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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    London Sector 3- Grand Finale

    Raven saw the attack coming and using his training as a Crow Mercenary he jumped out of the way, barely avoiding the attack. That's when he stood up and looked at Wesker.

    "I'm going to destroy you... I will avenge my fallen brethren you fiend!" Yelled Raven as he quickly jumped into the air, and over Wesker's Uroboros arm. He then holds his Nasod Arm out. "IGNITION CROW!!!" He yelled as Raven fired a mechanical flaming crow that flew across the surface of Wesker's Uroboros arm, lighting it aflame.


      London-Grand Finale

      HUNK dropped his Desert Eagle and sighed. "Look miss, I'm just hoping you don't die. Well I do want you to die, but not by that abomination of what was once an already power hungry monster of a man." Said HUNK as he pointed at Wesker. "You're in no condition to fight, and their is a helicopter outside this place. Just leave and take the helicopter far away." Said HUNK as he removed his mask for the first time in a long time.

      "Now just go already!" He said as he kicked his Desert Eagle over to the Female Spartan.

      Suddenly Wesker's Uroboros arm was lit aflame, and as it was he started to thrash about wildly in pain. His screams of pain echoed throughout the entire laboratory.

      Sector 4 Weapon Development Lab

      Chris looked at the mini nukes that Six had handed to him. "I hope these work... if they don't then we're f*cked. I don't know how well the Uroboros fairs against radiation." Said Chris as he turned to Six. "Anyways let's go!"


        "No... I'm fine... I just need to- ARGH!"


          Sector 4 Weapon Development Lab

          "It's not just radiation, it also releases thermal energy, just like your average nuke, only smaller.", Six said as he grabbed another mini-nuke.

          "Yep. Now we can go.", Six said as he placed the loose bomb on his magnetic holster and led the way.

          London - Sector 3- Grand Finale

          The female Spartan thought for just a split second and spoke. "Then help us stop him. If you do so, then I can at least ensure that the higher-ups will take that into account and reduce your punishment to a lesser one.", she said.

          The male Spartan pulled the tab on the Biofoam and began to spray it onto Gerard's cuts and burns. At first, it stung as if alcohol had been poured onto the wounds, but then the wounds stopped hurting altogether as the Morphine in the Biofoam numbed the pain and began to heal them.
          Last edited by S121; 08-25-2013, 12:18 AM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            London - Sector 3- Grand Finale

            "Sorry, but if I do that then my higher ups will have my head. However I do have one thing that could be of use..." Said HUNK as he took out a small flash drive containing the information about the Uroboros, as well as the information for a weak spot for this form of Wesker. "It does have something that could stop this beast. Just plug it into any computer and then it should give you the instructions for the rest." Said HUNK as he tossed the flash drive to the Female Spartan. "Anyways I have to go. I have another mission beginning soon in Alaska..." Said HUNK as he picks up his mask. He then takes running out of the Sector.

            Sector 4 Weapon Development Lab

            Chris turned to Six and nodded. "Wait... what about Halsey? Should someone get her out of here or something!?" Said Chris as he followed Six.


              I stood up as the biofoam healed me.

              "Thank you. Now then... Where is he?"

              I pulled out my katanas and brought out the 550 caliber magnum.


                London - Sector 3 Lower Levels

                "Why?", Six asked Chris as he turned his head towards him.

                "Trust me. She has Spartan-Vs guarding her; Spartan-728 and Spartan-636. They're basically the equivalents of Spartan-IIs. Besides, the nukes aren't that large. They're just big enough to destroy everything in a 50 foot radius.", Six said as they walked up into the stairwell.

                London - Sector 3
                The female Spartan frowned at the escaping HUNK, but she wasn't bothered about that. Right now, she had to read the thumb drive. She quickly took a helmet from one of the dead Spartans and plugged the thumb drive in. She then put the helmet on and began to read the data.

                The male Spartan put the Biofoam canister away and pointed at Wesker. "We need to find a way to kill him. Considering that he looks like a 'Hunter', explosives might do the trick. They would at least burn him.", the Spartan said to Gerard.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  "I see... Oh, Gerard, why do you carry chemicals around? Because what if I run out of gas in the middle of the road? Why woollid that ever happen? Well... I can use it for my gun shots."

                  I took out the bullets. I then put a special combination of chemicals in a tiny capsule and attached it to the tip of each bullet and reloaded them.

                  I fired a shot at Wesker. On contact, it would explode like a car bomb.


                    London - Sector 3 Lower Levels

                    Chris sighed in relief at what he heard. "That's good news... don't want anyone else to be hurt..." He said as he suddenly the ceiling collapses, rubble blocking their path. However there is a new path straight to the ground floor thanks to the new giant hole above Chris and Six.

