-AI mode.


              Yukari´s resort

              Unlike darkness, Light is slow, thats why there are more dark mages then light mages, the thing in light abilities is on how you use it, would you use it to protect someone, or to kill an adversary?" Renamon asked
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Yukari's Resort

                "Unlike darkness, Light is slow, that's why there are more dark mages then light mages, the thing in light abilities is on how you use it, would you use it to protect someone, or to kill an adversary?" Renamon asked.

                "To protect the ones I care about, and if need be, kill those who wish to kill the ones I care about. In the end, I wish to protect those I care about, whether it means shielding them, or by stopping the threat itself.", John said.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Yukari´s resort

                  No, what would you do John? protect or kill? Renamon asked him again testing his answers
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Yukari´s Resort

                    "I wish to protect. Sometimes, you have to kill in order to protect the ones you care about, but in the end, you are still protecting them. That being said, if the invaders want to take away those I care about, I will kill them if I have to. In the end, I only want to protect those that I care about.", John said.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Yukari´s resort

                      Renamon sighed and closed her eyes "You haven´t answered my question, you have only one choice, kill or protect, no mixing them. unfortunately it is one of the many traps of light energy, it can only be used for one purpose, kill or protect"

                      "Darkness let´s you create and destroy whatever you want to with the trap of tainting your mind, and light restricts you of many things to do only one thing, I can only give energy, I protect, and with that I can´t enhance my strength nor my speed, the rock I destroyed earlier was just to show how the emotions can make you go further naturally, but light works like that, only one purpose" she said and took the melted rock

                      Her paw glowed again as she focused on the remnants of the rock getting it back to its original form and then she handled John the stone "You on the other hand kill John, by melting that rock you showed your deepest ideas" she said in an almost grimly tone
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Yukari´s Resort

                        John stared at the rock and spoke.

                        "But that's the only way I know how to protect. Ever since I was six, I was trained to kill, to protect humanity. My methods are different, but my reasons are the same as yours.", John said with the same grim tone Renamon had.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Yukari´s resort

                          "You protect by killing, and you know it is true John, Tell me when did you gave your own energy, life essence, or even blood to protect someone,you have to accept the facts, your usage of light is for destruction, not creation
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            Targets popped up out of nowhere. Each machine gun locked on to one each and fired. Two rounds obliterated each target, destroying at 12 targets per second. Finally, one target remained. I locked on to that one target with the machine guns. Once they fired, the target was eliminated.

                            "Pupa, scan."

                            "Scanning... scanned. No more targets."

                            "Did I mention it takes voice command?"

                            "Whoa! That Mantis has a match! Now it all comes down to your tazer!"

                            A metal wall appeared.

                            "Pupa, electric shock units: area attack."

                            The Pupa fired little mine-like discs.

                            "Shock units at maximum."

                            The sock units fired and when it hit the metal plate, the voltage meter went to 200... 400... 700... 1000 voltage at maximum! I never tested this before!!!

                            "Amazing! That voltage can par with the Mantis's rockets! Amazing! Pupa, everyone! Any final words?"

                            "Well, all I have to say is that this took a lot of effort to complete. This was a single man operation. Not bad for a guy in a wheelchair, huh?"

                            "And this guy is an a wheelchair. Makes me feel bad for telling you to 'walk the walk.'"

                            "Not a problem."

                            "Anyone else?!"



                              A blue-haired girl with green hat and a sleek motorcycle rode into the garage.
                              "I hope I'm not too late for the party."


                                The announcer screamed into the microphone again.

                                "And we have another contestant! Tell us what your little motorcycle can do, missy. You're being here probably signifies that it can do much more than it seems."

