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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Consumer

    Nera was the first to speak "What a day.. morning with battle, afternoon with another battle.. pretty much a normal day on our daily lives donīt you think so?" she said as the capsule closed

    The fox nodded in agreement "We were never the ones with a calm life, there is always an adventure at the edge of the road" she spoke taking a deep breath and then looked at Domino

    "You still owe me that sake in the oni city, you will enjoy their beverages, so lets do this" she said taking a deep breath

    closing her eyes, the jackal took the vixen paw with hers as they were ready for what was going to happen "Probably we will have those 30 minutes in heaven" she started

    "And then go back to hell" the fox smirked with the quote

    (lets see who gets that reference )
    Last edited by Kristia; 09-24-2013, 11:35 PM.
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      ((almost forgot))

      Shiki just stood over her.

      "Well, you should've thought about that before touching random buttons, we don't know what this ship could do. What if we were to press the wrong button, we could've set off an alarm, or worse, crash and be killed. You might be able to revive, but we have humans aboard and if your insolence were to have killed them, I will not hesitate to put murder I'm your trial case. Why must you fairies always do so many unruly things, I mean I know you can revive yourselves, but please take consideration into your actions, for what if you weren't to revive for any unknown reason-"

      "Shiki, I think you've proven your point," I said.

      Then, HM came up. "Daiyousei, are you alright?!"


        Reactor Lab-Sector 4

        Chung took the sheets and looked at them. "Hmm... these will do... well these should do..." He said as he began to replace the wires with the sheets. Chung had some difficulty, but he quickly figured out the trick. He managed to solder them to the which did seem to work when he took the core and hooked one cable of the core, and to the main part of the Disfrozen Portal. As he did the core lit up indicating that there is a current and that if he hooks all the wires to the core it will work. If he hooked up all the wires the light would have been brighter. Chung smirked as he saw it light up. "Okay good, they do carry a current it seems..." Said Chung as he unhooks the core and places it back onto the cushion. "Now I need to unplug these wires and repair this cracked armor plating on the inside..." He said as he took the newly repaired wires and carefully removed them.

        As Chung did so he turned to the scientist. "Hey do you happen to have some... Shape Memory Alloy?"


          Reactor Lab - Sector 4

          "What? What's Shape Memory Alloy?", the scientist asked.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Reactor Lab-Sector 4

            Chung thought for a moment. "Well... it's basically a special type of metal alloy that literally retains it's shape no matter what kind of abuse it takes. It's not the strongest metal, but it is well known for being used in armor like this due to how it can absorb shock to an extreme extent. Cutting it though is somewhat easy due to it being more catered to absorbing shock. It's incredibly easy to mold and everything with enough heat, and when it's cooled after being heated it can become quite solid. All I need to do is remove this inner plating, then replace it with a sheet of Shape Memory Alloy. Once I have a sheet of it I just need to apply enough heat to it, form it into the shape of the inner plating, then integrate it into the Disfrozen Portal. All I need is a little bit so I can make a new inner layer here..."


              Reactor Lab - Sector 4

              "We don't have anything like that. Whenever we damage anything, we simply make a new part out of Titanium Alloy.", the scientist said to Chung.

              He then paused for a moment and spoke again.

              "Hey,.. you would be fine with a Titanium Alloy part, would you? Our newer MJOLNIR-grade Titanium Alloys can survive falls from space and are resistant to cutting. It's also lightweight, highly heat-resistant and electric shock-resistant.", the scientist said to Chung.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                The Consumer

                "I'm okay..." Daiyousei muttered as she staggered up... Wait, why stagger?

                Daiyousei began to choke: her throat suddenly closing in on her, no air going through her nose or mouth with inflammation. She gagged and gasped but no air could get through.

                Daiyousei motioned everyone to get out. The wisest move would be to, indeed, get out. An enemy is nearby, and that enemy is deploying paralysis powder.

                "Calibration complete. Channel 1 and 2 are set, energy source is primed. We're ready to fire, sir."

                "Good." Dominus nodded at Leslie's report, and looked over to the duo in the capsule.

                "Alright, this baby needs a little kickstart, so I need you two to laugh at the Devourer."

                "Five minutes..." Ran suddenly went limp. "I'm done for, Yukari-sama..."

                "No you're not, Ran!" Yukari tried to give Ran encouragement, but Ran already looked as if she was going through the border of life and death. "You have to keep trying, use every ounce of energy you got-"

                Then Yukari felt something. Under her dress was a digivice that was given to her by Renamon, brimming with energy.

                "Use this!" Yukari tossed the digivice to Ran. The digivice landed next to Ran, deploying a large amount of life energy. Ran was rejuvenated, but for how long?"

                "I can only last 30 more seconds." Ran announced her demise. "That will be enough to slay you, eater."


                  Space - The Consumer

                  John crawled his way back to the hole in the ship and propped himself up against one of the twisted metal sheets near the edge.

                  Now John was able to see the full extent of that damage.

                  (As bad as I thought...)

