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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    John heard what the frog General said.

    (Ran is still on the ship!? She's still being tortured!? God, what is happening to her!? We couldn't save her! We used so much time to save a fake! They're going to destroy our home and there's nothing I can do about it!!! It was all for nothing!!!........ No... I.. will not.. alow it to end this way... I won't allow it!!! I won't allow them to win!!! I WON'T ALLOW THEM TO DESTROY ALL I CARE ABOUT!!!)

    All of a sudden, something inside of John snapped.

    Despite the poison coursing through his veins, John raised his arm towards General Gunther Häegen and formed a ball of darkness inside of his body.

    It wasn't going to kill him, but John could easily make it so.

    "You're... going to tell me how to cure us... or else I'll ensure you die horribly..", John venomously said.
    Last edited by S121; 07-31-2013, 02:17 AM.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



      "It's not just mine, i'm simply one part of one whole, and since the other Higher Powers are even thicker skulled than I am, they just sit back and watch, not even intervening unless thei show is ruined." The Higher Power explained. "Trust me, I somewhat agree with you."


      The trio had made a snow fort, which bullets seemingly wouldn't pass through, as if the snow were stone, as they fired through little windows at the enemy.

      "Hank, where did you learn to built snow things that can stop bullets?" Deimos asked.

      "Middle school." Hank muttered.

      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.



        "Forgive Donohiel for being so... Blunt." Sansavi bowed. "So, if you're staying here a bit more, how about some Nectar? Or maybe some grape wine straight from the fountain?"

        Mt. Trinitatem

        "One does not adhere to the eyes of the Almighty One without first ridding himself of sinful desires!" Duncan bellowed. In the world below, a lightning struck the ground. "What is this... Daiyousei? Why is this person so valuable to you?"


        "There is no cure." Gunther croaked. "Also, doing something like that is useless... For I can disguise into anything."
        Gunther suddenly appeared to have vanished. He has turned into hydrogen molecules and floated himself away with rest of the diffused air.
        "Farewell, Spartan. May you serve Stacker's funeral well!"

        From the dead Grunts, a swirling mass of souls began to orbit Renamon, gripping her in a mass hysteria with voices.

        "Save us..."
        "Free us..."
        "Please... You gotta help us..."

        Amongst the voices, Rika and Takoto's soul appeared.

        "Renamon, you have to save us..."
        "If you defeat General Gunther... Every soul he has obtained... Will be freed again..."
        "We believe in you, Renamon... My partner..."



          Seeing the frog escaping enraged him even more than before.

          John charged up his light magic and blasted in the General's direction, causing plasma to form and burning the air.

          The price for the attack? John was getting worse.

          John pulled off his helmet and turned his head over to Yuuka.

          "G..Get.. Medicine...", John weakly said to Yuuka as the poison was starting to affect his heart.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            "Why is she valuable?"

            I thought on all the things that have occured up to now with Daiyousei.

            "Well... I'm honestly... Not quite sure. She's a good friend of mine. When I first met her, she was a determined fairy, willing to do anything to find her friend. So I calmed her down and told her that I swore to find her friend. Ever since then, we've kinda stuck together, even through the ordeal I caused in the Tengu village. When I was going to be put to custody, she took the fall and told me to go on. But I acted foolishly. I tried to convince the tengus that she was innocent and that she didn't deserve to undertake my punishment. The case was resolved, but I felt foolish. I couldn't speak to her. But when we traveled through the forest looking for her friend, we eventually patched things up. Then we came here and fought aliens, and then, I somehow died. My suit became disabled and shut off on me, and my soul had nowhere to go but here. But looking at Daiyousei in the state she's in now, I need to stop her. It's my fault sh's this way. I don't know what she is to me... But I want to know! And I want to protect Daiyousei!"



              Hearing voices the fox crackled her nuckles "They just keep giving me more reasons to destroy them, you will see me in your last seconds of your life Devourer" she said looking at the sky

              Renamon looked around and said outloud "Yukari, I want you to gap us to Hakurei shrine, bring medicine to heal John and then we will discuss about going directly to the devourer" The vixen then went to the spartan´s location

              "This will hurt you John, Nera prepare to to pierce his skin" the fox ordered as the jackal got close and closed her eyes to use her aura vision "I got the main source of the venom, hold him down" she said sinking her fangs on the spartan´s back part of the neck sucking most of the poison she could as the fox held John on the ground
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                After venting his anger out with his light attack, John quickly calmed down, but was still in serious need of medical attention.

