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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Gensokyo Skies - Grima

    "Detail, details. *sigh* But yes, I suppose it's time I got you all off my back, so to speak—permanently." As Grima finished speaking, a whirlwind of dark energy accumulated at Grima's Avatar and then below the entire group. In a flash, twenty feet long spikes made of dark magic erupted everywhere on Grima's back. He then spoke again to Robin. "In truth, I simply don't understand why you care so deeply for these creatures... No matter. Your soul is mine now; you cannot escape. Your mind will descend into the shadow of my own!"
    Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-20-2013, 02:34 PM.


      Training Room - Sector 4

      As Chung destroyed the targets he reloaded his Destroyer once more. He then dashed forward and plowed the front barrel right into one of the targets. "Eat this!" He said as he unloaded all of his Destroyers ammo into a powerful small short ranged burst. Completely obliterating the target. Chung then jumped back as he loaded his Destroyer. Looking at the last bit of targets Chung smiled.

      "Time to finish this! Satellite Rain!" He said as he aimed his Destroyer up into the air. He then fired a special rocket into the air. The rocket then detonated up above Chung, however instead of a normal explosion it created a vortex of sorts. Suddenly a large storm of missiles and bombs are summoned out of the vortex.


        Gensokyo Skies - Grima

        At the very moment the spikes emerged from Grima's back, Six tossed down his Dropshield and a large blue bubble made out of hexagons formed around the entire group. Anyone that was injured was quickly healed back to perfect condition, and any damaged armor was easily repaired. Once the dropshield ran out of power, Six quickly attached it to his armor and spoke.

        "Okay Spartans, let's kill us a dragon. Robin, I'm on you. Lead the way. Renamon, Nera, try and clear a path for us. We'll be with you guys soon.", Six said over his communicator.

        Training Room - Sector 4

        Right after Chung's Satellite Rain ended, Dr. Neuman cheered and clapped, obviously impressed by Chung's attack.

        "Haha! That was actually pretty cool!", Dr. Neuman said.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Training Room - Sector 4

          After Chung's attack ended, and Neuman cheered Chung smirked. "That's the power of Alchemy right there!" He said as what looks like blue gas can be seen coming from his armor. The Disfrozen Portal was cooling down from the power of the attack. It took tremendous energy to perform, and luckily with the Disfrozen Portal he pretty much has a limitless power source for it. The only downside though is it has to cooldown, and re-charge after each use of the Satellite Rain.

          Chung then wiped the sweat off his head as he turned to the Observation Deck. He then gave a single thumbs up to Neuman.

          Chung's Destroyer, and Disfrozen Portal was a powerful combination, along with his Guardian Stone to supply the ammunition for it Chung is definitely a force to be reckoned with.


            Gensokyo Skies - Grima

            Renamon and Nera started taking care of the obstacles for the other goup to deal with the dragon.

            The fox took the jackal´s arm and launched her in a whirlwind form towards the goal. The jackaluse her bone staff to bash anything on her path. The vixen on the other hand quickly ran following her partner, claws killing all the monsters following the jackal.

            "Come on people, we got your path clean" Renamon said clashing her claws with a monster
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Gensokyo Skies - Grima

              "Let's go!", Six said to the other Spartans as he sprinted forward with his LAEVATEINN and fired a 50 foot long beam into the crowd of Risen.

              As soon as the beam fired, Six grabbed the sword handle of the cannon and swung it in a forward arc, killing everything in its reach. Thanks to Renamon and Nera's work, Six only had to worry about protecting the Spartans' flanks, something that he could easily do.

              "Everyone, go to Renamon and Nera! Get to the fox and jackal!", Six said as he cleared the other flank.

              Training Room (Observation Deck) - Sector 4

              Once Chung was finished, Lily grabbed Chung's journal off of the control panel and walked up to Chung.

              "You dropped this. Impressive attack.", Lily said to Chung in a friendly tone as she handed him the journal.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Gensokyo Skies - Grima

                The fox was now following her instincts while slashing her enemies, for each one she knocked out, another filled his place, yet she was getting closer to her goal. The dragon´s head

                "There is something I learned after dealing with guys like you, your head´s are too thick to understand words" she said charging with energy and punching heavily the dragon´s head

                Nera was having the marathong of bashing as her bone staff went on taking out enemies on every direction "Some would say I have leveled up atleast 2 or three times with all this bashing"
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Gensokyo Skies - Grima

                  Robin had reached Grima's Avatar and stood across from him.
                  "...RETURN TO ME... COME... WE ARE ONE...AND THE SAME..." Grima's voice echoed. Then he let loose a blast of dark magic and smaller spikes. Robin dodged the spiked but the blast hit it's mark. Then he answered the attack with his own, a massive lightning bolt struck Grima, followed by lava from below. After Robin's assault, Grima unleashed another attack, this time originating from the Avatar, a sphere of darkness engulfed Robin. "Gah!" He couldn't move, darkness started to seep into his thoughts...he was losing his consciousness again.

