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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Battle of Gensokyo

    John recalled his last battle with Vladimir and began to make a strategy based on what he had learned.

    (Okay, I need to perform attacks that won't cause him to bleed. If that's the case, then I need to use light and darkness. The light will sear the blood while the darkness will stop the bleeding. I might have to micromanage his condition, but it should work. If that's the case, I'll need to prepare myself for extended magic use. I don't want to exhaust myself halfway into the battle... I think I've got an idea on how to solve that...), John thought to himself as he put away his shotgun and prepped his magic.

    John started by charging his light and darkness magic, allowing him to have a greater reserve for the battle. John's aura alternated between light and dark as the light and darkness in his hands intensified in size. He then absorbed the expelled magic from his hands back into himself, increasing his own power.

    As this process took place, John also kept an eye out for Vladimir, just in case he attacked.
    Last edited by S121; 08-14-2013, 06:34 PM.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Battle of Gensokyo

      Nera got irritated with the shadow guy "Since you are made of shadows, let see about this" she said starting to charge a shadow ball, not throwing it but making it stronger as it absorbed shadows all around the place

      Sakuyamon focused the light even stronger "Looks like it will be an endurance test" she said as the light kept becoming brighter
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Battle of Gensokyo

        "I can't wait much longer!" A huge man with a hamburger presser bellowed as he flew into the air. The gravity took ahold of him, slamming him next to X and Axl who were fighting.

        "Oh you two look like fun." The hamburger-presser man grit his teeth. "If you can satisfy my thirst for a strong opponent, I'll kill you both in a less painful way."

        "Hemoplague!" Vladimir shouted, and suddenly the cage began to exude a red mist. The mist, at first aimlessly floating, suddenly began to stick to John.
        "If you're trying not to bleed, it's no use." Vladimir smiled. "You'll bleed uncontrollably now."
        He lunged, his now gigantic sword swinging wildly like an executioner's axe.

        "I'll... Have that for lunch." Trebeq huffed as he undid his mask to show a wolf's mouth. He opened his huge jaw and devoured the shadow ball in whole. "Not a very high-quality shadow."

        The Package

        "Alright now, where do I insert this...?" Nitori mockingly asked as she twirled the upgrade chip in her hand, examining Zero. "There must be a hole in that body of yours."


          (Please note that X is currently in his standard frame and not the Fourth Armor yet)
          The Package

          "The base of my neck. There's a slot for chips to be inserted. Just insert it there and my systems will do the rest." Said Zero as he lifts his hair up and out of the way.

          Battle of Gensokyo

          As X and Axl kept fighting they stopped and turned to guy with the large Hamburger Presser for a weapon.

          "Oh yea? Well I'll see about that!" Said Axl as he aimed his Energy Pistol at the man. X quickly aimed his X-Buster at the strange man, a very serious look comes over X's face.

          "I wouldn't be so quick to think about winning this battle!" Said X as he begins charging his X-Buster. "Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Mega Man X, and I assure you that you're going to get one hell of a fight!!" X proclaimed as he prepares to fire his X-Buster's default charged shot. After he finishes charging he fires a blue blast of plasma energy from his X-Buster.


            Battle of Gensokyo

            "So the puppy enjoys his food? lets give him more" the jackal said forming more shadow balls and throwing them towards the general nonstop
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Battle of Gensokyo

              As the blood stuck to John's shields, Vladimir charged towards him and swung his sword.

              It was hard for John to see, but he could still see the imminent danger he was in.

              As the sword inched near John, his heart began to race and adrenaline coursed through his veins.

              Spartan Time kicked in, slowing down the world around him.

              (I need a way to get him away while still doing damage. Perhaps a concussive wave?)

              That's when John remembered the time he tried to combine his light and darkness magic into a single orb of energy.

