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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Sector 3-Grand Finale

    As the hand-made car bomb that Gerard made contact with the vortex of tentacles and scrap metal that Wesker made it created a large explosion, stunning Wesker and cancelling his attack. After that Wesker was suddenly caught in a series of flaming geysers. Quickly the Uroboros on Wesker's body begins to diminish to the point of Wesker reverting to his size before he absorbed the dead bodies. Wesker was still stunned however and a orange pulsating heart like protrusion appears on his chest.

    As soon as Chris saw this he dropped the launcher Six handed to him. Chris in a desperate move ran to Wesker and grabbed onto his back. Suddenly Chris began ripping the black tentacle-like leeches around the heart to prevent it from being covered again. "QUICK DESTROY IT! I CAN'T HOLD OUT MUCH LONGER!!!" Yelled Chris as he continued ripping the black substance of the Uroboros from the orange heart.


      Sector 3-Grand Finale

      Seeing his chance, Six sprinted towards Wesker and in a split second, Six had his hand wrapped around it and squeezed as hard as he could.

      Six then put his other hand against Wesker's throat and pulled at the heart as hard as he could, trying to rip it out.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        "Got it!"

        I rushed over to Wesker, preparing both katanas. I jumped.

        "This is the end, tyrant!"

        I impaled his heart with both katanas in a cross manner.


          Sector 3-Grande Finale

          Wesker was screaming in pain as Six was ripping at his heart. Wesker's screams were of pure agony right now, absolute pain and agony.
          "HURRY UP ALL READY!!!" Yelled Chris he watched Six struggling to rip out Wesker's heart. Chris wasn't fairing so well, and neither was Six. What with the Uroboros attacking them both.
          As Gerard impaled Wesker's heart with the Katana's Wesker screamed in pain and started to convulse. As this happened the second and final heart revealed itself on Wesker's back. Chris stood up and looked at the heart. "Time to finish this you son of a b*tch..." Muttered Chris as he picked up a sharp piece of scrap metal from one of the vehicles.

          Chris using as much strength as possible Chris started stabbing the piece of metal into the second and final heart repeatedly. As soon as the piece of metal pierced the heart Wesker stopped moving, along with the Uroboros.

          Suddenly Wesker fell to his knees as the Uroboros began to harden indicating he was defeated. Wesker started to convulse even more as the final heart was destroyed. However Chris continued to stab the piece of metal into Wesker's back. Chris truly wanted Wesker dead this time. After Wesker finally fell to the ground Chris stood up and looked down at him. Giving one final scowl at the defeated monstrosity Chris took the piece of scrap metal and jammed it right into the back of Wesker's head assuring his defeat. "... That was for my teammates..." Said Chris, referencing his teammates recently that were killed in the Neo-Yakuza Research Labs.

          Wesker... a man who considered himself a god was finally killed... hopefully for good. Chris simply looked on and sighed. "It's all over... it's finally over... after all the crap I went through because of him... I... no we finally killed him..." Said Chris as he fell over, almost about to pass out from exhaustion. He had been through a lot lately, and I'm pretty sure the others are at least tired in some way to.

          Claire looked at Six then Chris with a smile on her face, however it turned to a look of fear. "Wait what about those bombs containing the T-Virus that the Neo-Yakuza were making!?"


            Sector 3-Grande Finale

            "No worries. We'll get to it.", Six said to Claire in a slightly tired, but otherwise calm tone.

            "Besides, we can just as easily get some of the Spartan-Vs to help us."

            Six let go of the ruined heart and shook the blood off of his energy shields. Within a couple of minutes, Six would be fully recovered and ready for more.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              I turned around to the exit, though. I faced the now setting sun.

              "You all can go ahead. I was just support."

              I turned back around... To the friends I had made. I gave a slight smile.

              "After all, it's pretty obvious. I'm not a hero. I just fight for the good guys."


                Sector 3

                Six turned towards Gerard and tilted his head.

                "Hey. Don't discredit yourself, you did good. You may be a member of that Neo-Yakuza group, but you helped. You helped bring an end to their leader and quite possibly crippled their base. You're good in my book.", Six reassured Gerard.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Sector 3

                  Raven sat there, exhausted, injured, and his Nasod Arm is cracked in several places. Using both Awakening and Overheating his arm did massive damage to both him and his Nasod Arm.

                  "That bast*rd deserved it..." Said Raven as he slumped up against a wall. He is definitely in poor condition right now.


