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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Comunications room

    Preparing her arm cannon with her next weapon, Samus charged a black glowing sphere, she waited for the general to lung at her and fired the Entangler beam

    Black energy purged from the arm cannon and touched the sword encasing it in a ever growing sphere as it slowly absorbed everything around it and solidified with time
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..





        Comunications room

        "Fighting an adversary" Samus said charging her entangler beam and as the growing sphere went to the general, she fired a set of wave beams through the whole room as they went rickocheting with the walls towards the general
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          I was close to the blast, but my arm was inside the blast, being crushed.



            Comunication room

            Samus looked at the pained man, but didnīt hesitated "Nope, I donīt know you" she said preparing her next weapon just in case he would do something else
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              My arm was gone. I held it.

              "Gah... You're really going to make me go through my forms, aren't you?"

              Then, two skeletal wings sprouted from my back.

              "Now do me the favor of dying!"

              I rushed at her, but much faster than before. I knee'd her in the stomach and made her fly.

              "... Hmph. I never was a fan of hurting little girlies like you, but you forced me."


                Comunications room

                A lot of stress got into her abdomen area "Oh thank you for giving me the chance to test something" Samus said getting ready to meet the ceiling. Her boots crashed on it.

                A moment later, the bounty hunter used her space boots added with her thrusters to plummet herself towards the general. Her cannon ready with the disruptor beam

                Itīs energy was fired at point blank on the generalīs chest as it making a big blast radius
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  I staggered back.

                  "AUGH! Damn you! Just wait until you see what I can do, you witch!"

                  Then, I summoned a bunch of giant purple rings around me. They spun around me in a spherical form. The ground below me began shedding, creating a crater. I began flying.


                  I used my sword to shoot the aura rings at samus.


                    Comunications room

                    Samus timed the aura ringsīmovements and started running towards the general, the moment she got to the craterīs edge, the bounty hunter jumped with all her might

                    A ring touched her helmet and damaged it as the bounty hunter felt a piece of her hair getting cut, her helmet disappeared by her consciousness as she charged her arm cannon with a lot of power

                    The Omega cannon was fully charged, Samus was going for a frontal assault
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      "I don't think so!"

                      I bright the rings closer to me as they spun faster. Then, I shot out an aura field. It was a force field like sphere the pushed everything away.


                        Comunications room

                        ("This will hurt.. oh well let see what happens") the bounty hunter thought while the energy field was coming

                        Samus charged the omega cannon and fired it as close as possible to the general, the radiation did made its work to Samusīvaria suit as she had to let it disappear off

                        The blast sent her to the ground and thankfully she managed to land on her feet.
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          The blast hit me on my entire left side.


                          My entire left side was disintegrated to nothing. But as the smoke cleared, I was still standing on one leg.

                          "No... Not again... I'll make sure you die..."

                          Then I lifted my head. "I hope you have more of those cannon things..."

                          Then, I lifted my wings and a large vortex of purple wind began surrounding me.


                          Then, my wings began sprouting white feathers. My nails and teeth were smoothened and my eyes began glowing an angelic gold hue. My robes turned white. Then, the vortex cleared to reveal me, in my angel form. Everything was angelic.down to my smile.. Except my coldly glaring eyes.

                          My right arm was now completely healed. My left side was slowly repairing itself.

                          "You know, we can end this now in two ways. One, we all just leave and pretend none of this happened. Or two, I bring forth the hammer of God upon your mortal being. I suppose taking the better option for both of us."
                          Last edited by wonderweiss; 09-04-2013, 01:56 PM.


                            Comunications room

                            Samus smirked at the now "angelic" form of the general "You look like some friends of mine the luminoth, and they had something I can see you share" she said thinking of her dar beams

                            "Oh so you will leave me go? thatīs a first from you guys, but how can I know you wonīt stab me on my back the moment I walk away?" the bounty hunter asked while regaining her focus for the suit.
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              "Simply because I find you... Interesting. I find you worth sparing. Plus, you're doing what I was seeing out to do in the first place. I've grown tired of this damnable ship and wish to return home at last. After all, if we were to fight now, it would be obvious who the winner would be. After all, you would be fighting one of God's soldiers of the heavens. Well, do you accept or do you wish to know what purgatory looks like?"
                              Last edited by wonderweiss; 09-04-2013, 02:43 PM.


                                Comunications room

                                "Never understimate your adversary, even the smallest being can beat the biggest threat" Samus mused calmly referring to how the general undestimated her

                                The blonde hunter then faced the man "Let me suggest you something being from a higher plane or rank doesnīt make you a better person, So donīt bluff your "godly" powers, I have met many beings who have shared your qualities and faults"

                                Then the hunter focused on the important things "I have been preparing some things on a few places around here, the core room has a leak, the engine machinery is starting to get some clashes as we speak and as you can see, the communications center aka this place is gone for good, but that is for the ship, the fox and the jackal couple are creating their own havoc with the aid of soldier boy and gap blondie with your former comrades"
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


