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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Yukari´s resort

    "Actually I have a question, these "commanders" are too many to work as a democracy, so there must be a leader or council, right?2 Renamon asked
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      Yukari's Resort

      X and Alia had listened to what Isaac said about Zero's damage. So far X and Alia had been gathering the right supplies at Alia's lab. X looks at an odd tool. X picked up the tool and looks at Alia. "Hey Alia what's this?" Asked X.

      Alia turned towards him. "Oh that's a matter compactor. It's something I invented it the other day. It compacts matter to allow easy storage of items." Said Alia as she takes it from X's hand. "Sadly it kind of doesn't work." Said Alia as she puts it down.

      X looks at her and frowns a bit. "Alia why didn't you attend the Engi-Con as an Engineer?" Asked X as Alia looks away.

      "Well because I have a job and because of the Engi-Con I have been extra busy at the hotel. I don't have enough time to do much anymore. I have been contemplating quitting my job lately though." Replied Alia as she takes a portable operation table and folds it up. She also grabs a duffel bag filled with tools.

      X just looks down at the ground a little saddened by what Alia said. They then begin to make it to the Resort.


        Secluded Beach; Yuyuko
        After a little bit of walking, we had finally reached the beach. It looked much more enchanting at night. But now... I have to tell Axl.

        "Axl... There's something important I need to tell you."


          Secluded Beach

          Axl looks at Yuyuko and raises an eyebrow. "Yea what is it?"


            It's time.

            "I... I must... Leave."


              Secluded Beach

              "What do you mean?" Said Axl as he looks at Yuyuko.


              Phantom had silently followed Ocelot from a distance, Phantom had stuck to the shadows to remain well out of sight.


                "You see, I actually ran away from Hakugyokurou. I never realized that my absence would jeopardize the order in the nether world. Afterall, I am the ghost princess of Hakugyokurou. After Youmu came around, she told me that I had to return within the next two days. This is the last day. I'm sorry, but... I can no longer stay. I wish I could. I mean, look at where we are standing right now," I said, staring into the rising moon. "It is one of the most beautiful scenes I have seen outside of the palace. And all the people I met along the way, and... You, Axl. Ah, you s-see, I-I'm... I'm"

                Let it go. Do it.

                "I'm in love with you! I just... Hope you return my feelings..."

                Airport; Ocelot
                Alright, time to head out! I guess I'll go over to Cali. Never really been there. Heard it was a good place.

                Someone's following me...

                I turn around and reached for my SAA. But I saw nothing.

                Jeez, why does this happen to me?! Oh well. An officer walked up to me.

                "Excuse me, sir, may I ask that you hand over your weapon?"

                "Actually, no. You may not." I handed my I.D.

                The security guard looke at it. "Sorry, but it's out of date."

                "What?! What do you mean?!"

                "It's actually a good few decades late. It's 2042."


                Another guard came over. "Hey there, frank. Lemme see what you got there..." He took the card. He looked shocked.

                "Um, ah... Sorry. Proceed."

                "What?!" The other guard yelled. Then the one with my card began whispering inthe other's ear.

                They handed back my card. "Right. Sorry for the disturbance."

                I proceeded walking.



                  Axl just looks down at the sand for a few minutes. "Oh..." Said Axl as he looks up at the moon. "I... I'm in love with you to Yuyuko. Though if you have to leave... then I will just have to accept it. As long as I have these memories of you then I'll be happy." Said Axl as he grabs Yuyuko's hand. "I hope that we will meet again some day."


                  Phantom had continued to follow Ocelot when suddenly the sound of a little girl crying can be heard. Phantom tries to ignore the girl's crying, but after a while he stops and looks at her. The girl seems to be alone, no mother or father in sight. Phantom sighs at the sight and walks up to her. "Hey little girl. What's wrong?" He asked in a rather emotionless tone. The girl looks at him and sniffles a bit.

                  "I... I can't find my mommy..." Replied the little girl as Phantom just sighs a little.

                  "I'll help you find her..." He said as the little girl perks up. She then grabs his hand so she doesn't get lost. "So what does your mother look like?" Asked Phantom. "She's tall and is she is uh... really pretty..
                  Replied the girl.

                  "Well THAT helps." Thought Phantom as he begins looking for the girls mother.
                  Last edited by NeoFox; 07-02-2013, 04:46 AM.


                    Secluded Beach; Yuyuko
                    "Axl... You..."