              (Wait. How about I combine both types of magic into a single wave of destructive energy? Last time I tried to combine them was when the impostor Aqua combined hers. I tried, but it resulted in a large explosion. If a small ball of energy could react that violently, then what would a large shockwave of the stuff do?)

              At that very moment, John flung his arms to an outstretched position and let off a burst of both light and darkness magic, causing both to react with one another and violently explode outward.
              Last edited by S121; 08-14-2013, 06:58 PM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Battle of Gensokyo

                "I'm quite full, I'm afraid." Trebeq growled, dodging the other shadow balls with ease. "You should be running out of your PP soon."

                "Kirkland." The hamburger presser man, Kirkland, snorted. "Let's see if I can mince you into ground beef!"
                Kirkland, despite his looks, was definite hasty, dodging the plasma bullets and the X busters simply by sidestepping. Then, using his enormous pressers, he spun towards Axl.

                A smoldering crater formed where the blood cage was. The cage itself wasn't damaged at all, for it was made of blood, but Vladimir rose from the remained, his right arm turned into nothing but ashes.
                "That was new." Vladimir checked his nonexistent right arm.
                "General Vladimir!" A Grunt approached Vladimir, who grinned widely at the Grunt as if he has found an old friend.
                "Good work." Vladimir used his left arm to cleave the Grunt in half. The blood spilling out immediately churned and covered the stump of his right arm, regenerating the lost limb with remarkable speed.


                  I went inside the camp once we reached it. I was trying to see where that medic was.

                  "Hello?! Is anyone here?!"

                  Then, Huey came to me... I can never get used to the fact that he can walk now. I mean, it's an exoskeleton, yes, but... still...

                  "Ah, HM, I was waiting for you. I would have carried the body here, but the thing weighs a ton and a half, I couldn't even budge it."

                  A ton? But that Ran woman carried it with ease... what the hell is she?!?!?

                  "Uh, yes, I suppose it would be, what with all the weapons."

                  "Speaking of which, I heard that you 'discover' weapons... which ones have you uncovered so far?"

                  "Hmm... well, there is a laser cannon called LAYZOR, two rapid fire handguns which shoot an unlimited supply of energy bullets called Baratta and Ratatta, and a concealable wrist sword called the... actually, I never gave it a name yet... well, it was my unserious persona that did all the naming, so I'll wait untill then.

                  "I see... and I also see that the fairy has... changed."

                  "Yes, and I don't know whether it was for the better or the worst..."

                  "Oh, don't worry about it. It might be a phase of revelation that happens after a near-death experience, it happens a lot in video games."

                  "I hope you're right... either way, I would like to go back. This body wouldn't be too suitable for battle..."

                  "I'll say. I heard that it goes down after a good 10 bullet shots. Come on, it's right where you left it."

                  "Alright. I'm on my way."

                  I looked at Daiyousei. "Do you want to come along?


                    Battle of Gensokyo

                    X watched on in shock as his opponent simply dodged his and Axl's attacks. Before Axl could react he was smashed by one of the pressers and was sent flying towards X. As Axl crashed into X they both were stunned temporarily but quickly got back up. Axl turned towards Kirkland with a scowl. "You'll pay for that! Transform! Nine Tails!" He yelled as he transformed into a red fox robot with nine tails.

                    "Nine Fragments!" Yelled the transformed Axl as he fires a large red laser at Kirkland.

                    Meanwhile X stood up and looked at Kirkland. "Looks like I'm going to need a bit of extra power!" He yelled as X starts glowing brightly, activating the fourth armor. "Axl buy be some time!" Said X as Axl who is still transformed as Nine Tails nods in assurance. "Got it!"


                      Battle of Gensokyo

                      As the shadow man evaded the attacks, Nera then ran towards him at full speed with a bonestaff "PP is no matter for me here" she said going for a strike into his head

                      Sakuyamon then sent her elemental foxes attacking with their magic while she sped her way towards the devourer
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Battle of Gensokyo

                        John saw that his attack was effective, but he needed more power.

