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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "And you're talking to the god who came up with the rules of probability. Besides, why would I harm such a thing? I already have a good reputation around here from the recontruction and the defense againt those guys from before. Interrupting would simply complicate measures." The Auditor explained.

    "I'm simply interested in what you're teaching him. Madness is in my domain of influence." The Auditor said.

    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


      The Beach

      Everything was calm on the beach when suddenly a demonic like clown appears in front of Yuyuko and Komachi seemingly out of nowhere.

      "Why hello there ladies! I see you are enjoying yourself here on the beach." He says as he turns away. "Quite boring if you ask me..." He says as he turns to Yuyuko. "You there! With the pink hair. Would you care to play a little game?" Said the evil clown.

      "Ah but first I must introduce myself! My name is Jester! I have come here in search of a new playmate." He said as he disappears, reappearing on the ground next to Yuyuko, sitting in the sand. "When I saw you I thought a pretty little girl like you might want to play." Said Jester as he teleports, this time right behind Yuyuko. His back to hers.
      Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


        "Oh, a game? I would love to!"

        Sometimes, she's too ignorant for her own sake...


          The Beach

          Jester teleports in front of Yuyuko and cheers, as well as doing a dance of happiness. "Excellent!" He said as he waves his wand in the air wildly. Causing a series of 3 small circus tents to appear side by side out of nowhere.

          "This is a little game that I'd like to call Triple Trouble! The rules of this game is simply to guess which one I am in. Guess correctly and you will win a prize. Guess incorrectly and well... you don't want to find out." He said as he casually struts into one of the tents. Suddenly the tents close and disappear underground before reappearing.

          "Okay the games may begin!"
          Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


            Beach, Hawaii; Yuyuko

            "Okay! Hmm... Which one..."

            I looked over to find a white haired man.

            "Excuse me, I'm playing a game and I can't seem to guess which tent that the jester is in. Can you help me out?"


              The Beach

              Dante looks at Yuyuko and then the tents. "Jester huh? I could of swore I heard a familiar voice a while ago. Looks like my suspicions were correct." He said as he turns to Yuyuko.
              "Sure I'll help." He said as he walks over to the tents.

              The Jester could be heard laughing from inside all of the tents oddly. "Ah well look who it is! It's little Devil Boy! Sorry but I was playing with the young lady right over there." Said Jester as Dante smirks.

              "Yea well she asked for help. There are no rules against having someone help you right?" Remarked Dante as he crosses his arms.

              "Well no... not exactly..." Said the Jester as he looks at Yuyuko.

              "Okay girlie on the count of three we both choose a different tent. That should increase the odds of winning right? You know for the hell of it we should just charge into the tents!" He said as he walks over to the one on the far right. "Are you ready? 1... 2... 3... GO!" Said Dante as he runs into one of the tents.
              Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                I ran into one of the tents as well,


                  As they both rush into the tent something strange had happened. The tents had closed behind them both and they both end up in some sort of circular room inside what appears to be a cathedral. Suddenly a small light appears in the middle of the room and the Jester rises out of the ground.

                  "Welcome to hell! Sorry, but no refunds for your life!" Said the Jester as he begins laughing. Dante then turns to Yuyuko and grins.

                  "Don't worry little lady, I'll take care of this clown!" Said Dante as he rushes toward Jester at a blinding speed. Jester however simply teleports behind him.

                  "Aren't you as feisty as ever! But without your weapons there is no beating me this time!" Laughed Jester as he summons a bomb that lands on the ground.

                  Jester then uses his wand as a golf club and hits the bomb which flies towards Dante. Dante manages to avoid the bomb at the last second however. "I don't need weapons to defeat a stupid @ss clown such as you!" Said Dante as he charges at Jester once more, but Jester just teleports to one of the sides of the room. "Hahahahaha! Jester's gonna spank your butt, spank you on the butt!" Mocked Jester as he dances. Obviously toying with the demon boy.
                  Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                    "Ya know... Games and violence don't mix..."

                    A giant fan unveiled behind me.

                    "Unless you're Flandre. Losing Hometown 'Village of Self-Loss - Wandering Soul.'"


