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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Halsey's Lab

    Lily looked down to the photograph Raven was holding and made a slight frown. It was obvious that Raven missed his friends. He may not have been incredibly close to the group, but they obviously meant more to him than it seemed.

    (I promise to do everything in my power to help you find your friends.), Lily thought as she watched Raven hold the photograph.

    Lily turned her attention away from the photograph and over to Dr. Halsey.

    "Dr. Halsey? One of the guards were injured in the attack."

    "Send him to the Medical Ward. They'll take care of the guard.", Dr. Halsey said as she looked away from her computer monitor and over to Raven.

    "Oh. I can now see why you brought him here.", Dr. Halsey said to Lily as she stood up and walked over to get a better look at the damaged Nasod arm.

    She took a closer look at it and saw the various ruined mechanical parts on it. There was no way that Biofoam would fix this. In fact, the arm barely looked salvageable.

    "How did this happen?", Dr. Halsey asked Raven in a calm tone.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Halsey's Lab

      After Raven was done looking at the photograph he took it and put it back in his pocket.

      As Halsey examines his arm he sighs. "Damaged it while trying to defend the base. I tried to save the other guards in Sector 3, but I didn't make it there in time. All I met up with was a large monstrosity. I used the overheat function on my arm to increase the power of my flames, but I ended up putting too much stress on it."


        Medical Ward

        Chris turned to Gerard and yawned. "We are in the Medical Ward. They are treating our injuries here." Said Chris as he looks around the Ward. As he looks at Claire he notices that she fell asleep sitting beside the cot Chris was on.


          "I see...but that's strange..."


            Medical Ward

            "What's wrong?" Said Chris as he sits up. Chris was still exhausted. So much happened in what? One whole freaking day? That's a lot of action for one man to handle in one day.


              Halsey's Lab

              Halsey continued to examine the arm and spoke.

              "So you abused it until it couldn't take anymore. You should be more careful. I've read about what it's capable of. You don't want it to melt down and cause a nuclear disaster.", Dr. Halsey calmly said as she stepped back and continued to speak.

              "It looks bad, but it's still fixable. We're also going to enhance it, to make sure that it won't self-destruct again. Is there anything else you needed?", Dr. Halsey asked Raven.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Halsey's Lab

                "At least I was doing it to protect this place. Even if I wasn't able to defeat the monster that was attacking Sector 3 I did slow it down." Said Raven as he looked at Halsey.

                Raven sighed in relief about hearing that they can fix his arm. He then thought about her question. "No... not that I can think of... wait... there is one thing..." Said Raven as he took out the picture from his pocket. "Do you think you can help me find my friends? I don't know if they were brought to this world, but I at least want to see if any of them are here. They mean quite a lot to me. They helped me come to my senses after I obtained this arm of mine here."


                  "Well... Do you know why I fell? It's because of my zen mode. After I return from zen mode, there is a feedback. The feedback is basically a pulse in my heart. After the pulse, my stamina decreases dangerously. The longer I use it, the more my stamina decreases. But... This isn't even the longest I've used zen mode. The time I used it longest was when I was trying to Anyways, after that, I couldn't move. But I didn't pass out... Speaking of which, I'm still wondering how I even survived that car blast. I was in the explosion...


                    Halsey's Lab

                    Halsey looked off to nowhere, deep in thought, but soon spoke afterwards.

                    "I can have some of the satellites scan for your friends. We'll also send out agents to gather intelligence. It will take around a week, but if they're on Earth, we'll find them.", Dr. Halsey said as she looked over to Lily and spoke.

                    "Take him to the SPARTAN Augmentation Lab. I'll have a team ready to operate in an hour. Right now, we're still trying to recover from the attack."

                    "Yes Halsey.", Lily responded as she nodded.

                    "You ready to go?", Lily asked Raven as she turned her head towards him.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Halsey's Lab

                      Raven simply looked at Halsey and smiled. A tear almost ran down his cheek, but he wept it off before anyone could notice. "Thank you... this place is doing so much for me. I don't think I would even be able to repay you guys." Said Raven as he turned to Lily.

                      "Yea I'm ready to go."


                        Halsey's Lab

                        "We take care of our own.", Lily said to Raven as she led them out of Halsey's Lab and past the two, bickering Spartan-Vs.

                        SPARTAN Augmentation Lab - Sector 4

                        Lily and Raven eventually entered a room with many holographic machines in the room. The machine in the middle of the room looked more like some kind of futuristic death-trap than an augmentation station, but that was simply how they were designed. Every Spartan had to undergo the augmentation procedures. The machines would pierce the sides of the skull and wrists, while the attachments on the thighs and shins would inject the Spartan-III serum into the main blood vessels, allowing it to travel through the body faster. While that happened, the needles in the wrists and skull would inject other components of the Spartan-III serum and cause a drastic change in the subject's physique. The most noticeable change in their appearance was the permanent change in the subject's eye color. Instead of their original eye color, it would quickly turn into an almost unnaturally blue color. The procedure may have been drastic, but it only had a fatality rate of less than 1%.

                        "Well, go on and sit on the Augmentation Station. Now we just wait."[/B][/color], Lily said as she sat on a chair in the corner of the room.

                        Medical Ward

                        After a couple of minutes, Six eventually returned with medical supplies, along with Biofoam.

                        "Okay, who's the one in the most need of attention.", Six asked Gerard and Chris.

                        Six was a little surprised that Gerard regained consciousness, but he quickly pushed it aside.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Medical Ward

                          Chris turned to Six and smirked. "I would recommend treating Gerard. He seems like he also has the most injuries... also... I need to check something... Gerard said he was attacked by a Licker in the Neo-Yakuza base. Do you think you could get a blood test performed on him to check for any signs of the T-Virus?" Replied Chris as he looks at the supplies Six brought in.


                            Medical Ward

                            "Sure.", Six nodded as he approached Gerard.

                            Six looked down to Gerard and spoke.

                            "Okay. Tell me what's damaged and I'll fix it.", Six said as he began pulling out scalpels, needles, and various types of medicine.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              "Sure. It's... What?"

                              I look down to my leg wound... But it wasn't there... Almost as if it never happened.


                                Medical Ward

                                Six looked at the wound and placed the Biofoam on the cot.

                                "Uhh, Chris? The wound isn't there.", Six said as he tried to make sense of Gerard's healed leg.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

