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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Consumer

    "This is getting stupid." Yukari sighed and got up from the table. "Why am I sitting here with an enemy drinking wine?"

    "Because you want to tell me that you will surrender." The Devourer tenderly smiled. He was, while malicious, a charming man.

    "Oh no, I'm here to tell you the exact opposite." Yukari smiled.

    "You wouldn't dare." The Devourer glared back. "You wouldn't want to see your world burn, right before your eyes."

    "I never said this was my world." Yukari announced. "I was never able to rule."

    "Oh but you don't know." The Devourer laughed. "You don't know the limits of your power, how it can be infinitely increased."

    The Devourer toured around the chamber with his wine glass. "Do you know why I Extract worlds?"

    "I don't know." Yukari answered. "To create an army?"

    "Oh, clever. But not quite the right answer." The Devourer toyed with Yukari.

    "But armies crumble. Kings and kingdoms bow down. Nations fall into the forgotten history. Why do you think that happens? It is because of poor leadership. All leaders have their flaws, and when that flaw is revealed, the leader is no longer leading, but led. You see, no leader is perfect... but can you become perfect?"

    "The reason why I Extract worlds, is because I want to become the perfect leader. I wanted to rise, beyond He who sits on the Throne, and show, that no leader, except I, shall be perfect. There are oh, so many worlds out there: you wouldn't even recognize. An innumerable number. Countless, like the stars of the night sky, and so many powers that hide within."

    "Glutoneriel." Yukari muttered. "So you were devouring the power behind the worlds."

    "More intimately, people." The Devourer corrected. "Whenever I find a new or improved version of power I have acquired, I devour the power holder, and the power itself. Therefore I grow stronger, more powerful, more towards perfect."

    "And that's why no one can rebel against you." Yukari said in realization. "Because they are not strong enough."

    "The five pentillion soldiers. They are only just a side effect: but oh what a benign side effect it was." The Devourer laughed again. "But they are worthless. I myself have more power than all of those puny minions combined."

    "You are a monster." Yukari denounced.

    "No, a genius." The Devourer revised, walking closer to Yukari. "You will see, when your precious little Gensokyo is Extracted, when all things that you know and hold dear fall from you, I will devour you and your power: slowly, intimately, and when everyone that has depended on you stares at you hopelessly, I will handily open, your SKULL."



      As the group arrived their Ice Man quickly began digging a hole in the ground for the coffin while Cut Man and Bomb Man have arrived with the newly carved makeshift coffin. As they arrived Guts Man carefully lays Elec Man in the coffin. He then proceeds to place the coffin in the hole while Fire Man prepares to give a few last words for the fallen Robot Master.

      "We gather here today to honor a fallen brother. Elec Man was a brave fellow who fought for justice! The flame in his heart glowed brighter than an electric spark... We all knew him as not only our brother, but as our ally in the battle against evil. He was there when we needed him whether it was for something small such as helping Ice Man fix his car, to fighting in the eternal war against all that is evil! Whatever the case Elec Man was our brother... and our friend. Today we say our final goodbyes to our electric friend... *sniff* goodbye brother..." Said Fire Man as Bomb Man closes the lid for the coffin.

      As Bomb Man closed the coffin Guts Man broke into tears along with Cut Man. This was the first time anyone he was close to actually died. Bomb Man, and Ice Man say a small prayer for their brother as Fire Man walks up to John. "Thank you for the help, but could ya by chance... give us some privacy? He was our brother after all." Said Fire Man as he looks at John.



        John looked at Fire Man and nodded.

        "I understand.", John said.

        John then left the funeral and flew back to Eirin's medic camp.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Medical Camp

          While the robot masters were holding a funeral Wily had stayed back and called Dr. Light, they were both talking about the recent happenings.

          "Hm... yes... I will be on my way as soon as possible Wily! Just send me the coordinates and I'll warp right over there!" Said Light as he quickly hangs up.

          Wily then turns and saw John walking by. "Ah John there you are! I just got in contact with Dr. Light, he's on his way as we speak." Said Wily as he walks up to John.


            I sat there next to Daiyousei. This was my fault. I shouldn't have gotten cocky like that... Then I had to die...

            "... I know you can't hear me... But... I haven't done this in a while. I didn't expect to have ever done this at all ever again, but... I've been working on this for a while."

            I took a deep breath. Then I sang, not a rock song, nor a pop song, but... A ballad.


            ((Yea, I couldn't find exactly what I wanted, so just imagine it were in a male voice, or edit it if ya want))


              Eirin's Medical Camp

              John looked over to Dr. Wily and spoke.

