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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Mess Hall - Prometheus Labs

    The scientist waited for a good few moments until he realized that Chung was confused by how the machine worked.

    "Oh, here. Here's the bread and dried meat.", the scientist said as he pressed the buttons below the "B" and "M" section of the machine.

    All of a sudden, bread and dried meat materialized on the plate as the laser "printed" it onto the plate.

    "Heh. I suppose it can be confusing the first time around.", the scientist chuckled.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Mess Hall-Prometheus Labs

      Chung took the plate of food and turned to the scientist. "T-Thank you... I'm just not used to machines this advanced. The most advanced things I've encountered were the Nasods. Basically they were a race of machines and all." He said as he looks at the table where Lily is sitting. "Uh... if you'll excuse me I'm going to go eat over there..." Said Chung as he makes his way to Lily's table.


        Mess Hall - Prometheus Labs

        "Oh? You know Lily?", the scientist asked Chung.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Mess Hall-Prometheus Labs

          "Well sort of. You see I'm good friends with Raven, and he knows Lily. Since I don't see Raven anywhere I want to go talk with Lily to see if she knows where Raven went."


            Mess Hall - Prometheus Labs

            Lily was looking down at a pendant that Raven had given her when she heard Chung talking to a scientist.

            "Oh. Hey Dr. Neuman.", Lily greeted the scientist.

            "Hello.", the scientist said as he sat down with Chung and Lily.

            Lily put the pendant away and looked back to Chung and Dr. Neuman with a smile.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Gensokyo Battlefield

              "Shall I take care of her?" Genji asked. Master Zun nodded in accord.

              "Do hurry. We have peace to make." Master Zun commanded and disappeared into the ether of battle.

              "Will do."


                Mess Hall

                "Hi Lily." Said Chung quite simply as he sat down. He then took a quick bite of his bread as he puts away his Guardian Stone. "So Lily... do you know where Raven is? I haven't seen him after I woke up."


                  Gensokyo Battlefield

                  John looked around the battlefield, at the countless enemies and at Gensokyo's army. It looked like they were slowly being beaten, and it didn't help that they were surrounded. John sprinted in the direction of the enemy, but that's when he heard the familiar roar of engines and explosions mixed with machinegun fire. He knew that sound anywhere, but how? What John saw was various aircraft in the sky and to John's complete and utter surprise, Spartans on the battlefield!

                  John stood there in shock, looking at the Spartans plowing through the Nucleoid's army. Despite the fact that they were colossally outgunned and outnumbered, they were still dominating the enemy force. They were truly Spartans. The various aircraft overhead were mowing down groups of Nucleoids within seconds, shredding straight through their armor and sending them to the ground. Scorpions were on the outskirts of battle, firing their 90mm M512 Smooth Bore High Velocity Cannons and laying waste to every enemy in their sights, all while Mantises gave them supporting fire and guarded them from charging enemies.

                  John shook himself out of his trance and opened up a Corridor of Darkness, and transported himself into the Gensokyan army. John had to make sure everyone was alright.

                  As soon as John appeared on the battlefield, he ran over to Miko and spoke.

                  "What's the situation?", John asked Miko as the air support continued to lay waste to the surrounding enemy.

                  Mess Hall - Prometheus Labs

                  Lily's face changed into a slightly serious one as she started to explain what happened.

                  "Raven went into the woods because of his arm. He said that he needed to train, to make sure that it wouldn't control him.", Lily calmly said to Chung.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Mess Hall-Prometheus Labs

                    Chung looked at Lily as he sighed. "That's Raven for ya... preferring to do things himself... It's almost impossible to understand him sometimes." He said as he took another bite out of the piece of bread on his plate. "I swear first he tries to honor his comrades by taking up the fighting style of the Crow Mercenaries, then he makes a lot of adjustments to his arm, and it is now trying to control him. It was bound to happen eventually. He was warned that his Nasod Arm would be a threat to him if it became to powerful... yet he didn't listen... "I will become stronger" he "I will honor the Crow Mercenaries" he said! I swear Raven needs to use his head a bit more." Said Chung as he finally finishes his bread. His tone of voice sounded irritated, yet serious.


                      Mess Hall - Prometheus Labs

                      "He is getting better though. He's seen a lot and is having trouble, but I can tell that he's getting better. I guess everyone has their way of coming to terms with themselves.", Lily calmly said before eating another bite of her food.

                      Dr. Neuman had no clue what was going on, so he decided to remain silent until the whole Raven topic was over and done with.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Mess Hall

                        "Yea I suppose so... I just hope Raven doesn't push himself too far out there." Said Chung as he takes a bite out of his dried meat. He couldn't tell if the meat was beef, lizard, or something else. Though he didn't really care. Chung was used to eating things like this anyway. "Oh my Disfrozen Portal is repaired. Later I'm going to repair my armor, and check my Destroyer for any damage. Then when that's all done I'm going to need to test them all to see if they are working perfectly."


                          Mess Hall - Prometheus Labs

                          "Okay, we have a testing chamber where you can test them. I'll probably go as well, or at least once I get new armor.", Lily said as she pointed at her heavily damaged armor.

                          All of a sudden, Dr. Neuman spoke.

                          "Lily, that actually reminds me of something I need to tell you and the other Spartans. We're almost done designing the Spartan-IV augmentations that are to be used with the new suit. The new augmentations will boost your stamina and will even allow you to safely breathe non-oxygen atmospheres for a couple hours and will even allow you to process and survive toxic gasses. Think of it as a promotion for everyone.", Dr. Neuman said to Lily.
                          Last edited by S121; 10-09-2013, 03:26 PM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Gensokyo Battlefield

                            "We're holding fine." Miko answered, more worried than before the battle. "Our concern is the enemy within."


                              Gensokyo Battlefield

                              "What do you mean? Flandre? Do you know how to calm her down, or will she tire herself out?", John asked Miko.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                The Consumer

                                "...Yes." Miko answered. "There aren't only one prophecies in Gensokyo."

                                "Kodokuna karera no nakama o nokoshita hitobito ni zetsubō"
                                Despair to those who leave their comrades solitary.

                                (You go, Google Translate.)

