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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Consumer

    The Devourer checked his sword.
    "Enough theatric act." The Devourer grit his teeth as his hand stopped Nera, grabbed her, and threw her off the ship. Yukari sent a gap to retrieve Nera to John's side.

    "Yeah, I think that's enough fooling around." Yukari agreed, and declared: "Barrier of Time and Space."

    The time halted to a stop, freezing everyone except Yukari, Ran and... John?

    "You found her." Yukari sighed and turned to John. "Good. We can start now."

    "Lava burns everything." Dominus shrugged off the attack. "Even water."
    Suddenly, the door opened, and her secretary Leslie briskly walked in, completely unfazed by the heat.

    "Sir, the second Phase is ready to go."

    "Oh, nice." Dominus smiled widely. The blistering heat died off immediately. "Sorry, fox, I gotta run. I can guarantee that your friend is safe. Take care!"

    Dominus left hastily, but not without grabbing a drink or two on his way out.


      The Consumer

      "Trust me, when you deal with the coding on giant colony ships navigating at faster-than-light travel, nothing else seems complicated. The radar's code would not affect the Biolink procedure, it shouldn't have an influence on it. besides, this is a little bit of an emergency. I'll be very careful what I mess with. Consider it an upgrade.", Isaac assured Model X.

      John looked around and was obviously surprised by time being frozen, but he quickly snapped out of it.

      John ran closer to Yukari and spoke.

      "What's the next step?", John asked Yukari.
      Last edited by S121; 09-08-2013, 10:30 PM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        The Consumer

        "If this truly is an emergency then I shall let you, but if the Biolink is affected negatively then my ability to Megamerge with Koishi, in fact my ability to Megamerge with anyone would be rendered almost useless. Thus rendering me of my last function... rendering me useless..." Said Model X as he floated closer to Isaac. "If Koishi trusts you though... then I guess I could trust you as well. Just be warned that my systems are incredibly complex. After all when I Megamerge with Koishi I'm practically turning her into a Reploid/Youkai hybrid whenever we Megamerge, that's what the Biolink is mostly there for." He said as he dropped into Isaac's hands. He then connects to Isaac's suit via a wireless connection.


          The consumer

          Nera felt how she was sent away and then gapped back

          "Oh you wont!" she said as the barrier was closing around the blond, ohh she was going to punch her face for taking her away from the battle like a lower being.

          The jackal charged her way into the barrier as fast as she could

          en route to main room

          Taomon stopped her attack and pondered about dealing or not with the General, but suddenly she felt the familiar energy purge on the main chamber.

          "Dammit!" she growled running at maximum speed possible towards the main room while going back to her normal form

          ("I got three talismans.. one charges me completely, two will sent me to a hell of pain, and three.. even that gap controller may struggle") she chuckled to herself thinking of the possible unthinkable
          Last edited by Kristia; 09-08-2013, 10:40 PM.
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            The Consumer

            Isaac nodded at Model X and got to work.

            A large holographic screen popped up within Isaac's reach, allowing him to directly alter the code. Using his RIG's advanced computer, Isaac was able to turn all the lines of code into what looked to be a web of different functions and abilities. Isaac carefully searched through the web of code, looking for that one line of code that would allow Model X to detect other energy readings. If this worked, then Model X would be able to detect not only allies, but enemies as well.

            Isaac quickly found the lines of code responsible for the radar's functionality. The good news was that the radar's code was independent from the rest of the Biometal's functions, making Isaac's work safer for Model X. The better news was that Model X was right, he was very advanced. There were things Isaac never considered possible of a radar. It could detect the tiniest traces of energy and even isolate and identify individual energy traces as well. Then again, Model x was supposed to be able to find all the other Biometals, no matter their environment. The best part was that the lines of code were very simple and clean. There was very few lines of code, but they worked without flaws. Whoever programmed Model X knew what they were doing. Isaac would be able to alter it without having to worry about inconsistencies in the code. After another minute of copying some of the code, altering various bits, and checking for any flaws, Isaac was done.

            "Okay. It went much better than I expected. Whoever created you definitely knew what they were doing.", Isaac said to Model X.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Arctic - Station of Awakening

              As the big dragon rose from the ground Organization XIII seemed happier than ever. "Yes, come forth and fight us Defender of Light. Even out the balance and complete the clash". Everyone then began attacking it with everything they had.
              Born in the light.
              Molded in the dark

              Never Forget,
              Keep Fighting.
              –Don't Forget.
              Always, somewhere,
              someone is fighting for you.
              –As long as you remember her,
              you are not alone.


                Artic Station of Awakening

                Those on the tower looked like a mere cluster of flees to the Fell Dragon.
                "Defender of Light?" Grima chortled. "HA! I AM THE DESTROYER OF LIGHT!" With that Grima wrapped himself around the tower like an anaconda. "Time to crush these worms."
                Robin watched helplessly as Grima prepared to snap the tower like a twig. "What are you doing?!"
                "Keeping up my end of the bargain, what else would I be doing."
                "Your going to kill everyone here!"
                "Well that's much easier than trying to be picky about what flee I crush, now isn't it?"
                "Besides, what are a few pests to you? I am doing you a favor, after all."
                "...(Gods I did make the wrong decision...) I actually think you- we're playing into their hands. We need to cease fire!" Robin turned to everyone else, watching Chung evade and weave through various attacks to land a great blow on one of the Organization, watching Six fire off rounds towards another member. He watched the chaos. "EVERYONE STOP! CEASE FIRE!" Robin yelled at the top of his lungs, desperate to stop the ensuing battle.
                "Ha! Do you truly think that will do anything? Mortals will be mortals, Robin, they will fight to the death. Therefore, if you want the battle to end... LET ME END IT!"
                Robin felt his body be taken from him. His arm moved on its Grima's will. A sphere of dark energy focused itself in the center of the top of the tower. Suddenly, massive dark spikes erupted forth from the ground with a ferocity that would end any mere mortal.


