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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

    The agents inside knew their orders. They were to protect that list.

    "Come on.", an agent said as he passed military grade weapons to the group. The weapons handed were standard assault rifles, AK-47's they stole from a military shipment.
    They each hunkered down into a fortified position, and waited for the inevitable.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      After X finishes circling the building checking every building while trying to be quiet he jumps onto the balcony and proceeds to enter the window quietly. He then begins to wait for Aqua to follow suit.


        Melun Centre - France

        Who would have known that things would have worked out so well? Just the slightest addition of her magic had made the previously remarkable, but not very deadly human gun into a weapon that could shred through even these Character modified helicopters and tanks. Things were going perfectly.

        However, like all good things, perfection eventually became imperfection and full of flaws. Remilia's plans of using her nested position as a guarded firepoint might soon mark her grave. Having gleefully destroyed the helicopter as it had flew over her, a modified tank had approached her from the south. Entering a short firefight with the tank and gaining the upper hand, Remilia had thought this would be yet another easy kill. But things didn't quite work out that way. Having put plenty of holes in it so that it resembled some metallic swiss cheese, she had figured it would either blow up or just cease to move. Instead, Remilia watched in horror as she saw the tank flip onto its side and start tumbling and skidding - directly towards her.

        Remilia didn't have much time. In fact, she probably had somewhere between two and three seconds before it wrecked not only her gun emplacement, but her with it.

        Scrambling out of the seat of her gun, she quickly spread her wings to use their push to give her a boost.

        She flapped her wings with full force.

        Nothing happened. In being bombed earlier, Remilia had forgotten that her wings had also been burned badly, leaving not much more than the bone structure of her wings. The tank came crashing with a great sound, Remilia looked over. Everything seemed to slow down aa she watched the tank roll and bounce towards her. Everything looked crystal clear as she bemusedly noticed some of the holes she had made resembled a heart. Suddenly, everything to speed back up as the rolling tank smashed into her AA gun, promptly catching her in the collision as well.

        It hurt a bit more than Remilia had imagined. The tank had rolled into her right side as it tore through the park. The pain was splitting and sharp. Particularly, her right arm had been hit hard. She tumbled with the tank and AA gun as her arm got caught in the fray. Suddenly, in excruciating pain, suddenly the pain of her right arm disappeared to be replaced by a greater pain at her shoulder. How strange. She seeme to be missing a limb. Uncaught from the mess, Remilia was thrown off, away from the tank which continued rolling through the park. Normally, this kind of injury wouldn't have even fazed her. After all, she could easily regenerate and had taken a tank shell through her chest at Bourges. But now...

        Remilia opened her mouth to scream as the pain suddenly hit her, full force. Her arm was not regenerating and she barely had enough magic left to stop the bleeding. She clutched at what had before been an arm but now was not much more than a bloodied stump. Her body bounced across the ground after having been flung off but soon came to a stop. She was in pain. It was great pain, but she couldn't let herself give up or slow down. There were people and Characters still hunting for her. If he slowed down now, she would be a sittin duck. Pushin herself up with her remaining arm and letting a tear fall from her blood crusted cheeks, Remilia started towards the cluster of concrete and steel buildings.

        Melun Centre - France

        The Spy watched from a short distance away from behind a car. Even the Spy's heart had skipped a beat when he saw the tank roll directly into the small devil. Staying put, the Spy watched the Devil get flung out from the rolling tank, albeit with one limb missing. Even though the Spy was used to seeing human carnage, seeing a young girl having her arm ripped off did make him flinch a bit.

        He knew that if he struck now, he could easily take care of her. However, he was uncertain of just how weak she was. Considering the carnage she had already wrought, it would be a dead fool's mistake to underestimate her. Better to take his time and make certain of the kill an his safety. The Spy activated his invisibility watch and slowly stalked after the girl.


          Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

          As X and Aqua enter the top half of the building, John gives the order.


          John kicks the smaller door on the front of the warehouse open and charged towards the enemy, rifle blazing, providing a distraction for Renamon and Yuuka.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

            Renamon sped to her point starting to send diamond storms towards the already firing targets, a bullet grasped close to her ear making a buzzing sound, yet not hurting the vixen at all. Some of the agents looked normal. But there was the odd feeling again.

            ("One of them have something far bigger than a normal human.. but who?") the fox thought as she made suppressive fire.
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

              John ran forward, jumped, and landed on the nearest agent. The agent barely let out a yelp before being silenced. The man right next to the crushed agent panicked and started to unload his clip into John's chest.
              Each bullet was deflected by John's Shield, slowly chipping away at his shield gauge.
              John grunted and clothes-lined the attacker, breaking the agent's neck and sending him flying on top of another.

