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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Medical Ward

    Hearing this Chris shot up immediately and looked at Gerard's leg.

    "The hell!? The wound is completely gone. There isn't even a scar..." Said Chris as he slowly turns to Six. "Six... remember that blood test I asked you to perform on Gerard? I need you to get a blood sample from Gerard's leg right away... this may be bad..." Said Chris. The tone in his voice showed worry and fear.


      Medical Ward

      Six was a little confused by Chris's worry, but he did as he was told.

      "Well, you heard the guy.", Six said to Gerard as he prepared a needle and began to draw Gerard's blood.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        I slightly winced, but it was nothing.

        "Chris, what is there to worry about?"


          Medical Ward

          Chris looked at Gerard but didn't say anything.

          As Chris turned to Six he sighed. "Six I need you to get that blood checked for anything... unusual... I fear that Gerard might have been infected by that Licker..."


            Medical Ward

            "Got it.", Six said as he quickly left the Medical ward and ran off towards the nearest blood testing lab.

            Genetic Observation and Analysis Room - Sector 4

            Six ran into the room and placed the syringe on the table. He then rushed over to one of the many cabinets in the room and pulled out a vacuum sealed vial. Once he grabbed the vial, Six inserted the needle into the vial and let the vacuum suck away the blood.

            "Okay.", Six muttered to himself as he tried to remember how to use the genetic analysis machine in the corner of the room.

            It took Six fifteen minutes to figure out how to operate the machine, but he was finally able to scan the blood.

            (Chris said to scan for any anomalies. The only problem is, I don't know Gerard's blood type. I'll just scan for all blood types.), Six thought as he began the scanning process.

            After a span of four minutes, Six looked at the machine's screen for the results.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Genetic Observation and Analysis Room-Sector 4

              The results on the screen showed that there was indeed something odd.

              There was definitely a virus in Gerard's blood. It was a virus that hasn't been seen before. However it does not seem to be dangerous as of yet. Instead it appears as though the virus had modified some of the DNA in Gerard's body, strengthening his muscles and body. It also seems to be increasing the speed of which cell growth happens. In turn it's actually healing Gerard and making him stronger.

              This truly is an odd virus indeed.


                Genetic Observation and Analysis Room - Sector 4

                As the armored man was making blood samples, a voice behind him appeared "I suggest you to be careful with what you are doing soldier boy, you are playing god with that kind of blood" the red haired commander said sitting on a corner with her carnifex pistol on her hand, but not aiming at all
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Genetic Observation and Analysis Room-Sector 4

                  Six was surprised by the results, mainly because of the fact that the Neo-Yakuza created it. Were they trying to replicate the Spartan-III Serum? Based on the benefits of the virus, it seemed so. The only thing that was different between the two methods was that the virus was weaker and added a healing factor. It made Six think about why Wesker attacked Prometheus Labs. Was he trying to take a sample of the serum? Was he trying to kidnap Dr. Halsey?

                  "What were you planning?", Six said under his breath as he printed out the results and took the paper.

                  "I suggest you to be careful with what you are doing soldier boy, you are playing god with that kind of blood.", a female voice echoed from behind Six.

                  Six turned around and saw an armored woman with red hair sitting on a chair. She had a pistol in her hand, but Six wasn't threatened by it. He could easily draw his pistol and fire before she could even raise the gun.

                  "And how would I be playing god? Do you work for the lab, or are you one of the Neo-Yakuza?", Six calmly asked as he tucked the paper into one of his storage compartments.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Genetic Observation and Analysis Room-Sector 4

                    Hearing the soldier asking if she was with a group made her chuckle a bit "A gang? sorry, we aren´t in good terms" she said getting up and dusting of her legs

                    "This lab has experiments of many mutated creatures and exagerated mechs, and I see you met that blond guy with the black absorbing worm, im just being cautious you don´t use this place for anything that may cause more ruckus" the commander said calmly typing something on a nearby computer and showing the test subjects footages

                    "So what will you do with it, to something like that? or for a better reason if I may ask?"
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Genetic Observation and Analysis Room-Sector 4

                      Six didn't like being called a mutated creature and that she assumed that he would "cause a ruckus".

