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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Battle of Gensokyo

    Isaac felt a pain inside of his body, so he decided to use a small Medi Pack to purge his body.

    "Such a stereotypical villain, too scared of direct confrontation.", Isaac remarked, despite the pain.

    Isaac was ready to take further measures, but he wanted to be sure that it was gone first.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Ha. So big, yet so dumb. I've already confronted you. I've only merely left you a gift. Don't worry. You'll find out soon... My puppet.


        Battle of Gensokyo

        "Who said anything about being dumb?", Isaac thought to the voice in his head.

        Isaac had this situation happen before. Back on the Titan Station, the Marker tried to make Isaac kill himself, but his will proved to be too great.

        Isaac looked to Zero and spoke.

        "Zero? I need you to guard me while I'm under. That General is inside my head and I need to flush him out.", Isaac said.

        Isaac then took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and retreated into his own mind, ready for the second confrontation.

        Isaac's Mind

        Isaac opened his eyes to see many, many neurons around him. The ground below him was stone, or at least that's what it was in his mind.

        Isaac looked around and shouted.

        "Show yourself!"
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          I suddenly appeared.

          "Wooooow. A rock hard mind. How typical. Either way, you're wrong. I've not in your mind. As you saw, I floated of to the ship. But I presume you remember when my aura made contact with your skin? It wasn't your skin that was burning. It was your aura. I went past what was preventing me from controlling you. But now you're in your own mind. A mistake to say the least. Just look."

          There was a little window in his mind that opened. It showed Isaac.

          "Now then... Watch carefully."

          Isaac began glowing purple. And then, almost forcefully, Isaac got into fighting stance. Towards Zero.


            Isaac's Mind

            Isaac saw what was happening and forced his external body back out of a fighting stance.

            "You forget that this is my mind, my body. You may be a General on the outside, but this is my domain. I'll have you know that I've had this very same thing happen to me before. It was something much more powerful than you are.", Isaac said to Zenmari.

            "Now, it's time to put you out of my misery.", Isaac said as he pulled out his plasma cutter and fired at Zenmari.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Battle of Gensokyo

              The battle seemed to freeze for a mere moment. One scond, the Extractor was there, and suddenly, it was gone, as if it was never there. Only a hole was in it's place, ash covering the entire thing.

              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                "I see. But your arrogance... it's simply beautiful. Though others heavily outweigh you. You're just a turtle caught in the middle of the street."

                More purple aura emitted from Isaac. Now, Isaac was under control, but only with his speed cut down below half.

                "Hehe... Now then, one of two things are going to happen. One, I will kick you out and you will be going about your measly way. Or two... our battle will destroy your mind, meaning that either you live and you will be under complete influence, or... you'll just flat out die."


                  Isaac's Mind

                  Isaac stood there, but then he his shoulders started shaking.

                  "Hehehehe... Hehehehehe... HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

                  Isaac laughed at Zenmari's ultimatum. Isaac fought inside his mind before and there was no way Zenmari could do enough damage to completely destroy his mind. He may be able to destroy a couple of the giant neurons, but he couldn't possibly destroy millions of neurons.

                  "You think I'm arrogant, but you should look in the mirror, pal! I may seem arrogant, but you fail to realize that power isn't everything! I beat you, even though I'm supposed to have less power than you! Like I said before, I am going to flush you out of my mind! I'm not like your average human, my mind is much different. The rules are quite a bit different here, and thanks to the Marker, I know how to control what happens here. You see, all these neurons are actually just projections of my subconscious. I could change what my surroundings are at will. It's almost as if I'm dreaming. I'm used to entities trying to control my mind and I'm very good at resisting. Now, it's time to knock myself out.", Isaac said.

                  Battle of Gensokyo

                  All of a sudden, Isaac went limp and fell to the floor, as if he just dropped dead.

                  Isaac's Mind

                  Once Isaac put his body into a "safe mode", he then turned his attention over to the intruder.

                  "Now nobody can control my body until one of us can kill the other. It's time to show you that I'm not completely helpless inside of my own head. It's time to show you that it's the other way around!", Isaac said as he flew at Mach 7, straight into Zenmari.

                  In reality, Isaac would have passed out from the G-forces, but in his mind, the laws of physics could be bent. They were playthings in the hands of Isaac. It was a impressive that Isaac could go into his own warped mind, but it was even more impressive that he had a mastery over his own mind.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    I grinned widely.

                    "Yes, yes, YES!!! That's it! Oh, how I've longed for this power! Yes, I cannot hold it!!!"