              John glanced at his gauge, (150%)

              John was thankful for the temporary shield boost, he would need it.
              Last edited by S121; 04-28-2013, 09:10 PM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                X who is keeping an eye out for everyone sees an agent rushing at John from behind. "Behind you!" Yelled X trying to get John's attention. All the while a few agents climb up to where X is. The agents rush X from both sides X watches as they are about to fire. As they fire their rifles X holds up his arms to protect his face. The shots hit his arm, but all they do is leave a large dent in his outer steel shell. "I need back up!" Said X as the men continued to fire. His armor over his hands begin to crack slightly.


                  Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

                  The agents started to focus on John as he was already on their side of the battle, seeing that they werenīt paying attention to her, the fox decided to move forward as one of the agents was slowly going towards the soldier.

                  The fox jumped towards the agent and used a power paw hitting dead center on his face as he turned towards her. Using a bit of the digiviceīs power, Renamon heightened her senses searching for the source of power ("Come on.. where are you..") she thought hiding again from the bullets
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

                    "I need back up!"

                    Aqua Charged up a spell, "Blizzara!"

                    The agents froze solid, unable to move. She then cracked each agent with her blade.

                    "Behind you!"

                    John spun around, picked up the agent, and threw him. The agent screamed as he sailed across the room, toppling over an agent about to shoot Yuuka.
                    He switched over to his rifle and shot another agent, dead center. The agent's torso flew outwards as the bullet exploded inside of its target.
                    John looked at his shield gauge again, (100%).

                    The hail of bullets flew past John as he leaped behind a crate and fired into the enemy forces.
                    Last edited by S121; 04-28-2013, 09:48 PM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan
                      X watches as the people get frozen. "Thanks." He says as he sees an agent sneaking up on Aqua. He quickly transforms his arm into the X-Buster and fires a a uncharged shot at the agent's gun, knocking it out of his hands. As the agent looks at X stunned he X quickly jumps over Aqua and grabs the man tossing him onto the ground below in front of John. All the while the armor around X's arm's was damaged, some liquid plasma leaking out of the cracks.


                        Melun Centre - France

                        Panting, wheezing, exhausted. Remilia half-limped, half-ran towards a concrete building that stood in front of her. She was feeling the strength drain out of her. At this point, she honestly didn't know how she had managed to survive everything. She was put under physical stress ten times greater than anything she'd had to endure in hundreds of year. The pain was excruciating, too. Though she had managed to stop the bleeding earlier, the magic had weakened enough that blood now trickled through her fingers as she continued to clutch the stump in pain.

                        Remilia ran up to the glass doors that marked the entrance into the two story concrete building before her. Using her remaining elbow, she shattered the glass, running in. The building seemed to house a business the like. There were long hallways that were non-descript with generic paintings hanging from the walls. It seemed that either due to the multiple explosions or whatever other otherwordly catastrophes had happened, the electricity leading to the building had been weakened or they were running on backup power. The lights were dim and Remilia couldn't see very far in front of her without it being engulfed into darkness. Limping, Remilia ran forward, looking for a source of running water. She opened and checked many of the doors to no avail. All of them opened up to rooms full of desks and dark computer screens. Remilia continued limping through the building. She needed to rest soon to gather some energy. She was feeling exhausted and the pain had only gotten worse. Finally though, as she opened up another door, she saw an adequately lit room with white ceramic tilings on the floor. After closing the door behind her, she looked to her right seeing mirrors with sinks below them.


                        Through this whole ordeal, Remilia hadn't gotten a chance to look at herself. What a mess. Her hat had been lost a long time ago and her dress resembled red and pink rags that covered her body more than anything else. Blood was caked all over her face and down the right side of her body - all her blood. Above all though, the most shocking difference was her lack of an arm. It certainly looked different when you looked down to see you're missing an arm compared to looking into a mirror and seeing what everyone else saw. Grabbing the faucet handle, Remilia turned on the water, letting water cascade out of the tip of the faucet. Trying to cup what water she could with one hand, Remilia started to try and clear away some of the blood on her face.

