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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Dominus's Room

    John stood between Dominus, Renamon and Ran and spoke in a calm, emotionless tone, despite the current situation.

    "Once I'm done here, I need to give Ran something.", John said as he stared down Dominus.

    Despite John's calm tone of voice it was easy to tell by his body language that he was angry, angry not only for the condition Ran was in, but about Yuuka's death as well.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      The consumer

      Kyubimon put herself between the spartan and domino while releasimg Ran fr uer mouth

      --Dont let anger overcome you and take her away from this room, you are faster than me John-- she said calmly but serious

      The nine-railed fox expanded her tails and flames appeared on their tips, she thwn loosemed the flqmes to the floor ready for a distraction
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Dominus's Room

        John looked down to Renamon, but didn't lower his stance.

        He stood there a moment, thinking about Renamon had said and about how he would be able to give Ran the medical attention she needed.

        "Don't show him mercy. As far as I can tell, he deserves none.", John said as he eased his stance.

        John then gently picked up and held Ran in his arms and sprinted out of the room.

        Hallway - The Consumer

        After he got a safe enough distance, John gently placed Ran back down on the ground.

        "Are you alright? Where are you most injured?", John asked Ran in a calm tone as he looked her over, finally seeing her condition now that his attention was on her.
        Last edited by S121; 09-01-2013, 09:51 PM.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Domino's room

          Kyubimon sighed while seeing the soldier and shikigami

          "As I said earlier, you have one chance, let us go or fight knowing the reaper will surely take us both"she said eyeing the general as her body glowed in power
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            Promethean Lab - Outer Wall

            Robin worked his way along the walls, carefully looking for any openings and feeling for any possible crevices that might yield a possible opportunity to get within. As he went, he would glance back to the rise where Chung was, making sure he could still see him. "There has to be something..." Robin muttered under his breath. "Even the greatest strongholds have a weakness... Now where is it?"


              The Consumer

              "Very well." Dominus sighed. "I really hate fighting."
              The room suddenly became hotter as the air grew orange.
              "General Dominus LuGaf." Dominus announced. "Master of Magma. Introduce yourselves, and the battle shall begin."


                The Consumer

                "The name is Renamon, the golden fox" kyubimon said coming back to her normal form while noticing the temperature rising

                The fox took a calm breath and triggered her fighting stance "I shall give you the first move magma controller"
                Last edited by Kristia; 09-01-2013, 10:47 PM.
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  The Consumer

                  "Alright let me loosen up some joints here..." Dominus cracked his neck... Perhaps too hard. Magma started oozing from his neck, slowly at first, but accelerating to an uncontrollable exusion.

                  "Lava Lump." Dominus sent a mass of boiling lava, hurling it towards Kyubimon.

                  "I'm okay..." Ran stretched her clumped muscle. "I'm worried more about my master."
                  Ran stopped to reach for her back. No fluffy tails. Those were shredded for unknown purposes.
                  "I wonder how long it will take for my tails to regrow..." Ran wondered out loud.

                  "Alright." Yukari smiled. "Don't blame me if I accidentally hit you, though!"
                  Yukaru opened myriads of portals: and out from it came a variety of objects: normal weapons like swords from the Middle Age, bullets from modern-day SAW rifles and tank shells from Panzers, to unusual projectiles, such as hamburger from McDonalds or balls of paper thrown arbitrarily by a random employee in an office building."


                    The Consumer

                    Nera ducked from some bullets and food while sending aura spheres towards the devourer, soon she felt a somewhat calming feeling ("Looks like she made it.. im glad") she thought getting close to the gap controller

                    "Just to assure you that Ran is fine Yukari, John and Rena managed to get her safe" the jackal said sending more auraspheres

                    Domino´s room

                    Renamon jumped to the side fro, the lava mass and sent a diamond storm towards the magma controller

                    "I have to wonder how much lava you can create" she said moving on zig zags close to Domino, but at a safe distance while sending more diamond storms
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      The Consumer

                      John smiled slightly inside of his helmet as he heard Ran talk about her tails.

                      "Actually,...", John said as he pulled the relaese valve on his helmet, causing it to hiss before he took it off.

                      "I have something for you.",John said as he pulled out his allen wrench and removed his chestplate.

                      The stomach part of John's undersuit bulged as if there were large worms inside of his suit. John opened up his undersuit to the point that he could reach inside and began pulling out Ran's tails. John placed all nine of the golden, glowing tails on the ground next to her and closed up his suit.

                      "I heard what happened to your tails and saw them in the Extractor's auxiliary power unit. I thought you'd want them back.", John said to Ran as he reassembled his chestplate onto his body and put his helmet back on.
                      Last edited by S121; 09-01-2013, 11:47 PM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        The Consumer

                        "Around 7 or 8 thousand gallons." Dominus answered as this time he prepared a river of magma and unleashed it in front of Renamon. "But they're recyclable, believe it ir not."

                        "Oh..." Ran gasped, first in excitement but then in desparity. "They have lost their color."

                        "Good to know!" Yukari examined a gap... Oh snap.
                        "Watch out, Nera!" Yukari shouted as an unmanned Boeing 747 aircraft jetted from an enormous gap, engulfing the Devourer."


                          The Consumer

                          John looked at the tails. They seemed to lose their color, but John still got an energy reading from them.

                          (Perhaps it's from the power drain from the Extractor.), John thought as he then looked to Ran.

                          "I still have strong energy readings coming from them. I don't think any power has been taken, but I could be wrong. I don't know if their color will completely return with them, or if you'll regain your color without them. Do you want me to still reattach them?", John asked Ran.
                          Last edited by S121; 09-02-2013, 12:08 AM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            The Consumer

                            Nera jumped behind the gap as she saw the plane coming from it "If I may ask, you are enjoying using your power, don´t you?" she asked while charging her own energy for and sending an aura storm behind the airplane

                            Domino´s room

                            The fox easily evaded the river and sent another diamond storm while her digivice made a quick beep ("Ready, but I have to get close..) she thought of her idea

                            "I suppose your world was also captured or destroyed by the devourer, did he used lava´s natural opposite?" Renamon said reffering to the element of water
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              The Consumer

                              "No Kitsune ever artifically grows her tails." Ran refused the offer.

                              "Actually, my world was surrendered." Dominus lamented. "My king, growing tired of a long struggle, gave up the kingdom in order to save his own hide. I was his vessel, now I'm sworn to slay him with my hands."

                              Daiyousei couldn't resist.
                              "I gotta pull it!" She shouted, as she grabbed the lever that said 'Glide'.
                              The ship began to throttle and lift off.


                                The Consumer

                                Renamon got a bit closer while feeling more heat from the general "Then why are you following the Devourer? where is that king?" she asked rather cautious of Domino´s reactions

                                Comunications room

                                Samus scanned the area and finally found the comunications center ("This will be a good distraction") she thought already preapring turn off or blast the whole place.
                                Last edited by Kristia; 09-02-2013, 12:33 AM.
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


