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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Base 7

    As the group of Spartans entered the base along with Chris they were greeted with a horrible sight. The place was in complete shambles. Bullet holes lined the walls along with large tears in the metal lining the ceiling. Corpses covered in bite marks and claw marks lined the main hall as the lights flickered. Glass on some of the doors and walls of some of the rooms were shattered almost completely. Chris lowered his weapon at the sight. "... Damn this place went to hell fast..." He said as he waited for further orders from the Squad Leader.


      Base 7

      "Okay Spartans, split up into groups of ten. Once you do that, get ready to look for the cure and the bomb.", the squad leader said.

      The Spartans quickly split themselves into two groups and once that was done, the squad leader turned over to Chris and spoke.

      "Which group are you going with, the sure group, or the bomb group?", the squad leader asked Chris.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Base 7

        "I'm planning on sticking with the group searching for the bomb. That's a bigger threat at the moment." Said Chris as he walks over to one of the two groups.


          Base 7

          "Okay. We'll take care of the bomb.", the squad leader said to Chris as he looked to the other Spartans.

          "Let's move out, The sooner we finish, the sooner we can go home.", the squad leader said to the squad.

          Soon, both groups split up; one searching for the cure, one searching for the bomb.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Base 7-Bomb Search Squad (yay for nickname!)

            As the groups split up to search for their respective objects Chris stopped as he felt an uneasy presence from behind. Chris quickly turned around, aiming his Assault Rifle for Special Tactics at whatever was behind the group. However he saw nothing... "Weird... hey are any of you picking up anything on your radar?" He asked.

            On the Spartan's radar nothing is showing up oddly...


              Base 7-Bomb Search Squad

              "No.", one of the Spartans said as the group continued to make their way deeper into the lab.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Base 7-Bomb Search Squad

                Chris took what the Spartan said and kept walking. However he still had that uneasy feeling... As they kept walking Chris stopped at a rather large door. "Guys wait..." Said Chris as he read the sign on the door. It read SECURITY ROOM on a iron plate that was attached to the door. "If we are going to look for that bomb we better have a proper way of locating it... there must be a map of the place in here..." Said Chris as he put away his Assault Rifle and pulled out his handgun. He then slowly opened the door... ready for anything that might jump out at them...


                  Base 7 - Bomb Search Squad

                  The Spartans kept their guns trained at the door, ready for anything to jump out. One of the Spartans even had a Plasmathrower, overkill by some people's standards.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Scarlet Devil Mansion

                    Flandre woke up away from the fiasco, completely returned to her normal self. She was, of course, confused, as to why she's back at her house when she should be leading the charge in a battle.

                    "Wha-" Flandre mumbled. "What's going on?"


                      Scarlet Devil Mansion

                      Sakuyamon noticed the blonde waking up and looked at her, she took a deep breath and steeled her emotions

                      "The battle has changed its tide Flandre, you did your job as a leading fighter, but now you need to rest. Another person will take your place for some time, ok?" she said as calm as she could
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        "Well... Do... I have one?"

                        I want to know if I had one or not. I... Need to know...


                          Scarlet Devil Mansion

                          "What do you mean? I feel fin-" Flandre objected, but then she remembered all the things she has done while she was insane: her outrage, unreasonable attitude and...


                          "Meiling!" Flandre gasped as she looked around for her friend. And when she found Meiling's lifeless body, still clutching Flandre's sleeves, she stood silent, fathoming what she has done and what she could do.

                          The Purgatory

                          "Only Iofiel knows." Isadora answered. "Ah, here we are."

                          The banquet hall of the Purgatory was nothing like what you'd find in the living world. The hall was made primarily of marble and limestone, but some more precious metals, like adamantium, and priceless gems like garnet and amethyst could be found studded along the vestibular pillars and high archways. The chandeliers were made of white gold and diamonds, with arcane lightbulbs illuminating the gems, emitting a prism of light. The tables were made of marble as well, and the chairs were throne-like. On the tables laid finest dishes: crown beef, lamb casserole, fat roast turkey, potato salad, etceteras. Only pork weren't served, for pigs were deemed unholy in Christian beliefs.

                          "Have a seat." Isadora offered a seat. Several others were already seated, including Duncan, with his charismatic aura, and some other divine-looking angels that HM have never seen before. "I shall go fetch Iofiel."


                            Scarlet Devil Mansion

                            The shaman felt heartbrocken at the sight, even though she was almost ancient, Flandre was a girl with emotions

                            Putting her hand on the blonde´s shoulder, Sakuyamon said "She did what was best to protect you Flandre, just let it out.." she tried to soothe her.
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              "Thank you."

                              Quite the banquet. Nothing like even a banquet run by Bill Gates. It was beautiful. I walked by Dominic.

                              "Evening, Dominic. Felt like a long time since we met, but I can tell it's been less than half an hour. How time flies."

                              I sat down.


                                Scarlet Devil Mansion

                                After a moment of silence, Flandre asked with teary voice: "Is it okay if... I took her to the mansion?"

                                The Purgatory

                                "Have some Enamel beer." Dominic offered a pint to HM as Isadora brought in Iofiel to the banquet hall.

                                Iofiel rumbled the ground as he walked in, an 8 feet giant of a man with folded wings that would span 3 times his size if unfolded. He kept his eyes covered with a piece of cloth that read האבל, meaning Mourning. He also kept his clothes humble, wearing a simple white robe that exposed his muscular arms. His wrists werer covered by broken shackles.

                                "This is Iofiel." Isadora introduced Iofiel to HM. "Iofiel, this is Hell Master."

                                "An ironic name." Iofiel bowed, giving respect. "A pleasure to meet you."