                      "Spartans are not 'mutated creatures', so don't use words that imply that we're some kind of sub-human species. The blond guy's name is Wesker and we killed him. As for your concern about me 'causing a ruckus', I work here. In fact, I'm one of the highest ranking Spartans here.", Six said in a cold tone.

                      Six was trying to figure out her motives for being here. Sector 4 was a heavily guarded section of the facility, and yet there she was. How did she get in, but more importantly, why was she here? Did she have something to gain by being here? In Six's work as an assassin, he learned that everyone has a hidden motive, whether they were good or bad. The question was, what was hers?

                      "Where do you think I got this blood? Better yet, what do you think I'm going to do with it?", Six asked the red-haired woman.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Genetic Observation and Analysis Room-Sector 4

                        The woman just looked at the soldier "To be honest I have no idea what you are planning to do with it, as I said, Im worried about it since it has a high chance of mortality, I saw the files of many of your allies, many didn´t make it within the first week, others had mutations be it physical or emotional ending on rampant brainless warlords, thats why Im worried on who you may use that blood"

                        "Also I see you are wondering how I got here, right? I used the ventilation system. Im searching for traces of an alien technology and a man who would take this place no matter what" she said showing the soldier an image of the ilusive man
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          Genetic Observation and Analysis Room - Sector 4

                          Six looked at the woman with a confused look and tiled his head to the side. Despite the fact that he was wearing a helmet, the woman wold be able to tell that he was confused.

                          "Are we even talking about the same place? The Spartan-III augmentation procedure has a mortality rate of less than 1%. We augment them once they pass our training. We don't let just anyone join. We don't get physically mutated and we don't get mentally altered, at least not by that much. We also don't produce insane warlords bent on the destruction of everything and anything. The closest thing we have to a mindless warlord is Jack, but he was always like that. I think the mortality rate you're referencing is the SPARTAN-V Program. It has an 80% mortality rate, but all of the subjects are volunteers. This blood is infected with a virus, while we were created using chemicals. They're not compatible and Prometheus Labs isn't as reckless as you think it is.", Six explained.

                          Six then looked at the photograph and spoke.

                          "What kind of alien technology are you looking for, and who is that?", Six asked the woman.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Where nothing Gathers

                            "It looks like that weakling Wekser didn't succeed getting the information of the Spatan-II and John to us. This time I think I will go myself. It's been long since I got to do something fun and I really want this done the proper way."Master Xehanort said as he got up and began preparing. When he was done he teleported out.

                            Entrance to Prometheus Labs

                            Xehanort appeared right in front of the entrance. Although he could just teleport right in he also wanted some fun. That fun would be breaking into the labs. He began punching door after door making his way to his destination.
                            Born in the light.
                            Molded in the dark

                            Never Forget,
                            Keep Fighting.
                            –Don't Forget.
                            Always, somewhere,
                            someone is fighting for you.
                            –As long as you remember her,
                            you are not alone.


                              Genetic Observation and Analysis Room - Sector 4

                              "Im searching for a mechano-organic race of creatures called Reapers, and this guy is called the Ilusive man, an extremely powerful man in terms of technology and tactics" the commander said calmly

                              "In the end, he was searching for the blood samples to enehance his human resources, thats why im here to delete all the data or destroy the base if needed"
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Sector 2

                                Just as everything had begun to settle down, another intruder broke in and began smashing down door after door, trying to get deeper into the lab.

                                Due to the damage caused by Wesker, it was easy to infiltrate Sector 1 and 2. Everyone was in Sector 3, trying to tend to the wounded.

                                "Stop!", a security guard in SPI armor yelled at Xehanort as he aimed at the intruder with his MA5C Assault Rifle.

                                Genetic Observation and Analysis Room - Sector 4

                                Upon hearing what the woman was planning to do, Six pulled out his pistol and had it aimed perfectly at her head.

                                "You will do no such thing. If this Illusive Man wants a fight, then we'll simply send a couple Spartans his way and destroy everything he controls. And what do you mean by 'Reapers'?", Six asked in a harsh tone.

                                It was obvious that he did not like her presence in the lab. Even more so, now that she made her intentions clear.
                                Last edited by S121; 08-27-2013, 12:36 AM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