                        Melun Centre - France

                        The Spy watched as he slowly stalked after the devil. Limping, the girl was a pitiful sight. She had been such a formiddable opponent not an hour ago and now she was the injured mouse in a game of cat and mouse. The Spy followed closely as she elbowed the glass door to a local business office building. He quickly followed and carefully stepped through the broken glass, making sure not to crack them and alert her to his presence. Once in the lobby, he quickly flattened himself against the wall around the corner of the hall. Making sure the devil had gone far into the building, he let himself decloak. The building was dimly lit and he could move silently. He would use those features to his advantage. Not having the need to decloak now, the Spy was certain he would not make the same mistake twice. Pulling out his butterfly knife, he stalked down the hall, into the darkness.

                        Inside an Office Building - Melun Centre - France

                        Remilia looked into the mirror once again. At least now, she could make out the features of her face clearly. She felt a bit better, despite the stump on her shoulder having begun to hurt more. She let out a weak smile as she looked into the mirror. This was so lame and uncharismatic of her. She wondered what Sakuya would have done if she saw Remilia in this state. Probably die from a heart attack. Remilia chuckled softly. She walked back towards the wall and slumped down.

                        *** "So tired..." Remilia muttered as she closed her eyes.

                        Inside an Office Building - Melun Centre - France

                        The Spy looked down at his feet. Though he didn't know where the devil had gone in the darkness, he could still use the blood trail that she was leaving, doubtlessly the blood that was spilling from where her right arm used to be. Pulling off his glove, he leaned down to swipe some of the blood onto his right pointer finger. He looked at the blood on his finger and took a smell. It looked, felt, and smelled like human blood. Though the Spy had figured it would be so, he was still surprised that a being with the same kind of blood coursing through her could be so powerful and destructive. Wiping the blood on his trousers, he refitted his glove and walked forward, following the trail of blood.

                        Inside an Office Building - Melun Centre - France

                        Remilia braced her body as she grabbed onto a piece of her dress before yanking it with her left hand. A long strip of her dress ripped off, still caked with blood. Remilia took this strip and wrapped it around a gash in her leg just like she had done to several other locations on her body. The bandages she had applied earlier in the sewers had already been soaked through or been ripped off at some point or another. As she nimbly tied the last strip of an improvised bandage, she lifted herself off of the ground. Looking where she had just sat, she could see a faint outline of where she had been sitting made of blood. Just how much blood had she lost at this point? She knew that regardless of what the answer to that may have been, it was still too much blood. She knew that part of her weakness came from the lack of blood circulating through her body. She had to get rested up and regenerate herself soon.

                        Remilia turned towards the door out back into the hallway and started walking towards it.

                        Inside an Office Building - Melun Centre - France

                        The Spy had followed the trail of blood and stood in front of the door that it had turned into. Looking up at the wall, he realized that she had found the lady's room. He figured that she must be cleaning up some of the blood or the like. The Spy grinned. It was too bad it would all be for nothing in just a few moments.

                        The spy lightly gripped the handle of the door.

                        Inside an Office Building - Melun Centre - France

                        Remilia walked towards the door and gripped the handle. As she did so, she felt the handle seemingly move by itself. Startled, Remilia jumped back from the door as it opened up, revealing a man in a ski mask, knife in hand.

                        *** "Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me." Remilia snarled at the man as she rushed forward.

                        Inside an Office Building - Melun Centre - France

                        It was obvious that the girl had been just as startled as the Spy had been when they had come face to face after the Spy had opened the door.

                        *** "Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me." The girl snarled before dashing forward.

                        The Spy's reaction was quick. He quickly pivoted on his foot to stay clear of the entrance of the door. The girl rushed out and slammed into the wall before turning towards him, but it was too late. The Spy had already raised his arm, knife in hand, and was already thrusting it down as the devil snarled and screamed. Though the girl made another attempt to lash out at him, his knife landed.

                        Inside an Office Building - Melun Centre - France

                        Remilia screamed as the man's knife came down on her left shoulder blade. She screamed in agony, in pain, in anguish. She wasn't going to let this go. Remilia knew this was going to hurt, but braced herself as she turned around, kicking the man in the side. The knife, which the man had still been holding, jerked, still imbeded in Remilia's shoulder. However, the man also let go of the knife, reverting his attention to his side that Remilia had just kicked, probably breaking a rib. Remilia took a step back as she snarled. She was going to end things right here. She now realized that this was the same man that had tried stabbing her in the sewers. Whoever this man was, he was targetting Remilia specifically and was a threat. Taking a step back, Remilia saw that man fumble for something in his back pocket. Not giving it any care, Remilia raised, through pain, her left arm and pointed it at the man.

                        She would end him.

