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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Sector 3

    "I think IŽll have to disagree with you, dealing with a whole planet is something I canŽt let you do" the commander said with a serious face
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      Sector 3

      "Do you honestly think the governments of Earth will let you do as you please? Do you honestly think you can fight an entire planet?", Six asked in a serious tone.
      Last edited by S121; 08-31-2013, 01:06 AM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        London - Lone Hill | Field

        A heavy sigh was all Robin could muster. "So much for simple explanations... Everything I know about traveling between worlds was through the Outrealms. Though there's still one more possibility but I doubt it would explain everything..." Robin turned his gaze elsewhere. That's when he caught sight of the towering structure surrounded by an ominous aura consistent of dark storm clouds. "....Chung, one last question," Robin gestured in the direction of the ominous event. "...for what you know of this world, is THAT normal?"


          Sector 3

          "The only way you can me me not do it is to fight us here. Do you really think we listens to what the government have to say?"
          Born in the light.
          Molded in the dark

          Never Forget,
          Keep Fighting.
          –Don't Forget.
          Always, somewhere,
          someone is fighting for you.
          –As long as you remember her,
          you are not alone.


            Sector 3

            Shepard only sighed at what she heard "In the end you will resort on violence, huh?" she said as her right hand was ready to take her carnifex pistol
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
              A heavy sigh was all Robin could muster. "So much for simple explanations... Everything I know about traveling between worlds was through the Outrealms. Though there's still one more possibility but I doubt it would explain everything..." Robin turned his gaze elsewhere. That's when he caught sight of the towering structure surrounded by an ominous aura consistent of dark storm clouds. "....Chung, one last question," Robin gestured in the direction of the ominous event. "...for what you know of this world, is THAT normal?"
              London- Lone Hill, Open Field

              Chung let out a chuckle as he rubbed the back of his head. "Yea well... I didn't really travel to other realms before. This is the only other "world" that I have been to." Said Chung as he looks at the direction of the ominous building. "No that is not normal. In fact..." Said Chung as flashbacks of when the demons attacked his home kingdom of Hamel. "That's what I was heading for before I stopped to talk to you... anyways I better go investigate. So if you are from another world aside from this one then I'm judging that you have at least some special abilities right? Well if that's the case then are you coming with me?" Said Chung as he primes the Destroyer, he then proceeds to spin the Destroyer above his head before resting it on his shoulder.


                Sector 3

                "I can live with that.", Six said in a calm, almost emotionless tone as he fully switched into a battle-ready mindset.

                As he finished talking, Six sent out a message to Jack and Daniel. If they were going to fight, then they would need all the help they could get.

                < 01001010011000010110001101101011001011000010000001 00010001100001011011100110100101100101011011000010 11000010000001100011011011110110110101100101001000 00011011110111011001100101011100100010000001110100 01101111001000000101001101100101011000110111010001 10111101110010001000000011001100100000011000010111 00110010000001110011011011110110111101101110001000 00011000010111001100100000011100000110111101110011 01110011011010010110001001101100011001010010111000 10000000100000010011000110010101100001011101100110 01010010000001100001001000000111001101101101011000 01011011000110110000100000011101000110010101100001 01101101001000000110111101100110001000000101001101 11000001100001011100100111010001100001011011100010 11010100100101001001010010010111001100100000011101 00011011110010000001110000011100100110111101110100 01100101011000110111010000100000010010000110000101 10110001110011011001010111100100101110001000000010 00000101100101101111011101010010000001100001011100 10011001010010000001101110011001010110010101100100 01100101011001000010000001101000011001010111001001 10010100101110 >

                As Six finished sending the message, he then turned towards the Dark Spartan and Xehanort.

                "You do realize that you're fighting a large group of Spartans, correct?", Six calmly asked.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Sector 3

                  "We realize that we'll be fighting 7 of the strongest people there is to find."
                  Born in the light.
                  Molded in the dark

                  Never Forget,
                  Keep Fighting.
                  –Don't Forget.
                  Always, somewhere,
                  someone is fighting for you.
                  –As long as you remember her,
                  you are not alone.


                    Sector 3

                    "I thought you would have learned this from fighting John, but you shouldn't underestimate us. You should never underestimate a Spartan.", Six said as he put his DMR away and slightly flexed inside of his armor, loosening up and getting ready for the fight to come.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Originally posted by SUSTIC View Post
                      London- Lone Hill, Open Field

                      Chung let out a chuckle as he rubbed the back of his head. "Yea well... I didn't really travel to other realms before. This is the only other "world" that I have been to." Said Chung as he looks at the direction of the ominous building. "No that is not normal. In fact..." Said Chung as flashbacks of when the demons attacked his home kingdom of Hamel. "That's what I was heading for before I stopped to talk to you... anyways I better go investigate. So if you are from another world aside from this one then I'm judging that you have at least some special abilities right? Well if that's the case then are you coming with me?" Said Chung as he primes the Destroyer, he then proceeds to spin the Destroyer above his head before resting it on his shoulder.
                      Robin looked from Chung to the dark coulds circling like vultures around the tower. Two memories surfaced. The first was that of which the scene before him reminded him of...