                    I felt a tear run down my cheek.

                    "And I shall not forget you. And I especially won't forget this."

                    I grabbed him by the back of the head and I kissed him, not on the cheek, but this time... It was a true kiss.

                    So this is what love is...

                    Airport; Ocelot
                    I kept on walking. Soon enough, a couple walked up to me all worried.

                    "Excuse us, but have you seen our daughter? She looks like this."

                    They held out a picture of a little girl.

                    "Sorry, doesn't ring the bell. But listen. I'll help you under one condition."

                    "Name your price."

                    "You... Have to tell me how to book a flight to California. This place is freakin huge, and I'd bet I passed it by accident."

                    "Of course!"

                    So we began the search. I decided to go back the way I came. I'll bet that girl was the one watching me.


                      Secluded Beach

                      Axl was caught completely off guard as Yuyuko kissed him.

                      Axl's mind began racing as it went on. Though something odd continues to happen. That dull pain has returned. This time it is accompanied by a voice in his head.

                      "So this is what love is? Truly a disgusting feeling..." Said the voice as Axl quickly pulls himself away from Yuyuko. He then grabs his head as the dull pain courses through his head. This voice whatever it is, is causing the pain.


                      Phantom and the little girl continue to look for the girls parents. "So do you have a father?" Asked Phantom. "Uh huh, but daddy is never home because he is busy..." The little girl said quite sadly as she sees her parents in the distance.

                      "Mommy! Daddy!" She said as she let go of Phantom's hand and begins running towards them. However she ends up bumping into a large man in a business suit, and holding a briefcase. As the girl bumps into him the man drops his briefcase, causing it to fling open and the papers inside go everywhere.

                      "Hey watch it you little runt! I'm in a hurry here!" He said as he quickly begins putting the papers back into the briefcase.

                      The girl slowly takes a few steps back as the man yelled at her. "S-Sorry mister I didn't mean to-" Said the girl as the man grabs her by the arm and lifts her up into the air. "Thanks to you I'm going to be late for my flight! I should just teach you a les-" Said the man as Phantom quickly grabbed the man by the arm.

                      "Let her go now." Said Phantom as the man looks at him. "Yea and what if I don't!?" Replied the man as Phantom closes his eyes. "Then I'll have to do this..." Said the ninja Reploid as he quickly dislodges the man's arm from his the shoulder, causing the man to scream in pain and drop the girl. Phantom then steps on the man's chest and looks down at him.

                      "Never, and I repeat NEVER mess with a kid." Said Phantom as the man quickly runs off in fear. "Freak! You should go to jail!" Yelled the man as he ran off. Phantom then turns to the little girl and picks her up. "Are you okay?" Asked Phantom as the little girl wipes a tear from her eye. She simply nods her head indicating she is okay. Except for a small bruise on her arm.


                        Yukari's Resort

                        "Renamon brings up a valid point. They should have a briefing room. That being said, they would brief on the invasion before attacking us. Another thing, if they are organized, then they'll have sleeping quarters that are separate from the rest of the army. We could place the bomb in both places. With the commanders gone, they would have only numbers to throw at us."

                        John then turned to Yukari.

                        "I might have an idea on how to make the job easier, but it would require a lot of input from you.", John said to Yukari.

                        "Being a Youkai of boundaries, you can manipulate anything, including your own limits, right?"
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Yukari's Resort

                          After a while of walking X and Alia had finally found the place. The two then proceed to go and knock on the door.


                            Yukari's Resort

                            As John was talking, there was a knock on the door.

                            "I'll get it.", Isaac said as he got up and headed to the door.

                            Isaac opened it and saw X and Alia.

                            "Come on in.", Isaac said.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Yukari's Resort

                              As the door opened X and Alia are greeted by Isaac who had invited them in.

                              X and Alia smile simultaneously and walk into the resort.

                              "So where is Zero?" Asked Alia to Isaac.


                                Yukari's Resort - Voile Library

                                "The 81 Commanders are the highest rank of the Nucleoids, but they are still subjugates to the Devourer. It's more like a military dictatorship like the Shogunite era, rather than democracy or councilship." Patchouli explained, as she began drawing a pyramid.

                                "You can manipulate anything, including your own limits, right?"

                                "I can, but it is highly impractical." Yukari responded. "The amount of power I gain from increasing the threshold of my power is less than the energybthat I use to perform the task."

