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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Consumer

    The stone still pulled away, now with stronger strength, and Malthael pulled out his hand scythe, plunging it innto the stone, shattering, it, causing a large shaking throughout the whole of the Consumer.

    (Yes, the WHOLE ship. That powerful.)

    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


      The Consumer

      Isaac was surprised by the sudden destruction of the stone. As the ship shook, Isaac activated his Grav-boots and held on to the doorway, keeping him on his feet.

      "Did he just destroy it?", Isaac asked Sariel and Koishi.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        The Consumer

        Rumia turned around the sprawling maze of shadowy ship. The walls were constantly distorting, shifting sizes, appearing and disappearing out of nowhere. Wait, didn't she come across this particular landmark already?

        Weird, she thought. She was as accustomed to darkness as humans are comfortable in the daytime.

        But why is the darkness making her anxious?

        "It is no use." A mystique appeared. The magician was a black-haired Asian man, clad in dark cape and formal suit. He had a somber, grave look on his face, with deep purple eyes and closed, stone lips. His right had grasped what looked to be a scepter, but the shape and size of it couldn't be recognized.

        "Welcome to the Shadow Labyrinth." The mystique bowed. "The land of no return. I am the warden."

        "Is that so?" Rumia beamed and spread her arms wide. "So this is a prison."

        "Prison is drab, though." The mystique commented as he stepped forward. Closer to Rumia, he seemed to be too pale to be a human: his bones and blood veins were visible through his skin. "This labyrinth is a puzzle."

        "You're not human..." Rumia rose her eyebrows. "Neither are you Nucleoid."

        "Good eyes." The mystique nodded. "I am a Wraith."

        "Wraith..." Rumia jogged her memory. "You must be quite skilled in illusionary tricks."

        "Of course. Shall I demonstrate?" The mystique let off a small smile, his scepter rising to point at Rumia.

        "Gladly." Rumia smiled sinisterly. "Are you nuts?"



          The Consumer

          "YOU WERE TOO LATE. THEY ARE FREE." Maltahel's chilling voice echoed through the hall. "NOW, TO FILL MY QUOTA."

          Malthael flapped his wings once, and the aging wind started up.

          "Get behind me!" Sariel called.

          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


            The Consumer

            Following Sariel's instructions, Isaac quickly activated the thrusters on his boots and dashed behind Sariel.

            "Great! Now what!?", Isaac asked.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              The Consumer

              "Now, you run." Sariel plunged her staff to the ground, creating force strong enough to stop the winds.

              "Run. Find backup. I'll hold him off for as long as I can." Sariel said.

              "But.." Koishi started.

              "No but, just GO!" Sariel yelled.

              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                The Consumer

                Isaac grabbed Koishi and activated his thrusters, shooting out of the room and down the hall. Once they were at a safe distance, Isaac placed Koishi down.

                "We need to find those immortals, maybe ghosts too. Do you know if anyone like that made it onto the ship?", Isaac asked Koishi in an urgent tone.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Artic Station of Awakening

                  Robin found himself in the darkness again.
                  Grima looked down at him with a wry grin. "Welcome home."
                  "Are you ready now? Are you ready to become a GOD?"
                  "Still as stubborn as ever, even though I COULD let you die."
                  "I would rather die than join you!"
                  "Of course you would, being as modest as you are." Grima chuckled. "But I think I will make a deal."
                  "I will never deal with you!"
                  "Heh heh heh, don't be so quick to dismiss what I have to offer. I you with this battle."
                  "...and what do you want in return?"
                  "I would think you would know the answer." A wicked smile was plastered on Grima's face. "So, what is your answer?"
                  "....." Robin toyed with the concept, working it over. "...alright. BUT! When this is over, we go back. We go back to our world. Not here, I won't let you ravage this world."
                  "Then it's a deal. Though that would mean we BOTH have to find a way back."
                  "What? What are you-?"

                  Robin found himself back on top of the tower. The wound was healed and in his hand was a dark tome...Grima's Truth.
                  "...I hope I made the right choice..."
                  Right when he said that, the great Fell Dragon let out a blood curdling roar that echoed for miles. Then, the behemoth of a dragon struck the side of the tower with its massive neck. Dark lightning rained down haphazardly across the top of the tower.

                  (For the sake of sanity and to justify how big Grima is... let's say the tower is narrower than the Dragon's Table in the video and slightly shorter. I really wish there were more cutscenes of Grima...)
                  Last edited by Cucoo5; 09-08-2013, 03:47 PM.


                    The Consumer

                    "I don't know." Koishi said.

                    The wind stopped as the other two left, and Sariel twirled he staff.

                    "Just you, and me, archangel." Sariel replied.

                    Malthael simply tilted his head and charged at Sariel with blinding speed, to be pushed back by her staff.

                    'I ain't gonna survive this, I know that. But i'll sure make it hard for 'em.' Sariel thought, gritting her teeth, and charging towards the being her own kind thought of as a god.

                    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                      The Consumer

                      Isaac thought for a moment whether or not he could contact any god-like people with his communicator. Finally, Isaac activated his communicator and spoke.

                      "Hello, can anybody hear me? We need help with somebody named Malthael. We need all god-like people and immortals here as soon as possible.", Isaac said into his communicator.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        The Consumer

                        The two clashed with each other, then Sariel created a huge pulse of energy, flinging both of each othe rthrough several walls, and right into the middle of groups of Nucleoids, who fled at the sight of them. The two continued as the room around them was being rusted and torn apart from the sheer energy the blows form the two were creating.

                        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                          The Consumer

                          As Isaac waited for backup, he tried to find any information on "Malthael".

                          Using his suit, Isaac looked up Malthael and quickly skimmed the pages.

                          Despite Isaac having a good idea to look for weaknesses, there were none mentioned.

                          "F*ck! Great! Why do people like making god-like Characters for their games!?", Isaac shouted.

                          Isaac leaned up against the wall and mulled over what Koishi and Sariel had said.

                          (You can not stop Death.)

                          "You can not stop Death...", Isaac quietly said as he looked at the ground.

                          All of a sudden, an idea sparked in Isaac's mind. The Consumer. The Consumer was a ship capable of interdimensional travel.

                          Isaac quickly looked at Koishi with a glint in his eye, one that showed that he had a plan.

                          "You can not stop Death, but you can change his location. This ship is the answer. It has an interdimensional drive. We might not be able to beat him, but we can send him back to his own dimension, back to his game. All I need to do is modify the drive for smaller targets and aim it at Malthael. We need to get Sariel!", Isaac said as he leaned off the wall and quickly made his way to the drive's location.

                          "Help Sariel lure Malthael to my location.", Isaac said to Koishi.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            The Consumer

                            "But what about that world? If we send him back there, he might destroy everything there, since the heroes of that place are probably in this dimension." Koishi thought out loud, floating behind Isaac.

                            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                              The Consumer

                              Isaac stopped for a moment and thought.

                              (Where could we send him? We need to send him to a place where nobody will get hurt...)

                              All of a sudden, Isaac turned around and gave Koishi a wry smile.

                              "Ever hear of Tetris?", Isaac said to Koishi.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                The Consumer

                                "Tetanus?" Koishi asked.

                                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.