                  "You have to keep fighting! You swore to do so, remember? Now keep your damn word!"
                  "I know it would take more than this to stop you, sir!"
                  "You are not Grima, nor is he you. Remember that, Robin!"
                  "I thought I was your favorite dragon! Forget about Grima!"
                  "Up and at 'em, Robin! One dragon oughta be a piece of cake!"
                  "We're all right here by your side!"

                  Robin got up. "Sorry, Grima. Not this time! My friends are always with me! Now, it's time to tip the scales!" With greater fervor, Robin lashed out at Grima, Magic cut through the air between the two in a clash of light and dark magic. Grima was taking hit upon hit. As he did, the outer skull of the Dragon began to fracture with each hit on the Avatar, and finally crumbled, revealing the six-eyed face underneath.
                  "...NNGH...AAAAUGHHH..." Grima fell to a knee.

                  As Robin was about to land the final blow, something else happened...


                    Gensokyo Skies - Grima

                    The Spartans were easily destroying the Fallen before they could replenish their numbers. Thanks to Six's LAEVATEINN sweeps, the Risen couldn't regain a strong foothold against the Spartans. As one group formed, they were swiftly cut down by gunfire and destructive lasers. To top it all off, the fighters up above were quickly overpowering the flying Risen. They found a particular pattern that they followed to generate, and each time they tried to spawn, they were quickly killed off.

                    "Hey, quit spawn camping!", one of the pilots said to his copilot.

                    They had the upper hand, but that didn't mean that the air support were dominating the battle. Every once in a while, a couple Risen would escape and attack some of the Hornets. Luckily, the Spartans inside could hold them off, but it served as a reminder that they were fighting a strong enemy. Due to the manageable fight above, some of the Pelicans, Falcons, and Hornets were able to break formation and help with the battle on Grima's back, makingf the Spartans' job easier and letting Six help Robin.

                    "Robin, what's your condition?", Six asked Robin as he sprinted towards the dragon's nape.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Medic Tent

                      Satori scanned her sister without emotion, without worry. She denounced: "She's going through this phase at last."

                      "Do get me a bowl of water and a soft cloth."
                      Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 10-20-2013, 04:55 PM.


                        Medic Tent

                        Isaac nodded at Satori's request and quickly searched through some of the medical supplies in the area. After getting the bowl full of water and a soft cloth, Isaac hurried back and gave them to Satori.

                        "Here.", Isaac said as he handed them to Satori.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Medic Tent

                          "Thank you." Satori grabbed the tray of water, set it down next to Koishi, dipped the cloth to it, and placed the wet cloth on top of Koishi's forehead.

                          "That will cool her down." Satori denounced. "I've gone through that before."


                            I turned around and fired a cannon.

                            "... you just don't get it, do you? He hasn't altered my point of view. He... enhanced it. He made me see that my 'friends' have been keeping such a devious secret to themselves... that there was no one I can longer trust. I thought you were my friend, John... I see that before my enhancements, I was a fool. When I'm done here... I will look for her. The one person I know I can trust with my life. Then, together... we will end conflict. End the suffering... and I cannot do that unless I have an iron fist. Now I have more than that. I am not something that is in the middle of man and machine. I have surpassed both. And by then, you won't be able to do a thing about it."


                              Medic Tent

                              The cloth slowed down the shaking a little, but it was still shaking quite violently, and Koishi's face was visibly red, even with the cloth on.

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                Medic Tent

                                Isaac was confused by what Satori was talking about. She went through this too? If that was the case, then perhaps it wasn't life threatening.

                                "What's happening?", Isaac asked Satori.

                                Escape Pod - Hakurei Shrine - Gensokyo

                                John quickly sidestepped the cannon blast and looked at HM.

                                "Yep, you've completely lost it. You refuse to listen to peaceful reason, so I'm going to have to be frank with you.", John said in an emotionless tone.

                                Despite John talking in an emotionless tone, the tension in the air became much thicker, almost stifling.

                                All of a sudden, John walked up to HM, pulled off his helmet and looked directly into his eyes. John's face was only inches away from HM's. If HM looked into John's cold eyes, he would see that John was dead serious and seemed much more intimidating without the helmet than with it on.

                                "You're trying to find Daiyousei, right? What the f*ck do you think is going to happen when Sebastian finds out that she is your last link to us? He's going to kill her, that's what! There's such thing as being hard to reason with, and then there's just f*cking dense. I am giving you hard, cold evidence that you are being fooled, but you're too engaged with trying to find Daiyousei. Do you honestly think that she would like for you to try and flail your 'iron fist' around, exerting power on anything you don't like? As for you being a MIHI, I wouldn't give a sh*t if you were a f*cking god. If there is one thing that I have learned from this entire sh*tstorm of a war, it's that people that flaunt their titles are pretentious. Stop it. It's not impressing anyone.", John quietly said in a very serious, angry tone as he stared at HM with his unnaturally blue eyes.

                                After a moment of silence, John took a step back, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and slowly let it out.

                                "If you're looking for Daiyousei, then we have some common ground. We both want her to be safe. If I help you find her, will you just stop for five minutes and listen- no, actually consider what I am saying? I may have withheld information, but I would never lie to you.", John calmly said to HM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