                      Jester simply laughs and teleports around the room, avoiding most attacks. However he ends up getting tired and stops, fanning himself off with his wand. "Your quite unexpected for a ghost! I surrender. You win, HERE IS YOUR PRIZE" Said Jester as he holds his wand up in the air. Suddenly a life size gold statue of Yuyuko falls from the sky and into the middle of the room. Jester then waves good bye and disappears before things become too troublesome.

                      Dante just nods his head in respect as he sees Yuyuko's power. Then he is reminded of Nitori. "Aw crap I hope they don't know each other..." Said Dante to himself as he yells for Yuyuko to stop her attack.
                      Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                        "Huh? Okay."

                        I stopped attacking.

                        I looked at the gold statue.

                        "Woooow! This is amazing! Now how am I going to take this back to Hakugyokurou?"

                        Komachi came in.

                        "Hey Yuyuko, how's everythi- whoa. Where'd you get the statue?"

                        "The nice jester gave it to me."


                        We both walked out of the tent.

                        "I hope no one saw that."

                        "Hold up, Komachi, I have to do something really quick."

                        I walked over to the white haired man.

                        "Thank you. Who are you?"


                          Yukari's Resort - Honolulu, Hawaii

                          John landed into another location in Honolulu.

                          (Huh. That's not what I was expecting. Well, at least I wasn't taken to some weird dimension or anything.), John thought to himself.

                          John looked around and saw that he was on the roof of the building. He then noticed his armor off to the side.

                          (Ah, there it is!)

                          John grabbed the crate containing his armor, took off his normal clothes, and put his armor on.

                          (I wonder what Yukari has in store.)

                          Engi-con Building - Honolulu, Hawaii

                          Isaac stood up and followed Nitori inside, still feeling a little bit queasy, but okay for the most part.
                          Last edited by S121; 06-17-2013, 12:01 PM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Pearl Harbor EXPO - Engi-Con

                            Dell was at the front gate when Nitori and the others walked in.
                            "Hey, you made it partner!" Dell greeted with joy. "I was starting to wonder if ya'll left. Come on in and I'll getcha fixed up."

                            Various engineers, Character and human alike, were already setting up their booth, various metallic gears clicking, steaming, beeping and groaning.
                            "Fastinating." Nitori stared in awe.
                            "Most of these are all just showy stuff." Dell snickered. "The engis put their ace-in-the-hole at the last day, when NASA comes in."
                            "Here's your booth. Set your stuff up, the con is beginning in 20 minutes." Dell said.
                            "Thank you!" Nitori happily thanked, waving her hands at leaving Dell.

                            Yukari's Resort - Honolulu, Hawaii

                            "There you are." Yukari appeared through the gap.
                            "You must be wondering why you are training in a resort, of all places."


                              Pearl Harbor EXPO - Engi-Con

                              Isaac began pulling out various small metallic cubes and placed them on the table.

                              He pressed a few buttons on them and all of a sudden, large holographic images popped up on Isaac's side of the table.

                              One contained a presentation on a super-strong metal that was also as light as Aluminum. The second was of a portable railgun, one that could be held by a person.
                              The third was of a new type of power armor, one similar to Isaac's Advanced Suit, but with better protection.

                              Isaac's best project was the one he was going to save for last.

                              Isaac placed a duffle bag next to his feet, pulled out the railgun, and placed it on the table.

                              He then began rummaging the duffle bag, looking through its contents and figuring out what he was going to use.

                              Yukari's Resort - Honolulu, Hawaii

                              "There you are." Yukari appeared through the gap.
                              "You must be wondering why you are training in a resort, of all places."

                              "Yea. I was kind of expecting to be taken to some weird dimension or void. That seems to be the cliche thing to do.", John chuckled.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Pearl Harbor EXPO- Engi-con; Huey

                                Ah, Engi-con. I never thought I would see the day that I could show off my technological prowess.

                                I saw a man pull something out. Hey, I know what that is.

                                "That's a rail-gun!"

                                I noticed that I said that out loud.

                                "Sorry. How did you make that rail-gun? Those are pretty hard to make. Especially alone."

