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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Battle of Gensokyo

    After only a minute, Isaac had brought the Mantis to the Human Village.

    "Okay, okay. Slow down. We're here.", Jason said as Isaac hovered near the Youkai marching towards the Extractor.

    "I'm bringing her down.", Isaac said as he slowly killed the power to his thrusters, causing the Mantis to softly land on the ground.

    Isaac then turned his thrusters off and landed on his feet.

    It took a minute for Isaac to fully grasp the size of the army, but when he did, he was in awe.

    "Well, looks like we're not screwing around.", Isaac said to Jason as he then began to look for one of the leaders.

    "There's got to be at least a million people here.", Jason said as he looked off to the Extractor.

    Since Issac was not able to find anyone among the crowd, Isaac decided to try and contact them with his communicator instead.

    "Can someone give me a quick run-down of the mission?", Isaac asked.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Meanwhile, in California...

      I was running through the woods. That guy will never find me...
      if only he hadn't teleported in front of me. Crap.

      "Hand over the emerald now, human!"

      "Yea? Then get us some luxury passage to Hawaii, would ya?

      "You... have tried my patience... long enough! Now feel the wrath of the chaos emerald!!!"

      I was punched in the stomach in the blink of an eye. I was knocked into a tree. He came up to me.

      "Had enough, human?"

      "... hehe... you don't seem to realize..."

      "What? That should have knocked you out!"

      "... thing is... I'm a character as well!"

      I tripped him and kicked him in the face. Animal abuse had better not call me out for this...

      He instantly got back up.

      "Grr... so you want to play it hard, do you?!"

      "Well, I would, but... I really have to go now."

      "Oh no you-"

      I threw a flash bomb at his face. He was stunned, and I escaped. I ran over to Phantom.

      "You. Me. Out. Now."

      I grabbed Phantom and ran away as fast as possible. Meanwhile, Shadow regained his senses.

      "... I will find you, human... and believe me... I will kill you."

      Shadow took off, looking for Ocelot.


        Mental Institution, Egypt

        Egypt and it's surrounding territories had fallen to the Auditor's forces, either from levelling cities to the ground, or killing everyone in the city, or a combonationn of the two. Large purple and red ships floated above the cities, enforcing control. The Auditor had returned from the Consumer, and was on a large throne, controling his troop movements with a simple tp of a button. Then, he pressed a large button, causing the Instituion to shake, and it started flying upwards, away from the Earth's surface.

        "Now, to go destroy the galaxy." The Auditor said to himself as the Institution rocketed away from Earth, leaving his troops and ships to fend for themselves.

        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


          Base 4, Antarctica; Alfred

          I sat there in my office. It was quite toasty, to be honest. Compared to the cold outside, that is. It's gotten slightly chilly out there. I just wonder why I'm not affected by the cold.

          An officer came in.

          "Sir! There has been an incoming report on Base 2! It seems tha-"

          I looked up at the officer.

          "And what makes you think I care, exactly?"

          "Sir, you should really listen! Leader Volgin! He blew up his own base after failing to protect it!"

          I looked up in interest.

          "Oh? Is that so? Now, that's interesting indeed. Thank you for telling me. Now then... You should really go back to work."

          A soldier came from behind me and motioned the officer out. But the officer noticed that the soldier looked different... Almost dead. He ignored it and went on.

          Now I remember why I'm not affected to the cold as everyone else is.

          I was already cold to begin with.

          The soldier fell limp.
          Last edited by wonderweiss; 08-11-2013, 02:10 AM.


            Human Village

            Zero sighs as EVE still hadn't told him where Nitori was. "EVE... you're lucky I'm not there right now." He said as he listened to the kappa tell him where Nitori went. "Thanks, at least someone is considerate enough to answer my question!" Said Zero.

            As he ended communications without saying anything else to EVE he turned to X, and Axl. "Guys I'll be right back. I'm going to look for Nitori real quick." Said Zero as he quickly takes to the rooftops. He then begins searching for Nitori.


              Battle of Gensokyo

              "There they are." Yuuka motioned at the ship. Below them, a stronghold of Nucleoid positions, impenetrable like the walls of Troy, assembled to defend: 25 billion Grunts alone on ground, many, MANY more in the ship waiting to reinforce. All new 81 Generals stood to defend, including a few familiar faces...