                    All of a sudden, I grew slightly taller. My robes and hair grew longer and -- get this -- it seemed to get darker.

                    "Hahahahaha!!!! Look in the mirror, you say!? I already have! It's freakin beautiful!!!"

                    I held out my hand, and as Isaac collided with it, I was only being dragged across the floor with my feet.

                    "Don't you know who I am?! I'm Zommari ((I did that to note that it isn't Zenmari. Lol)) Ruiroux!!! The only reason I'm ranked general is because it's the highest ranking they give!!! I would take all the generals out with one wing behind my back!!!"


                      Isaac's Mind

                      Isaac quickly flew back to get some distance between them.

                      "And I am Isaac Clarke, Engineer! I'm the guy people go to when the break something, or when they don't know how it works! I've gone through hell and back three times! I have a vast array of knowledge at my disposal! I am a master of Nanotechnology and physics! I am my mind's master and you are just a guest!", Isaac yelled.

                      All of a sudden, Isaac's suit began to change. It didn't change color or shape, but it did change in terms of its ability to protect Isaac. Isaac was now covered in a suit many times more durable than his original one.

                      Once the transformation was complete, Isaac pulled out his Plasma Cutter and fired a torrent of plasma bolts.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Battle of Gensokyo

                        Zero had gripped his Z-Saber as Isaac stood up and go into a fighting stance, then back out. "What the hell?... Wait a minute... Isaac can you hear me!? If you are fighting him in your own mind, on a mental level then you have the advantage! It's your mind so you can do what you want! SO KICK HIS ASS ALREADY!!!" Yelled Zero, hoping to get through to Isaac.


                        Phantom grabbed Aya and jumped back at the sight of the creature. Using his fast reflexes he quickly took out a small blade and tossed it right at the creatures head, he then took more and proceeded to toss them at the creature.


                          Battle of Gensokyo

                          From the ashes appeared a trail of something speeding its way put of the smoke, the jackal was running as fast as she could, burns and injuries on her body as she was resisting the pain. Her paw holding another arm strongly

                          "A-almost there.. just a bit more" she barely said still runiing with her extreme speed ability

                          The devourer

                          sakuyamon´s body started to strain as the sudden gravity pull got her, the flagship was inmense and she was going like a misile towards it ("Here I come..") she thought and exploded her energy to go faster to the hull of the ship with her staff as the breaking point impaling it.
                          Last edited by Kristia; 08-17-2013, 07:41 PM.
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            "Hehehehe!!!! That's gonna do shit against me!!!"

                            I dodged half of them and took half of them.

                            "Heat related attacks won't do too much for you!!!"

                            I shot a purple stream of aura. It had the power to go through 20 buildings nonstop.

                            The zombie stopped moving. It had died.

                            "Th-thank you... They've been appearing for a long time now. There are some friendly ones, though."

                            Another spirit came in. It was a blonde boy with a white bandage around his eye.

                            "Aya, are you alright?!"

                            "Yes, Dio, I'm fine. Thank you."

                            "Now, what did I say about opening the door at night?"

                            "Hehe, right, thing is-"

                            I stepped up. "Aye, who the hell are you?"

                            "That's what I should be asking you. Who are these two men, Aya?"

                            "Oh, they're... Actually, I don't know. They came in just recently. But they protected me from the spirit."

                            "Is that so?"

                            "Yea. I'm Ocelot."

                            "Hmm... And you?"


                              Battle of Gensokyo

                              John was about to grab Nera's hand, but the Extractor exploded sooner than John could reach out.

                              The next thing he knew, Nera was running with him in hand. He could see that she had burns all over her body, so he urged her to stop running.

                              "Stop. You're injured. The explosion is over.", John said to Nera.

                              Isaac's Mind

                              "Just testing your durability.", Isaac said as he created an energy shield around himself.

                              The energy shield blocked all of the attack, but did blow Isaac back.

                              As Isaac flew through the air, he activated his thrusters and blasted off at Mach 12, flying in a large arc around Zemmari.

                              Isaac fired his Plasma Cutter again, only this time, a miniature suns burst out of the weapon. Isaac unleashed a barrage of miniature suns at his opponent.
                              Last edited by S121; 08-17-2013, 07:45 PM.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Battle of Gensokyo

                                Nera lowered her speed calmly and stopped a few meters later panting with exhaustion "Phew.. that was close.." she said between breaths.

                                Seeing her injuries, the jackal smiled "Guess im more resistant to the heat, my fur didn´t fell or something, how about you soldier? that how´s your aromor situation"
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