                        The man seemed to get an expression of panic as he finished fumbling around in his back pocket and pulled out another of those humans' guns. This one looked a bit different, though. Unlike the smooth, sleek, and black design that the guns she had seen up to this point had been, this one was white with black trimmings and seemed to have a bulge or a cylinder near the trigger. A grin spread across Remilia's face. It wouldn't matter what the man had. For she was about to kill him.

                        *** "See you in fucking hell!!" Remilia screamed as she willed a ball of danmaku to appear and shoot forward.

                        But nothing happened.

                        Inside an Office Building - Melun Centre - France

                        The Spy hadn't expected the girl to get away, much less kick him, after he had stabbed her right down the shoulders. That blow would have disabled and possibly killed any human without a doubt. Yet, this girl had barely flinched before she had managed to bring her foot up at astonishing speeds to kick him in the ribs. Though he wasn't sure, he thought he had felt a rib or two crack. But he had no time for the smaller matters. The girl had backed up before him and had raised her arm. Whatever she was planning, it wasn't good news for the Spy. He quickly reached around to where he kept his revolver started to pull it out.

                        *** "See you in fucking hell!!" The devil screamed.

                        The Spy clenched his teeth and closed his eyes. He was too late. His gun was still only halfway up to pointing at her. He couldn't fire the first shot.

                        Or so he thought.

                        After a second or two of nothing happening, the Spy opened his eyes. Before him stood the devil, just as confused as he was. Whatever had happened, it had presented the Spy with an opportunity. He lifed his revolver and quickly fired off two shots at her. Both shots landed on her forehead.

                        The devil stood still, not seeming to understand what had just happened. Slowly, however, she started to topple over backwards as blood poored from the back of her head. Her body slumped down and hit the ground with a small thud. The Spy stared at what lay before him. He had just done it. He had shot and killed the devil.

                        The Spy slowly stood up, trembling. This had just been an extremely close call, but he had won. He still didn't understand what had just happened. He only knew that whatever the devil had planned to happen, it hadn't worked. The Spy looked down at the girl. Her eyes were wide open in astonishment and her mouth lay open. She was a pitiful sight. The Spy slowly put his gun back in its holster and took off his suit jacket before laying it on top of the girl's upper body.

                        Though she had just killed hundreds of humans, badly injured a Character, and had almost killed him, the girl was still a fellow Character. The Spy had no remorse for killing her, but wondered what it would have been like if she hadn't turned towards the darkness. Shaking his head, he turned around and walked back towards the entrance, lighting a cigarette as he did so.


                          Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

                          The attack was fierce as many agents kept shooting towards all fronts, looking at how they were getting at disadvantage, Renamon stopped her attacks and focused on her digivice. The small object started to deploy all its energy towards the vixen making her growl as the power flowed through her.

                          The fox started to morph from her humanoid form to a quadruped being growing larger and stronger, her tail became 9 in total and faint flames were lit on the tips of them.


                          The now fiery fox jumped towards rwo agents, biting one of them on the neck while some flames caught the otherīs body.

                          "You shall perish on this place with my flames" The 9 tailed fox said

                          (Man.. it was hard to find an good quality evolution gif haha..)
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by Kristia; 04-29-2013, 12:23 AM.
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            Melun Airspace, France

                            Watching the two enter the apartment complex, the Commander decided to wait in the sky for the deed to be done. Keeping an eye the radar. Two dots, one red, and another white. The red was running more into the building and the white was slowly following close behind. As he sat there watching the two play cat and mouse, an alarm went off in his mech. Another set of his wind generators near the Amazon were being destroyed. Or rather, Consumed. Bringing up a video feed he saw nothing but a disgusting brown biomass covering the lens. It managed to startled him a little. "What the hell..." He switched to the other cameras, but could only see the same obnoxious view on each one, until he finally got a clear look at the problem .

                            "Impossible..." he said aloud. He could not believe what he was seeing; A layer of greyish purple gunk covered the ground and large biotic structures had rooted themselves beside his wind generators. At the base of them, an entire army of fleshy abominations, tearing everything he built to shreds. (Great. Another mess I have to clean up.) he thought sourly. Just as he was about to take a status report, one of the creatures slithered up and slashed the camera. Frustrated and tired, the Commander slumped back in his chair. "Maybe I should remove my factory limiters..." he pondered to himself. His thoughts were interrupted by two loud gunshots. His mech had picked up the unusual audio activity from inside the apartment. (Did he..?)