                  All the armor half way up his thigh was completely destroyed and missing. His Titanium Alloy undersuit protected his leg from being completely destroyed by the gaze, but it looked as if a grenade went off against his leg, exposing most of the muscle and bone. There were shards of his suit embedded in it and blood seeping out and floating away. Among the various debris and blood was deep cuts from the shrapnel that didn't embed itself, but passed through or grazed the leg. John could see the deeper layers of his leg, but luckily, it seemed as if he still had some control over the entire limb.

                  Without his Biofoam, John was going to have to continue the mission while injured.

                  The first thing John did was grab at the Titanium Alloy shards in his leg and pulled them out one by one and letting them float off into space. The searing pain was almost unbearable, but John had worse, he was trained for this. John slowed down his breathing and continued to pull each piece out until his leg was clear of debris.

                  While John was pulling the shards out of his leg, he took a deep breath and gazed at the stars, trying to find Yuuka amidst the now desolate void and trying to keep the pain under control.

                  (Don't be dead... not now.)
                  Last edited by S121; 09-25-2013, 12:51 PM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    The Consumer

                    Laugh? that was something the fox didnīt expect at all "Well, he had the classic villain speech"

                    "Seriosuly, most villains are similar, ĻIm the emperor slash king of the world and will destroy it and or conquer itĻ. Canīt they just say ĻI want to be the strongest person because I like itĻ that sort of thing would be more understandable" the jackal said smirking

                    "And lets remember how they see us as lesser beings, well? I know for sure he will regret dealing with us" Renamon said with a rather serious tone

                    "You and your stubborness will kill him for sure, that or we can throw him you infinite stash of apples" Nera said already laughing

                    The fox had a small crimson tone on her face "Donīt put apples in the war, I like them, but.. it would be nice to throw them to the devourer since even his title refers to eating" she said also laughing

                    "You know we are an odd couple, an impossible war and we are debating between throwing apples at the biggest threath of the galaxy or choosing where our house shall be built" Nera smirked

                    "That is because we see to the future, besides the devourer will taste my fist when I see him again"

                    "And stuff apples into his mouth?" Nera asked with a mischevious smile

                    "Sure wait.. what? of course not, apples deserve a better eater" Renamon said smirking

                    The machine was starting to light up as the jackal and fox kept their conversation
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                      HM ran to her. I wanted to follow, but he motioned me back. "No, don't! This area if filled with a paralyzing toxin. The suit can't analyze it, it must be alien! Just steer this ship!"

                      I nodded and dragged Shiki to the main deck with me. HM held on to Daiyousei.

                      "Daiyousei, what's happening? Please answer me!"

                      She was choking. There was only one thing HM could do. He picked up Daiyousei and brought her to an area with less toxin.

                      "Daiyousei... This will seem awkward, but you must bear with me!"

                      Then, he performed CPR on her.



                        Koishi then made a move faster than one could blink, slicing Zommari's sword in half using her own sword like a knife through butter.

                        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                          "Impressive. Unfortunately, impressive can only take you so far."

                          The sword regenerated.

                          "My turn."

                          I threw my sword into the air. I jumped and fired multiple Balas at her. Then, I kicked the sword and it landed in her stomach.


                            The Consumer

                            While Zommari and Koishi were fighting, Isaac was modifying his suit and weapons.

                            The first thing Isaac did was modify both his Stasis and Kenesis Modules so that they would have a secondary shielding function. Next, Isaac made t third modification to his Kenesis Module, allowing him to overcharge it and create a large kinetic burst, which he could either focus into a small projectile, or a large wave. Next, Isaac modified his Javelin Gun to do more damage with its electrical spikes and exploding phase. Finally, Isaac overclocked his Contact Beam, allowing it to fire faster, do more damage, and have a more violent secondary function.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                              Zommari's sword then faded away, and the wound regenerated again.

                              "You do not know what you are fighting." Koishi said.

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                Originally posted by S121 View Post
                                Sector 3 - Prometheus Labs

                                Daniel felt a little bit like laughing at Robin's effot to push the cart, but kept completely silent.

                                They soon arrived back in Sector 3 and had the cart ready for people to grab the guns inside.

                                Jack quickly ran over to Six and spoke, which could be heard by Daniel and Robin.

                                "The Pelicans, Broadswords, Longswords, Shortswords, Falcons, and Hornets are in the air, along with cargo transport. We sent everything. We already tracked and set their destination to Gensokyo, so they'll be there within a couple of minutes. While we fight down below, they'll be death from above. I also took the liberty of gathering Spartans for the mission. We are ready when you are, Sir.", Jack said to Six in a formal tone.

                                "Good. Tell them to each grab a weapon and report to Sector 2.", Six said to Jack.

                                Jack contacted the Spartans on his communicator and quickly assembled them into the room. There had to be at least 30 of the finest Spartans wearing GEN 2 MJOLNIR armor standing in line, grabbing the FAFNIR weapons from the cart.

                                One thing was obvious, they were prepared for war.
                                Robin helped distribute the weapons to each Spartan he could. Everything still was confusing but still, ha had to do something. He couldn't make complete sense of what Jack was talking about but all he could determine was that these people were going to risk their lives for the world.
                                He started to get a sense that the following events were far greater than he could imagine.