                    London-Sector 3 Grande Finale

                    Wesker continued to go on a rampage, the explosions, and special gunfire from everyone are only serving to slow Wesker down. His size slowly decreasing as parts of him are burned off.

                    "Don't you all see!? This is the beginning of the evolution of mankind! Your attempts to stop me are futile!" Said Wesker as he drills his larger Uroboros arm into the ground, suddenly about 10 large tentacles erupt from the ground spinning incredibly fast. Anything caught within the vortex will be ripped to shreds. Almost nothing can get through.

                    The data on the thumb drive contains a key to defeating Wesker.

                    In case of Albert Wesker going out of control with the Uroboros virus resort to heat based weaponry. This will repel and burn the Uroboros slowly, but assuredly. After enough damage is sustained the main central heart of the Uroboros, and the infected would reveal itself. Destroy both hearts to successfully destroy the Uroboros, and the infected.


                      London - Sector 3 Lower Levels

                      "Well, well, well. Let's go.", Six remarked as he ran up the newly created pathway and up to Sector 3.

                      Sector 3

                      Six aimed "Vengeance" at Wesker, but saw that there were people in the way.

                      "Damn. Chris, do you know how to operate basic launchers?", Six asked him.

                      The female Spartan was about to shout out Wesker's weakness, but was greeted by the sight of Six. Despite her condition, she ran up to Chris and Six and spoke. "Wesker's weakness.. I know it.", she said in a tired tone.

                      The male Spartan looked at how little damage the bullets had done and shouted at Gerard. "It's no use! We need to grab better weapons!", he shouted.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Sector 3-Grand Finale

                        Chris turned to Six and nodded. "I fired a couple before." He said as he looks at the Female Spartan. "What!? How!?" Said Chris as he shoots up.

                        Wesker continued to go on a rampage still, the vortex begins to expand slowly, eventually it will rip everything in the sector to bits.


                          Sector 3 - Grand Finale

                          The female Spartan removed the mis-matched helmet from her face and spoke. "He is weak to heat based weaponry. Once we do enough damage to him, two hearts will come out of his body and be exposed. We need to destroy both in order to kill him.", she said.

                          Six turned towards Chris and handed him the Vengeance Nuclear Launcher.

                          "You know what to do. I'll get Gerard, Claire, and the other Spartans to safety. I'm going to draw Wesker's attention.", Six said.

                          He knew it was dangerous, but he was willing to take the risks, as long as the others were safe. Besides, he was the only one that stood even the slightest chance of going toe-to-toe against the new Wesker.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            It would seem so..

                            "Alright. Plan B."

                            I found the remains of the tank. I picked up one that looked like a container and filled it with the expressive chemicals. I sealed it.

                            "You of all should know that to win a fight you must put yourself on the front lines. See ya."

                            I ran to Wesker with the container. I threw it at him. One bullet left.

                            "WESKER! DIE!"

                            I shot the canister,.making it explode with enough force to bring down a hotel.


                              Sector 3-Grand Finale

                              Raven had continued fighting. It was a incredibly tough battle, but he was still not giving up.

                              Raven was battered, beaten, and bleeding all over. "Damn this monster... he's getting to become a huge pain in the ass! AWAKENING!!!" Roared Raven as suddenly his entire body became red, along with a powerful aura around him as well as the occasional bolt of electricity coming off his Nasod Arm.

                              In awakening his attack power increases significantly. However it puts even more stress on his body.

                              "GIGA PROMINENCE!!!" Yelled Raven as he plows his Nasod Arm into the ground. As he does a large amount of flame geysers erupt from the ground all over the entire Sector. "O-OVER... HEAT!!!" Yelled Raven once more, obviously the stress on his body due to Awakening, as well as Overheat is truly great. Almost too great for him... however he must keep fighting.

                              As his Nasod Arm begins to catch aflame due to Overheat, as he Overheated his arm to it's limit it literally began to crack. As it does intense heat begins to fill the area, the Giga Prominence attack begins to get even more intense... as well as the stress on Raven's body. "I-I... must avenge my... brethren..." Muttered Raven as he is beginning to give in to the stress on his body.


                                Devourer´s ship core room

                                Samus kept examining the many rooms and finally reached what looked like the machinery room ("Finally some place to work with") she thought scanning the many computers and looking for anything to atleast slow the extraction process

                                the bounty hunter found some valves and energy levers ("Here it comes..") she said to herself lowering the levers hoping this would cause some lag to the process
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