                        John began charging even more magical energy. He expelled and held it all in his hands, then absorbed it. As this happened, he alternated his light and darkness auras, allowing him to charge both of his magic types for each charging cycle. As the charging process continued, John's auras became larger and more intense. His light aura was becoming a blindingly bright, bluish-white light that lit up everything in a 6 foot radius, while his darkness aura became opaque, almost completely hiding John and causing the area around him to become darker.

                        The stress on John's body was starting to increase, but he continued his charging process, trying to prepare for an even more devastating attack.
                        Last edited by S121; 08-14-2013, 08:06 PM.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                          Marisa yawned and fired a Master Spark at the butler, as Salvador fired another barrage of lead from another direction.

                          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                            Sector 3

                            Claire turned to Gerard and nodded. "Thanks. I guess I owe you one." She said as she began firing at more of the Lickers.

                            Wesker was suddenly brought to the ground along with the spartan next to him. However Wesker quickly spun around and came to a stand. He turns to the male Spartan and pulled out his Samurai Edge handgun. He then fires a few rounds towards the Spartan's head.

                            Jack quickly looked up and silently grabbed a Flash Grenade. As soon as he grabbed it he pulled the ring and tossed it, causing a very large flash of light. Using this to his advantage he quickly hopped back up and charged towards the Female Spartan.

                            The Ndesu 2 grabbed one of the Spartan's off him and roared. The Ndesu 2 then tossed the Spartan onto the ground and attempted to stomp on him. Completely forgetting the other Spartan. The Mantises shots are also seemingly unable to phase him.

                            Suddenly out of nowhere a RPG-7 rocket comes flying out of nowhere and into one of the Tanks. The person who fired it was HUNK who had just arrived. "Sorry I'm late. I just had to get prepared!" He said as he loaded another rocket into the RPG. He then aims it at another one of the Tanks. Meanwhile the Lickers continued to attack the Spartan's, their numbers are quickly draining.


                              So the soldier is still alive.

                              "Claire, you do your thing. I've a vendetta to fulfill."

                              I snuck away from the car and began firing at HUNK's charged grenade, making it explode within the rpg. A faulty rocket launcher at best.


                                Sector 3 - Prometheus Labs

                                Normally, the SPI Mark III's helmet could withstand such an attack, but due to the heavy damage it had sustained, Wesker's .40S&W rounds pierced the helmet and plastered themselves onto the male Spartan's skull. The Spartan's skull was not damaged, but his brain was destroyed from the bullets' energy. The male Spartan's head fell back as he drew his last breath.

                                The flash grenade Jack threw exploded, causing a bright flash, but thanks to the SPI's visor, the flash was darkened and the female Spartan was unaffected. She then pulled out her Combat Knife, sprinted towards Jack, and slid under the bladed arm before it could pierce her. The blade on the arm came inches from her head, but she was unphased from the close-call. As she slid along the ground, she slashed at Jack's leg and quickly rose behind him.

                                The Spartan-III's armor was no match and was crushed by the Ndesu 2. Upon witnessing his fellow Spartan being crushed by the large creature, he began to shout and jumped onto the Ndesu 2's face. He then pulled out his Combat knife and wildly stabbed towards the creature's eye.

                                The Mantis pilot saw that the Spartan-IIIs were being overwhelmed, so it quickly began to lay down a barrage of 20mm rounds with machine-like precision towards the Lickers.

                                The Warthogs were now reduced to 9 vehicles. Despite their losses, they continued to lay down an overwhelming amount of firepower at the oncoming Lickers, blasting straight through multiple targets.

                                The RPG slammed into the Scorpion tank's armor and damaged it. Bits of Carbon Titanium flew across the side of the tank, but it was still operational. All of a sudden, the tank HUNK was aiming at turned it's main gun around and fired, sending a 90mm Tungsten Armor Piercing Ballistic Capped round barreling towards him at a high velocity.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