                            A quick look at the radar had confirmed it. "It's done." The commander readied the VTOL to turn and leave for home, when a thought stopped him. (This wouldn't have been the first time that she narrowly avoided death. I better check with the killer to make sure.) He ordered the VTOL to lower him close enough to the ground then jump and fall the rest of the way, to make sure he saved time. He turned on auto-pilot and grabbed a Energy pellet rifle from his storage area, along with a spare Nanolith Medkit, just in case of another medical emergency.

                            As the spy walked out of the door, cigarette in mouth, the VTOL stopped its descent and jumped off the mech. The VTOL flew back up and left for safety, while he was sent into a short free-fall before landing with a crash, 8 meters away from the spy. After the dust settled and the spy was able to get a clear look at him, the Commander began. "Hey," he said to the masked man. "Are you absolutely sure that she is dead?"

                            The cigarette fell out of the spy's gaping mouth.
                            Last edited by topio1; 04-29-2013, 12:46 PM.
                            There is so much that I could put here but I'm just gonna do this...


                              Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

                              Kyubimon was fighting some agents as they were trying to shoot her, but the fox was managed to avoid them or destroy the bullets with her fire "Come on.. you work for destruction, so face one of your enemies" she said sending some fireballs from her tails grasping an agent.

                              One agent managed to get a grip on her and tried to stab the fox with a knife "Oh you donīt" she said running towards a wall and slamming the thug between the wall and her body. Kyubimon was filled with energy and yet she controlled it very well. ("Im glad this worked, I still have control on my evolved form") the fox smirked as she was facing another agent.
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                (Long battle. It's interesting though. Also, I noticed Yuuka doesn't have a lot of canon spell cards. So the spell cards that she use in RP are made up to fit her power.)
                                Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan
                                Time: 6:30 PM

                                Due to the focus the agents were putting on the left side, Yuuka was able to breach the warehouse without any action. She immediately rushed to the other end of the warehouse, but was stopped by a blue-skinned man with swirling tattoos around him. On his back was a scroll that embodied powerful magic.

                                "You shall not pass, lady." The man announced as his right hand gathered dense arcane magic and threw it at Yuuka.
                                This is definitely something I can't block with my parasol, Yuuka thought, as she strafe'd to the left, dodging the energy ball. The energy ball hit one of the metal crates and exploded.
                                "Let's go, let's go!" The man summoned orbs of deceptive magic, and hurled them at Yuuka. Yuuka fired flower danmakus to block them with ease.
                                "Come on," Yuuka smirked. "You have to do better than that."
                                "I'll show you arcane magic!" The man's eyes glowed as he summoned more arcane spheres. Yuuka drew one of her spell card.

                                "Spell Flux!" The blue man yelled. The arcane spheres split into six-fold and were headed straight to Yuuka.
                                "Bloom Sign - Seductive Daphne." Yuuka muttered. From behind her, Daphne-shaped bullets streamed out, colliding with the spheres.
                                "Overload!" The blue man bellowed, and one of the sphere gained density and power, absorbing all Daphne bullets. It headed straight to Yuuka.
                                "Blossom Sign - Angela's Trumpet." Yuuka used another spell card. From the card, trumpet-like bullets showered, confronting the dense sphere. The sphere absorbed some of the bullets, but was eventually stopped.
                                "You are an irritating woman." The man gnarled. "Can you handle this?"
                                The blue-skinned man's eyes glowed with blue energy as he raised his hands in the air and gathered stronger arcane power. Then, he did something unlikely. He ate the energy, and muttered, "Desperate Power." Then, the man lunged into Yuuka. All bullets that collided with him were turned into nothing as the man swiped at Yuuka. Yuuka backed away, and the man relentlessly swiped at Yuuka. Yuuka used her parasol to parry the man's assault, ducked under him, and fired bright bullets that left the man blind. The overwhelming energy around the man faded as the man gasped for breath.
                                "Before I finish you," Yuuka said as she pointed her parasol tip at the blue man's head. "Tell me why you joined these hooligans."

                                "They promised me." The man panted as he turned to face Yuuka's bloodthirsty face. "This arcane technique I hold... it must not be spread amongst the humans of this world. The organization, Neo-Yakuza, claimed that they can keep this technique secret, so that no other human will suffer."
                                "You should've had a better common sense to believe that they were lying." Yuuka said as she charged a laser from the tip of the parasol. The blue-skinned man closed his eyes, ready for his death.
                                If I kill this man, Yuuka thought to herself as the laser was charging. What will I gain from it? It will only lead to a Character murdering another Character for no reason.

                                Yuuka aborted the laser, and said to the surprised blue-skinined man. "Go, and live a better life than being bossed around by scum excuse of humans."