                      The second...
                      "Can I ask you something, Chrom?" Robin was walking alongside his friend, the prince of Ylisse.
                      "Uh-oh. Should I be nervous?" Chrom smiled lightly.
                      "When you found me collapsed and without memory, why did you take me in?"
                      "Well...Because you were collapsed and without memory?"
                      "That's it? Pity was your reason?"
                      "Isn't that enough?"
                      "Did you never stop to consider if it was some kind of trap?"
                      "Heh, that's what I have Frederick for."
                      "But why didn't--"
                      "Robin, if I see someone hurt or in need, I'm going to help them. That's just who I am, and there's no changing it. Or would you rather I'd left you there, face down in the muck?"
                      "No, of course not. I'm thankful for what you did. I truly am. But it scares me all the same. Chivalry and longevity don't often go hand in hand."
                      "Ha! I wish I had a gold coin for every time I got this lecture."
                      "I can only offer advice, I'm afraid. You really should be more careful in the future."
                      "I'm sorry, but no. If it happened again today, I'd do the same exact thing..."
                      "Peace, Robin. I have heard your counsel, and I know you mean well. But as I said, this is who I am. I can't change that, nor would I want to."
                      "I... I understand. If that is your decision, then so be it. Just do try and be careful, Chrom. For my peace of mind, if not your own?"
                      "I will. I promise."
                      The two friends continued to walk through camp as everything faded back to reality. There was one last fragment of a memory that Robin entertained. "You see? And it's not just you, Robin. It's everyone like you. I know going out there exposes me to danger, and I haven't always been careful. But it's a risk I'm willing to take in order to connect with the people. To forge bonds."
                      The last portion of the memory he gave voice to, inaudible to Chung. "It's hard to argue when you use me as your example. But at least let me come with you." He then turned back to Chung.
                      "As much as I despise rushing into a dangerous situation without a strategy...I'm going with you. Someone is going to have to watch your back."


                        London- Lone Hill, Open Field

                        Chung looked at Robin and smiled. "Thanks though as long as I have the Destroyer with me, then the White Wolf of Hamel is never without an ally." Said Chung as he turned back to the building, taking off in full sprint.
                        Chung even while carrying the Destroyer is quite fast, this is just mostly due to his strength. Chung was also right about never being without an ally. The Destroyer is literally his strongest weapon. It is capable of taking on armies of enemies if one knows how to use it to it's full extent. However Chung even as the Tactical Trooper has yet to realize the true power of the Destroyer and the Disfrozen Portal it uses.


                          London- Lone Hill, Open Field

                          Robin held up his hand, little sparks of energy jumping from his palm and fingertips as he clenched it into a fist. "Heh, Alright then!" And with that Robin sprints off after Chung, his cloak billowing behind him, revealing the shining armor beneath, the mark of a Grandmaster Tactician, as well as his sword and bag with his magic tomes.


                            The Consumer

                            "That's unfair." The Devourer flashed away from the two. "I'll have to step it up a notch."
                            The Devouer tapped his foot, causing a fissure to form between him and his opponents. The fissure was too wide for one to be able to simply jump over.

                            "All that you mortals can do is wait." Valenciel announced, and then tured to Yuuka. "What is your name, child?"
                            Yuuka smiled weakly. The vitality in her was already seeping away: her face pale as chalk, her hands trembling. "Yuuka Kazami."
                            "Heavenly father, your child, Yuuka, is ascending to sit next to you. Accept her as your disciple." Valenciel knelt and began to pray. The atmosphere around her suddenly became... Holier.
                            "I'm going to heaven?" Yuuka coughed, and gave a gasp of laughter. "And I thought I've done too many bad deeds..."

                            A flashback.
                            Yuuka saw the three agents asking her to join their side... And then she was in rhe bath when Yukari jumped on her... And then Mima's antique shop... Then the Makai... A split second of the Neo-Yakuza base... All the events that happened throughout the past few weeks.

                            But no one was with her.
                            'Aww hell.' Yuuka thought. 'I was all alone after all.'

                            Yuuka closed her eyes and drew her last breath.

                            "I wouldn't." Dominus shrugged. "But every General for himself... Or herself."

                            Battle of Gensokyo

                            "They're not coming back." Miko observed.
                            "You think something happened?" Byakuren asked Flandre.
                            "I..." Flandre hesitated. She volunteered to lead the Youkai Alliance as the representative of Scarlet Devil Mansion in stead of Remilia, and learned a lot from some of the strongest Youkai and humans. However, she was not experienced in making the call, and she was worried that she might make a bad choice here.
                            "I think we need to get up there. Help them out." Miko suggested.
                            "Yeah..." Flandre nodded tentatively. "Let's go, us three."
                            "Actually, I had something else in mind." Miko argued as she located X and Axl. "Hey you two! Follow us!"


                              The Consumer

                              As soon as Zero saw the fissure coming he quickly jumped into the air, however even increased jump height, and speed boost from his new Black Armor upgrade along with his default double jump he was unable to escape the fissure. As Zero looked down before falling in he quickly took his Z-Saber and pulled off one last technique before falling in. "Ittou Ryoudan: Genmu Zero!" Said Zero as he gained a red aura for a brief second. He then pulls off a quick, but powerful slash from his Z-Saber, sending out a large and powerful crescent wave of energy towards the Devourer. After Zero pulled off the Genmu Zero technique he quickly tried to air dash to safe ground before falling in, but it was too late. He was already falling down to the floor below.

                              Battle of Gensokyo

                              X and Axl turned to Miko. Without saying a word they turn to each other and nod before running off after Miko.
                              Last edited by NeoFox; 08-31-2013, 05:47 PM.


                                I walked down the ship singing god rest ye merry gentlemen. I walked to the heart of the ship.

                                "... Now then... What do I want to do with you, rust bucket? I'm getting tired of how cramped it's getting."

