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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "It's about the T-Virus... I know they needed it to make those creatures... that's one thing... but when I saw that bomb with the T-Virus in it. It just..." Said Chris as he punches the cushioning of the car seat. "What are they planning to do with it!? Are they seriously planning on spreading the T-Virus!?" He yelled as a look of pure anger comes over his face.


    As Isaac fired his shots Dark Mantis quickly dodged at a surprising speed. "Tsk tsk tsk... a pathetic weapon like that won't work on me. I was designed to be a assassin. Besides, here in Cyberspace... Lumine was able to modify my body to be far stronger and faster than it was before! I can move faster than hypersonic speeds here. After all, data can be modified to do anything here." Said Dark Mantis walks towards Isaac. However Zero managed to catch Dark Mantis off-guard with a stab from the Z-Saber. "Got you now!" Said Zero as Dark Mantis simply phases through the energy blade. He then turns towards Zero and kicks him, sending him flying into a wall of data.

    "Alia I could use some help! Can't you do something!?" Yelled Zero as Alia begins searching through her files. "I'll see. Aha I got it! Sending an upgrade data to you Zero!" Said Alia as she pushes a button on her keyboard. Zero comes to a stand. His armor becoming black instead of red, and his hair turning white. His Z-Saber changes from a green color to a light blue color. He now has the Black Armor upgrade. With this his speed and strength is increased. Zero smirks a bit and gets ready for an attack. "Okay Isaac. I can handle this now! Thanks Alia!" He said as he charges at Dark Mantis.
    Last edited by NeoFox; 07-14-2013, 02:11 AM.


      "Hmm... Me neither... This may just be going over the edge a bit, even for them... My suspicions of them will not falter... Oh, is thisthe place?"


        Chris looks at Gerard. "Yea, this is the place." Said Chris as he looks at his apartment complex. "If you want I should tell you what the T-Virus is capable of once we get inside..."



          "Fine, just tell me if you want me to make things easier.", Isaac said as he continued to work.

          "Oh yea, progress is a 60%", Isaac said as he kept working.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            "It is probably best."

            I went inside the apartment. Women were staring at me. In awe. I swear, this is a curse in he family...

            "Oh, don't mind me. I'm actually well in my fourties."

            I can only imagine how my son handles... This... Problem...

            I grew a distraught face.



              The fight with Dark Mantis was more even now. With the upgrade to Zero's body he was able to keep up with Dark Mantis. He was able to now counter Dark Mantis's attacks with relative ease. "Time to finish this!" Said Zero as he dashes towards the maverick. Zero then performs a blinding series Z-Saber slashes on Dark Mantis who was unable to avoid the attack. After Zero finished he sheathed his Z-Saber. Dark Mantis falls to his knees. "I... can't believe... I lost again... Curse you Zeroooooo!!!" He yelled as he violently exploded into data. Zero then makes his way back to Isaac. "How much is left?"


              "Very well." Said Chris as he made his way to his apartment. There he took of his Kevlar vest and put down his weapons. "Well what do you want to start with first. The T-Virus, or those monsters?"



                "70%. This takes a while.", Isaac said.

                Isaac yawned and continued to destroy the wall.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  I snapped back to reality.

                  "Ah! Oh, well, um, I guess I should ask about the bomb."


                    "Can't say much about the bomb... except that it would be used to spread the T-Virus quickly, and by judging it's size... it would be spread across an entire city the size of New York in mere minutes..." Said Chris as he walks into the kitchen. "Want me to get you anything? Water? Food?" Said Chris as he looks at Gerard.


                      "Yes please! Er, I mean, that would be fine. Now then, what were you doing in Neo-Yakuza grounds? What were you trying to achieve, rather?"


                        "Trying to find out what exactly they were up to. The higher ups in the government sent me and a few men known as BRAVO Team to the area... sadly they didn't survive their encounter with the Nemesis." Said Chris as he pours a glass of purified water. He then hands the glass to Gerard and takes a seat in a chair. "Now I should tell you about the T-Virus. Unless you already know of it."


                          "That is the hard truth. When it comes to things like this, curiosity quite literally kills the cat."

                          I took a sip of the water.m"Wow! This is the most pure water I've had in days!"



                            "Okay, almost there. We're at 90%., Isaac said as the wall began to crumble in the area he was using the tool on.

                            "What can we expect when we take this wall down?", Isaac asked.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              "Ain't that the damn truth." Said Chris as he leans back in the chair.

                              "Listen the T-Virus is dangerous. You don't know what it's capable of... I doubt they know as well. The The T-Virus is built like many viruses, as the virus makes contact with a cell's membrane, it inserts its genetic coding into the cell. The cell absorbs the viral genome into its own genetic make-up, which takes over the cell's functions. The cell begins to produce offspring of the original virus. The new viruses are then released from the host cell and infect the neighboring cells, which starts the process all over again.

                              "It literally ends up killing the host and then revives them with only basic motor and primal instincts. Aggressiveness is increased as well as the need to feed on living flesh to stay alive. Literally becoming Zombies in the process. If they drop that bomb on a city the casualty rate will just sky rocket. Trust me... I've seen the damage it's done before... an entire city was laid to waste in my world in a matter of days. Once the virus spreads then there is no stopping it. There is a vaccine that can be made, but it only works in the early stages of infection... even then it will most likely only slow it down." Said Chris as he shakes his head. "Listen I know your with the Neo-Yakuza, but you have to get them to stop making the T-Virus."


                              "I don't know, but I will be extracting you from Cyber Space when you're done." Said Alia as she begins getting the extraction process ready.


                                "This cannot be! They wouldn't... Maybe it's a means of blackmail and threatening? I simply won't allow that bomb to activate."