              The Consumer

              "They look menacing." Dominus LuGaf proclaimed, his great battle hammer slung behind him.
              "They look shaken." Shauna Valentine smiled, her crossbow shining in the sunlight, as red as her revealing outfit.
              "They look like BLOOD." Vladimir Sanguinos chuckled maliciously. His scarlet blade shone with vim and vigor. "I'm ready to kill."
              "All you care about is killing, isn't it?" Gunther Haegen croaked, his frog-like webs flopping as he strode around. "I don't want you killing too many. I'll lose souls for collection."
              "Silence." An unknown General wearing a purple hood with a golden eye embroidered hushed. "Silence is virtue, before the battle."
              "Hmph, you big sissy." Vladimir scoffed. The hooded General remained silent. "For your information, Gunther, I have but one man in my mind right now."
              "John... isn't it?" Gunther guessed. Vladimir smirked.
              "Right now, he is the only opponent that can quench my thirst." Vladimir announced. "I'll be waiting for you, John... to rip your throat out myself."


                Battle of Gensokyo

                John thought hard about his current situation. He knew that he might survive the reactor's heat, but what about the antimatter bomb known as Mimi? His shields would not protect him from a weapon like that. The concussive force would destroy his shields, then the antimatter would touch his armor, causing John to be disintegrated and explode. Just then, an idea popped into John's head.

                (My shields can't take the force of Mimi, but what about the Kappa? Their technology might give me the boost I need. I've got to find Nitori, she's the best Kappa engineer I know...)

                John turned towards the Human Village and sprinted as fast as he safely could.

                Human Village

                Using his waypoint system and long range scanners, John was able to quickly find Nitori.

                John sprinted up to her and grinded to a halt in front of her.

                "Nitori? I know this is very abrupt, but I'm about to go on a suicide mission where I have to manually detonate an antimatter bomb. Do you have anything that might be of use?", John politely asked her.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Consumer; General Zommari Ruiroux

                  I walked into the room where the others were.

                  "Now, now, Dracula. Haven't you ripped enough throats to last a life time? If you're so hellbent on ripping one man's throat, then you must be sick or something. When have you ever stopped at one?" I said jokingly.


                    Human Village

                    Zero had continued to look for Nitori as he went through the city. As he landed on a rooftop he looked down and saw her. Nitori and John were talking about something, but he couldn't make out what. Zero quickly jumped off the building and down to where the two where. However he keeps his distance while the two talk.


                      Base 7; Gerard

                      I resumed on walking. Eventually, I reached the office. I contacted Chris.

                      "Chris, are you there? I have reached the office."



                        Chris heard his communicator going off. He immediately picked it up, however he kept one hand on his gun which he had aimed at Vergil. "Yea I'm here, you okay? I'm a bit tied up with a certain problem here..." Replied Chris.


                          "A problem? What is it?"

                          Meanwhile, I found a cabinet. I used my strength to open it by force. I took out a folder. It read...
                          (You put the next thing, Neo)



                            "We were driving and then suddenly out of nowhere some guy with white hair falls out of nowhere and onto the hood of the car!" Said Chris as he keeps a close eye on Vergil.

                            Meanwhile in the Research Base...

                            As Gerard looked at the folder it read the following on the outside:

                            Prometheus Labs

                            Inside the folder was many papers and documents about Prometheus Labs. All the information was obtained from a spy that had managed to get into Prometheus Labs. A spy that got into the lab and is posing as an employee. It is also containing documents of an attack being held on the Laboratory... and the attack was scheduled for today...

                            Meanwhile in Prometheus Labs

                            Wesker had continued to dodge the bullets fired from the mantises. Wesker is truly going all out here. As he continued to dash through the sector he weaved in and out of the many vehicles, attempting to have them fire at each other. However the virus is finally getting to Wesker's body. If he doesn't inject himself with the special serum soon he will be in trouble...


                              I looked on at the papers.

                              "... yea, that sounds like the way that a character gets to this world... but why now? All activity of that sort had stopped... Either way, I found information on the Prometheus Lab and Wesker's plans for it. It says that here that... there is a spy... there will be an attack... today?! And judging from the lack of staff... warning, you guys, tell me your location, Wesker and his crew is at the Prometheus lab now!!"


                                Prometheus Labs - Sector 3

                                Just as Wesker ran past the Mantises, Warthogs began to fire their M68 ALIM Gauss Cannons at Wesker, sending their 25x130mm rounds at him at just under Mach 40. They were careful not to hit each other, due to their training.

                                As the Warthogs fought Wesker, the Mantises were firing their 20mm heavy machineguns at the Tyrants and stomped on the ones that got near.

                                The Nemesis T-Types fired their gatlings at the Mantises, slowly depleting their shields, but the Spartan-III infantry was quickly approaching them, firing their MA5C Assault Rifles.

                                The Scorpion tanks in the far back couldn't accurately target Wesker, but they could distract him with their shells and machinegun fire. The tanks would fire at Wesker with great care, being mindful of the Warthogs.
                                Last edited by S121; 08-11-2013, 05:14 PM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

