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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Consumer

    "We're having beef stew for dinner tonight!" Nitori cheered as Pavlov flinched and staggered. The stagger didn't allow the slash to cut straight through the bull's head, but it was enough to cut through his horn. Whining in pain, Pavlov ran away.

    "Tsk." Szayelapporo seemed a little bit pissed. "Useless."

    "Why don't you stop sending your minions and fight by yourself?" Nitori taunted Szayelapporo

    "I do not need to." Szayelapporo countered. "You're all tiers below me."

    "Really?" Nitori rebutted. "Or are you leagues below us?"

    Szayelapporo was silent for a second.

    "Very well." Szayelapporo nodded in resignation, drawing his bleach-white guns. "I'll show you why you're all nobodies compared to me."


      The Consumer

      After Pavlov ran away Zero jumped back to Nitori's side.
      "So the big boss is ready to fight huh? Well this is finally going to get interesting." Said Zero as he turned to Nitori. "Nitori... let's give this guy hell..." Said Zero as he got into a fighting stance.

      "It's a shame Axl or X isn't here... there missing out on all the action!"


        The Consumer

        "So true." Nitori laughed as she- wait, what the?

        "When did I have this gunshot wound..."

        Nitori quickly began to stagger, red liquid spurting from the wound on her thigh. Szayelapporo didn't even move his gun... Or seemed like it.


          The Consumer

          Just as they were about to attack Zero turned to Nitori. Upon seeing the wound Zero's eyes widened. "Nitori!" He yelled as he ran up to her. "How bad is the wound? Are you able to fight!?" Asked Zero as he examined the wound. "Damn you..." He muttered as he turned to Szayelapporo. He aimed his Z-Buster right at the scientist's head. "I'm going to kill you for that!" Said the reploid as his armor yet again flashes from black to dark red. All the while a faint red mist-like aura can be seen coming off him.


            The Consumer

            Suddenly, while Zero was busy being angry, the wall was seemingly replaced by the sight and sound of a train crashing through it, as it kept on going like nothing ever happened.

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


              The Consumer

              "I'm okay..." Nitori groaned. Her wound stopped bleeding as fast as it had started bleeding. She tried to reach for the wound, but... "What the... I can't move."

              "Whoa!" The snake-woman dissipated into gaseous state as the train went seemingly through her. She reformed into a solid state totally unscathed. "That was a pleasant surprise."


                The Consumer

                Zero looked at Nitori. "Just take it easy now... I'll handle it from here..." Said Zero as he turns back to Szayelapporo.
                As Zero turned to the scientist a strange feeling came over him, almost as though something inside of him is growing...

                "What did you do to her!!!" Yelled Zero in anger. His body color slowly starting to fade from black to dark red as he gains a red mist-like aura around his body.


                  Luckily the snake went loose, but as I tried to run from the train, my legs got caught andtore off. Freaking train, I'm immobile now. I supported myself with my hands.

                  "... Damn it... Was that your doing? Quite impressive you could manage that, but you will only get so far with it!"

                  I faced my palm towards the lady and tried to fire a laser, but instead, a hole appeared in my hand... And then it fired a rocket at her!

                  Meanwhile, in the chrysalis...

                  I went to Volgin. "Everyone's beat. That man really did a number on us, including me."

                  "Yes, and the worst part is that we don't know if he's even dead."

                  "True. Maybe he decided to lay low. In any case, what of those papers?"

                  "Ah, yes. You of all people should know what these are about." He said as he handed me the papers, and I couldn't believe what I read. There were metal gears on each of them. The chrysalis, the Shagohod, the cocoon, Rex, ray...

                  "Wait a minute... Where is pupa? And Zeke, and peace walker, and the gecko units?"

                  "I don't know. I didn't know they existed until now. In any case, we need to find them before anyone else does..."

                  "Right, but where do we-"

                  All of a sudden a large base appeared upon the horizon... It was...

                  "Groznyj Grad."


                    The Consumer

                    "Basic Chemistry." Szayelapporo answered without any emotions, his cold, calculating eyes analyzing Zero's change. "The mixture of basic Benzene and Succinylcholine, along with some catalyst, will keep your dear friend frozen for... give or take about 2 hours."


                      The Consumer

                      "Chemistry? So you must be that kind of fighter...figures for someone of your intelligence... you must prefer fighting strategically rather than directly. You analyze your opponent, calculating their every move... waiting for a perfect moment to strike, then you immobilize them with chemicals..." Said Zero as he stood up, Nitori still in his arms.


                        The Consumer

                        "That is why I suggest you to leave." Szayelapporo pointed at the gate. "Succinylcholine can be easily cured with lemon juice, since the citric acid dissolves the carbon in the paralyzing factor. Use that and your friend will be able to move."

                        "Leave, and never come back to this ship."


                          The Consumer

                          As Zero stood up he slowly began to approach Szayelapporo. "Sorry..." Said Zero as the aura around him begins to get more intense.

                          "But I just can't do that... As you see... I'm on a mission..." Said Zero as his body armor completely changes to a dark red.


                            The Consumer

                            "Then despair in chaos." Szayelapporo grimly nodded. Then, he brought one of his gun to his head and fired, while emitting these words.

                            "Sip, La Lujuriosa."

                            Szayelapporo's body began to swell and burst, splattering blood red liquids all over the chamber. The liquid, sticky to touch, coagulated on Zero, Nitori and other abominations. From the burst site, a new form of Szayelapporo appeared.

                            "Do not struggle too much. I need your corpse intact."


                              The Consumer

                              The train kept going, but a blur jumped off of it, bursting through the wall where Sza and Zero were. It landed to the side of the two, and as it got up, it was Tricky, who was fully recovered at this point.

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                The Consumer

                                Just as Zero was about to move in for an attack his opponent had surprisingly shot himself in the head. However instead of dying Zero stepped back in surprise as his opponent had rather taken a new form. "..." Zero was speechless though his expression changed from surprised to his more usual calm and collected self. "So you have a stronger form as well?" Said Zero, referencing his old foe Sigma who always had another more powerful form. "Don't struggle? Sorry, but I am not going down without a fight!" He said as he laid Nitori on the ground near him. Just as he was about to attack a strange clown? Had appeared from the train that Zero was ignoring earlier. "What the hell?..."

                                Near Base 7

                                "I'm just giving you a warning. Much like in a war dealing with these B.O.W.s is a very serious matter. Things can go from bad to worse in an instant when dealing with them. Not only that, but we have the threat of the Neo-Yakuza as well." Said Chris as he clenches his Assault Rifle.

                                "I also apologize if I'm sounding too over-protective. It's just I lost many men on missions similar to this current one. I just don't want to lose anymore."
                                Last edited by NeoFox; 10-05-2013, 02:17 AM.