                Renamon and Nera walked over to him and began to try and remove the poison.

                John felt the searing pain as Nera jabbed her spike into the back of his neck, but it was nothing compared to what he had to go through.

                In fact, he was a little surprised that they felt the need to hold him down.

                "Aaaagh...... You know, I've felt... much worse pain than this. You don't.. have to hold me down... I'm not going to fight back.", John said through clenched teeth as the spike sunk further into his neck.

                Sector 1 - Prometheus Labs - London

                "Come on! We've got to stop them from getting inside!", a nearby guard yelled as he put his SPI MK III helmet on.

                Far in the back of the lobby, there was an improvised barricade made from tables. Behind it were at least 20 security guards, ready to face the intruders.

                They all silently waited, ready for the intruders to show themselves.
                Last edited by S121; 07-31-2013, 11:38 AM.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Sector 1-Prometheus Labs-London

                  Wesker had successfully managed to use the mayhem around him to get to the entrance of the lab with his Tyrants. He looked at the door and smiled. He then snapped his fingers, and at that exact moment the four Tyrants smashed through the wall and into the main lobby. He then ordered his Tyrants to charge forward, knowing full well that the guards weapons will not be enough to stop four tyrants.


                    Sector 1-Prometheus Labs-London

                    The sounds of the ballistic glass shattering could be heard as the Tyrants charged straight through.


                    A storm of bullets rained down on the Tyrants, shredding bits of their clothing as they hit, but failing to fully pierce their deeper tissues.

                    Screams and gunfire echoed out of the lobby and into Wesker's ears as he could hear the slaughter his Tyrants were partaking in.

                    After a couple of moments, everything grew silent in the lobby. There were no survivors.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Sector 1-Prometheus Labs

                      Wesker walked into the middle of the room and placed his hand next to his ear as he heard everything go silent. Wesker then chuckles slightly as his Tyrants step back to their original position around Wesker. They then proceed to go through the rest of the sector.


                        Sector 1-Prometheus Labs

                        As Wesker and his Tyrants walked down the Sector 2 access stairwell, a group of riot shield carrying guards created a wall, determined to stop Wesker's progress. Behind them were twelve men with MA5C Assault Rifles.

                        "There he is! FIRE!", The leader yelled as the hail of 7.62x51mm Full Metal Jacket, Armor-Piercing rounds darted towards their targets.
                        Last edited by S121; 07-31-2013, 04:59 AM.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Sector 2 Access Tunnel

                          Wesker and his Tyrants had proceeded through the lab. They eventually came across more guards that had opened fire on him and the Tyrants. Due to the heavy gunfire the Tyrants had slowly been held back. One of them was taking extensive damage and fell back with a loud grunt. It's damage was quite severe already. It's coat was beginning to rip apart as it started to grow much larger. It's body mutating into something far more dangerous. As it's mutation had finished it became a dangerous super tyrant.

                          The new super tyrant stood up and let out a loud roar as it literally tossed the other tyrants to the side. The Super Tyrant charged at the guards, using it's new sharp talons to rip through the guards. Thanks to it's new tougher skin and increased strength it easily began ripping through the guards. While the guards were distracted Wesker and the other Tyrants proceeded to go deeper into the lab.


                            Mt. Trinitatem

                            "So you feel guilt." Duncan snickered, and got up. He walked closer to HM, his footsteps rumbling the clouds below. "And you feel responsibility. But the Almighty One will not speak to you just because of one fairy. What else do you feel responsible for in the living world?"


                              "What else do I feel responsible for? ... I want to help others defeat the nucleoids. I've yet to repay John for mentally torturing him as I did before I died... and I want... I want to make sure that my father is proud of me, and defending our worlds would be a good way to start!"


                                Mt. Trinitatem

                                Duncan was silent for a long time. Then he spoke: "Are you really sure you want to go back?"