                  The Consumer

                  "You look pathetic." Yukari frowned at Ran. "Where's your dress?"

                  "Sorry, Yukari-sama. I lost it." Ran lied. It was confiscated by Vladimir.

                  Yukari didn't answer to Ran. Instead, she faced John. "There's a reason why the Devourer abducted Ran. Now that we have her back in our possession, we can permanently stop the Devourer."


                    The Consumer

                    John knew that Ran was lying. One of the many methods of torture was humiliation. Often times, this was carried out by stripping the victim down to nothing, taking away their sense of security. It was a simple, yet cruel treatment. This was one of the many things John learned in his training as a Spartan. John also knew that Vladimir was most likely the culprit, based on his first encounter with the General. He was surprised that Yukari showed indifference to Ran. She had just been tortured, yet Yukari didn't seem to react. Even in the UNSC, the commanding officers and squad leaders would at least say, "good to have you back." John assumed that it was simply because of the severity of the current situation, but it would also be neglectful not to acknowledge it, especially since Ran was lucky to be alive and not severely crippled.

                    John turned his head over to Ran and spoke.

                    "I'll be sure to get the dress from the chamber.", John calmly said to Ran, hinting towards her that he knew what happened to the dress.

                    John then turned his head towards Yukari and spoke.

                    "You can't really blame her for looking like that. Vladimir is not very... compassionate. Trust me, it could have been much worse. Just be glad that she's here.", John calmly said.

                    "So, what do we need to do?"
                    Last edited by S121; 09-09-2013, 03:23 PM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Artic - Station of Awakening

                      As the spikes hit everyone from the Organization they were greatly damaged. However it didn't matter anymore. A dark small orb could be seen coming from every Organization member while a orb of light came from the defenders. At the middle of the battlefield they all gathered and caused a great energy surge to occur. "You may not be a good character, but in this battle you fought against us. In this battle you evened out the balance between light and dark. When equal powers clash they true nature is revealed. See for youself what the true nature of light and dark is. The χ-blade have been forged. Soon we will unlock Kingdom Hearts, and the world will be bathed with light."

                      As he finished speaking the χ-blade formed in his hands. He held up the χ-blade blade into the air. Shortly after a huge door big enough to be as wide as the whole station materialized in the middle of the station. Then a beam of light flew from the χ-blade and the door began to open and a bright light began to shine trough. Then everyone was transported back to the labs.
                      Born in the light.
                      Molded in the dark

                      Never Forget,
                      Keep Fighting.
                      –Don't Forget.
                      Always, somewhere,
                      someone is fighting for you.
                      –As long as you remember her,
                      you are not alone.


                        The Consumer

                        "The Devourer is technically a fallen angel." Yukari answered. "Lucifer, the original Fallen One, was banished from the heavens by a Holy power. From that, we know that all fallen angels and demons are weak to Holy powers inherently."

                        "Now," Yukari smugged. "What do you think Ran's power is?"


                          The Consumer

                          John quickly caught on to Yukari's plan and nodded his head.

                          "Ran has Holy magic.", John said to Yukari.

                          John knew that Yukari needed Ran, but what about him?

                          (Why would she need me? Is my light magic the same as Holy magic? In a way, it could be. Darkness magic is said to be a symbol for evil, so that would mean that Light magic would be the opposite, right?)

                          John was silent for just a moment, but soon spoke again.

                          "Would my Light magic be the equivalent of Holy magic? I think it might be, based on what Darkness it capable of. If so, then I could possibly help Ran.", John said to Yukari.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            The Consumer

                            "That, I do not know." Yukari responded wholeheartedly. "There are such things as dark lights. Anyway..."

                            "Ran, this is all on you. When I undo the spell card, you are to face the Devourer, one on one, while I work on the second phase of my plan."

                            "Will do." Ran nodded.

                            "Don't fail me." Yukari dictated. Then, in a much more warmer voice, she added: "And stay safe."

                            Yukari undoed the spell card. The time started to run again: the clock tells.


                              The Consumer

                              As time played once more, John readied himself to aid Ran with the Devourer. Ran was still injured, putting her at a disadvantage. John didn't know whether or not his Light magic would hurt the Devourer, but John had to try. At the very least, he could distract Glutoneriel and give Ran a couple free hits and protect her from damage.

                              John took a deep breath, slowly let it out, and readied himself for what needed to be done. John focused and began to glow with a bluish-white light as his Light magic began to surge through him.

                              "Okay Ran, I'll keep him distracted for as long as possible. You just do what you need to.", John said to Ran as he sprinted towards the Devourer.

                              (I hope this works...), John thought as he held his hand towards the Devourer, sending a beam of Light towards him.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                The Consumer

                                Suddenly, Sariel and Malthael burst through the wall into the room where the other's were, and they went about fighting each other, ignoring everyone else around them.

                                "Okay, let's try this then." Koishi held Model X in her hand.

                                "Megamerge!" Koishi shouted, and after the lightshow, she was clad in the armor. She looked at Isaac, seeing that he had a glowing green outline.

                                "Okay, I think it works, you're all glowy and stuff." Koishi said.

                                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.

