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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Hakurei Shrine - Youkai Union HQ

    "I remember you saying that the Extractor completes a full extraction after 48 hours. Does Eirin have anything that can keep me awake for a couple of days, without having side-affects or crashes? It's not needed, but it would be helpful.", John said.

    John was planning to tackle multiple areas at once, just like he's always done.

    Isaac was listening, but he was also busy modifying his RIG.

    He was increasing his health icon count.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Hakurei shrine

      The fox took some oran berries "Take these berries, they will replenish both your stamina and health quickly, just eat them one at a time or you would get an overdose" she said handling them to the spartan
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Hakurei Shrine

        Zero turns to Wriggle. "I'm looking for someone by the name of Nitori. She's a kappa, I figured if this place is home to many Youkai that I might be able to find her here." Said Zero as he looks at Wriggle "If you know where she is then can you tell me?"


        ((I was thinking. What if Gerard has no clue who the leader of the Neo-Yakuza base in London is?))


        Chris quickly hopped into the car and looked at Gerard.

        "I hope Wesker isn't there." Thought Chris as he watched the road.


        Wesker went back to his office and sat down in his chair. He turned to a series of large screens. On them is the security footage from earlier. He notices that one of the intruders was none other than Chris Redfield. "Ah Chris Redfield... I should have known that it was him of all people." Said Wesker as he smiles sadistically. Obviously he has something planned.


          Hakurei Shrine - Youkai Union HQ

          "Drink your tea." Yukari said. "It'll solve your problem about the sleep stuff."
          "Renamon and Nera, meet me outside near the offering box." Yukari ordered.
          "John and... The other guy in a mask, you're with me." Reimu announced.
          "That's Isaac." Yukari laughed. "The rest of you, find Ran outside."

          "I know her, she sold me something called an iPod." Wriggle nodded. "I'll tell her that you were looking for her when I see her next time."


            (He doesn't)
            "Well, it's settled: We're ll going!!! Just let me change..."

            I then switched from a tempting young man to a horrifying terminator.

            "They'll be running with their tails between their legs!"

            After some authorization checkpoints, we finally made it in.

            "Now then, where to?"


              Hakurei shrine

              Renamon and Nera went outside and looked at the offering box, the jackal had a coin "Well, let´s make a good wish" she smiled and flipped the coin to the box entering into its contents

              "So, what did you wished for?" the vixen asked, but got stopped as the jackal put a finger on her mouth to shush her "That is a S-E-C-R-E-T" Nera said with a wink
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Hakurei Shrine - Youkai Union HQ

                Upon hearing "that guy with the mask", Isaac had his helmet retract back into his suit.

                "Got it, hang on.", Isaac said as he picked up his disassembled RIG and followed Reimu.

                John took off his helmet and quickly downed his steaming-hot tea as if he was drinking from a shot glass.

                It burned on the way down, but John didn't care. He was used to worse pain.

                He then put his helmet back on and followed Reimu as well.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Hakurei Shrine

                  "Right, let's go pick some Youkai to bring with us." Yukari said as she turned to Renamon and Nera. "Why don't you guys choose one... No, two Youkai."

                  "Alice, Hina, Rin, let's go!" Reimu shouted, and the three chosen Youkai responded, ready for battle.

                  "Who can I take for the job..." Ran wondered, then turned to HM. "Any ideas or suggestions?"



                    "Well, we only know few of your kind, which do we have at hand?" the fox asked to the gap controller
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      "Aw, I can't go? I mean look at me, I already look like something that destroyed worlds. Pleeeaaase? But either way, that two tailed cat looks feisty."


                        Hakurei Shrine - Youkai Union HQ

                        "So these are the people we're working with?", John asked Reimu.

                        John knew everybody in the group except for the one with green hair.

                        "Hello. My name is John. That guy over there is Isaac.", John said to the girl with green hair.

                        "And done.", Isaac said to himself as he put his RIG back on.

                        Isaac's holographic health icons were increased from 6, to 12.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Hakurei Shrine

                          "I think we only need one." Yukari announced, approaching a lady with a large raccoon tail. "What say you, Mamizou? Up for the job?"
                          "You know I've been waiting, itching for a fight." The raccoon girl smirked maliciously.
                          "Rena, Nera, this is Mamizou." Yukari introduced the raccoon girl to Renamon and Nera.

                          "A pleasure." Hina nodded. Alice seemed uninterested, ordearly manipulating her dolls in a pretty pattern.
                          "I hope you're ready to kill, because I'm going to need a LOT of corpses." Rin told Isaac.

                          "Oh no, you're coming with me, and Mr. Jason too." Ran interrupted HM's rant. "I just need one or two other Youkai to accompany us."



                            "Thanks. I'll be at the shrine or something." Said Zero as he walks back to the Hakurei Shrine.


                              Hakurei shrine

                              "It´s a pleasure to work together with you lady Mamizou" the vixen greeted the raccoon girl

                              "Ok then, are we going now? or is there anything else needed to be clear?" Nera asked to Yukari
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                "Hm... Well, like I said, theres that two tailed cat, um... Let's see, papapapa........ What about that maid? I can see a holster full of knives."