              "Good to hear. When should we be expecting him?", John asked Dr. Wily.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Eirin's Medical Camp

                "He said he'll be here as soon as possible. I'm assuming a few minutes, by the way where is X? When I mentioned him Dr. Light seemed to sound really worried. I'm sure Light would like to see his creation."


                  Eirin's Medical Camp

                  The fox was fully recovered when suddenly she had a spark in her mind "Nera, I think I just found a loop hole in this whole mounstrosity of war"

                  Nera who was eating an apple looked at the vixen and smiled "I know that face, you have a stupid and impossible idea, go on"

                  "The devourer takes 48 hours to take a planet, so it must be charging to do the extraction, what if we make it get devoured by its own gluttony? the vixen said and the jackal asked honestly "And how in arceus name would you do that?"

                  "By disappearing the Earth" she said and got up seeking for Yuuka "Yuuka! I need to talk to you!" she searched for the florist
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Misty Lake

                    Frost Man had made his way to the lake where he is still upset after being yelled at. "Frost Man no need smarts! Frost Man just need strength! Frost Man is strongest Robot Master! I'll show them one day... oooh a lake!" Said Frost Man as he touches the lake, causing some of the water to freeze.

                    "Hehehe I like water!" He said as he sits down near the water. He then begins freezing the lake solid around him.

                    Medical Camp

                    As the group was waiting for Dr. Light Wily took out his pocket watch. "Should be any minute now..." He said as suddenly a large white beam of energy falls from the sky. After the light fades a large capsule can be seen. As the capsule opens up a small blue robot of about 5ft 5 comes out. Followed by an old man with a cane, and lab coat. The man looked rather old. The man looks stern, but kind. The man looks around and sees Wily. "Ah Dr. Wily! Sorry I'm late. I just had to enter the coordinates into the capsule. I would have been here sooner." He said as he looks at John. He gives John a rather warm smile as he walks up to him. "Hm... do I know you from somewhere?"


                      Eirin's Medical Camp

                      John looked at Dr. Light and spoke.

                      "I am Master Chief Petty Officer Spartan John-117. I am from the Halo Universe.", John said to Dr. Light as he nodded once.

                      Somehow, John's official greeting was feeling worn out for him, but he still took pride in it. It was all he really had left from his days in the UNSC.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Eirin's Medical Camp

                        Dr. Light simply smiles as he holds out his hand for a handshake. "Aw I know where you're from now. You are the one I've been hearing about. The one that has been keeping an eye on X. Thank you for looking out for him." Said Dr. Light as the small blue robot taps John's armor in order to get John's attention. The robot is none other than the original Mega Man.


                          Eirin's Medical Camp

                          John shook Dr. Light's hand, but soon had his attention drawn to the little blue robot tapping at his armor-plated thigh.

                          "Hmm?", John uttered as he looked down at the robot.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Eirin's Medical Camp

                            "You just said you're Master Chief right? If you are then may I have you're autograph? A friend of mine said that he wants me to get your autograph." Said Mega Man as he pulls out a small photograph of a green robot. The photograph is of the robot known as Auto, a friend of Mega Man's who also happens to be a fan of Master Chief.

                            "Oh that Auto. Still trying to get you to collect video game memorabilia?" Said Dr. Light with a slight chuckle. "Oh I'm sorry this here is Rock. Though everyone knows him as Mega Man. The original Mega Man to be exact. You could say that he's... X's older brother." Said Dr. Light as he places a hand on Mega Man's shoulder.


                              Eirin's Medical Camp

                              John may have been bad with praise from fans, but there was something in the way the little robot presented it. It made him feel at ease.

                              "Ahh, I suppose I could do this one little favor.", John said with a light-hearted tone.

                              John grabbed the photograph and a pen.

                              He then signed the photograph with his rank, Spartan ID, name, and words of support.

                              His written words were, "The size of the hero doesn't matter. Even the smallest of us can make the largest impact."

                              "There you go.", John said as he gave the picture back to the little robot.

                              "Oh I'm sorry this here is Rock. Though everyone knows him as Mega Man. The original Mega Man to be exact. You could say that he's... X's older brother.", Dr. Light said.

                              "Ahh, that reminds me. The whole reason why I called you. You see, X has been having these episodes where he'll freeze up and a hologram of you comes out. After the message finishes, he falls unconscious, or feels weak and tired. I was concerned for him, so I asked Dr. Wily to call you for me.", John explained.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Eirin's Medical Camp

                                "Oh... I don't know what to say about those... I remember programming some messages into X so he doesn't stray off the path that I intended for him. You see... I don't wish for X to fight. I never intended for him to fight... but I know it would be inevitable." Said Dr. Light as he turns to Mega Man before turning back to John. "Speaking of which... where is X?"