                    Sector 3

                    Chris and Claire looked at Gerard and sighed.

                    "Don't sell yourself short Gerard." Replied Claire as she helps her brother up. "Yea, if it wasn't for you we probably wouldn't have been able to defeat Wesker so easily. I owe you one, heck I owe you all something. How about a celebration after we take care of the Neo-Yakuza base?" Said Chris as he looks at Gerard before looking at Raven. "Hey... is that guy going to be okay? He looks like he is in pretty bad shape."


                      A party... That sounds good.

                      "Alright... But only if you have ice cream."

                      I laughed. Suddenly, there was a strong pulse in my heart. I feel to the floor... Unconscious.


                        Sector 3

                        Six looked over to Raven and walked over to him.

                        "Damn. I heard about his abilities, but I didn't know they were self-destructive.", Six said to himself.

                        Six then knelt down in front of Raven and looked him over.

                        "Hang on. We're going to get you some help.", Six said as he motioned towards the two other Spartan-IIIs.

                        "Carry him to the Medical Ward. Oh, and Lily? Go get yourself patched up too. You've earned it.", Six said to the Spartans.

                        "Yes, Sir.", The female Spartan said as she helped the other Spartan-III with Raven.

                        All of a sudden, Gerard fell to the floor as well.

                        Six quickly looked over and ran towards Gerard.

                        "Sh*t! What happened?", Six asked Chris and Claire.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Sector 3

                          Chris and Claire looked on in shock. "I don't know!" Said Claire as she ran up to Gerard.

                          Chris struggled to stand, due to his injuries. "Damn it Gerard... I hope he's okay... he better be." Said Chris who was obviously worried.


                            Sector 3

                            Six looked at Gerard, then towards Chris.

                            "You know what? Time to go to the Medical Ward.", Six said in a calm tone with the slightest bit of tension as he lifted Gerard up and over his shoulder.

                            Six then walked over to Chris and put him over his other shoulder.

                            "Claire, follow me. We're taking them both to the Medical Ward.", Six said as he began to walk with both of his teammates on his shoulders, yet still able to walk without being burdened by their weight.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Sector 3

                              Claire sighed in relief as she followed Six, Chris had also passed out due to exhaustion but Claire does not seem to be too worried for him. "I can't believe I got caught into this sort of mess all over again..." Said Claire as she turned to Six. "At least the worst of it is over right?"


                                Sector 3

                                "It had better be... We lost a lot of good men and women today.", Six said in a serious, but slightly saddened tone as they neared the Medical Ward.

                                Six knew many of the Spartan-III by name, and was a mentor of sorts to them. Seeing his fallen brethren only served to remind him of the countless bodies of the brave Spartans on Reach.

                                It was common for Spartan-IIIs to die, but that didn't make each death any easier.

                                Medical Ward

                                Soon, Six and Claire reached the Medical ward. The whole room was bustling with the many injured personnel that fought to protect Prometheus Labs. Doctors rushed to each patient, trying to get to each person, but it was obvious that they were understaffed for such a disaster. Some of the Spartan-IIIs died before they could get medical attention, while some clutched at their own wounds, trying to stop the bleeding. Many of the Spartans that could still walk helped the doctors by handing out Biofoam to the less fortunate. At the very least, it would give some of them more time.

                                Six looked around and closed his eyes in his helmet. as he walked by a dead Spartan-III. Six soon found a space for both Chris and Gerard and put them down. He then turned to Claire and spoke.

                                "Look after Chris and Gerard. I'm going to go find some Biofoam and medical supplies.", Six said as he walked away and into the chaos of the room.

                                Meanwhile, Lily and the other Spartan-III gently placed Raven onto one of the vacant cots.

                                "James, go get help.", Lily said as she sat beside Raven.

                                Lily looked over to her injured shoulder and groaned at the sight. The armor around it was shredded, revealing the black, bleeding puncture wound underneath. Lily took a deep breath to regain her composure and pulled out a Biofoam canister. Steadying her breathing, she then tore at the destroyed underarmor to get to the wound. Once she did that, Lily put the nozzle into her wound and sprayed the Biofoam inside, eliciting a quiet whimper of pain as she tried to suppress the pain. Within a couple of seconds, the pain disappeared as the Morphene inside of the Biofoam took effect. She then turned her attention towards Raven and spoke.

                                "So, how did that happen?", Lily asked Raven. At the very least, it would help Raven keep conscious by focusing on something.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

