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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Reactor Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

    The door to the reactor lab opened revealing Lily and Dr. Neuman.

    "What was that?", Dr. Neuman asked Chung.

    "We were walking over here to check up on you until we heard an explosion. Are you okay?", Lily asked.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      ((Oh yea Allegro is a young alchemist with remarkable intelligence. He is a NPC of the Feita Region.)
      Reactor Lab-Sector 4-Prometheus Labs

      Chung turned to look at the two as they entered the lab.

      "Oh it was nothing. I got the measurement for this chemical compound I'm trying to make for my armor. It ended up literally blowing up right in my face and sent me across the room... It's just that I can barely read Allegro's handwriting... Well I can... I just can't read the measurements..." Said Chung as he took two test tubes of two different chemicals. One test tube containing a red liquid, and the other test tube containing liquid El Energy from his Destroyer.

      "Now if I am right... this should be the correct measurements..." He said as he poured the red liquid into the test tube containing liquid El Energy. Chung prepared for any explosion as he poured a few drops in...

      There was no explosion that time. Chung had finally gotten the measurements correct. "I did it! Finally the compound is finished! Now I can finally repair my armor!" He said as he took out his helmet from his Guardian Stone. Chung then poured the compound onto his helmet, and just like magic that glowing blue compound was absorbed completely into the helmet.

      "Well there you go! Now the repairs are finished!" He said as he put his helmet away. He then looks at his newly repaired armor and Destroyer. "Now if you'll excuse me I need to get into my armor..." He said as he puts the empty test tubes down. Chung then took his armor and left the room...


        Reactor Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

        As Chung left the room, Lily and Dr. Neuman looked at eachother in slight confusion and waited for Chung.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Medic Camp - Gensokyo

          Robin nodded. "Once we get on Grima's Back, be ready for those shadow spikes...except far larger and able to span his entire back. If we're not careful, he could cripple us, and unless we have a means to healing everyone, then we would lose before we even had a chance... Also he will throw his infinite army of Risen at us. All we have to do is clear a path to Grima and weaken him so I can land the final blow. Then Grima would be no more..."


            Reactor Labs-Sector 4-Prometheus Labs

            After Chung got changed into his armor he entered the room. Chung's gear was fully repaired and ready for combat. "So... what do ya think?" He said as he walked towards Dr. Neuman and Lily.


              Medic Camp - Gensokyo

              "Our air support should kill all the Risen very quickly and keep their numbers down to a minimum. As for the spikes, it's not too bad for my armor. The piercing is a problem, but nothing says that we can't use a Falcon to hover above his back and reach his weakspot. Once we reach the weakspot, we get off and destroy it. How does that sound?", Six asked Robin.

              Reactor Labs - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

              "Looks good.", Lily said to Chung.

              "What exactly was that stuff?", Dr. Neuman asked in a curious tone.

              He had never liquid that could repair armor. The only thing that he knew of that could do that was nanobots.
              Last edited by S121; 10-16-2013, 07:07 PM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Medic Camp - Gensokyo

                "Once we land at all on his back, he would use the attack, plus while we're in the air we would have to worry about his fireballs and his Risen Pegasus Knights and Dark Fliers. We have to move fast and be ready for that one attack when he does choose to use it. Any plans on how to be able to heal everyone quickly should the worse happens?" Robin asked.


                  Reactor Labs-Sector 4-Prometheus Labs

                  "Thanks." Chung said to Lily, blushing slightly.

                  He then turned to Dr. Neuman. "Oh it was a special chemical compound that is a mixture of liquefied El Energy, and a few other chemicals. It repaired my armor, and also infused it with a special reactive compound that reinforces my armor when I go into awakening or Berserk mode. Granted the compound is relatively hard to produce. In fact the one who came up with the compound for me was a young alchemist named Allegro. He gave me the notes on how to produce it, and a few ingredients for the recipe. However Allegro's writing isn't the greatest... but at least he's smart when it comes to chemicals and potions."


                    Medic Camp - Gensokyo

                    "My Dropshield will do the job.", Six said to Robin as he checked THOR's status.

                    THOR had charged completely, which meant that Six wouldn't have to worry too much about power consumption once on the dragon's back.

                    Reactor Labs - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                    "We have something that surves the same purpose, but not the same method. With the new GEN 2 suits, nanobots repair the armor when it's damaged. The only problem is how slow the process is. It can be used indefinitely, but it's a slow process, usually taking a couple hours to a couple of days. We've been thinking of creating a special type of Biofoam that can regenerate armor along with damaged tissue, but so far progress has been slow.", Dr. Neuman explained to Chung.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      I had almost given up hope... but then...

                      "H- he's waking up! Hurry, John, make a path to the closest tech managing room!!!"

                      "Ungh... D-... dad?" I-... is that... really... you?"

                      I hugged him tightly. "Yes, son. It's me! Please, let's go..."

                      Then, I heard footsteps.

                      "HM, are you-"

                      It was Otori!

                      "Otori, you're here too?"

                      "Yea. Small world. but right now, we're turning back. The battle's over. We... we won!"

                      "We did?! Haha! This is a story to tell to the others! I saved the world, got my son back, met the spartan unit including master chief, took down a tyrant... let's head home!!!"


                        Medic Camp - Gensokyo

                        "Right then. Ok So the plan is simple, fend off Grima's Risen and attack Grima himself so that I can kill him..." Robin then went silent for a moment. "...and me."


                          The Consumer

                          John opened up a Corridor of Darkness and pointed at the portal.

                          "Go on in. I need to grab my Biofoam.", John said.

                          This entire time, John had a shell of darkness covering his badly damaged leg. John was still able to move it, due to his ability to manipulate Darkness, but he was still in pain from the injury.

                          Medic Camp - Gensokyo

                          Six was about to head to the Falcon until he heard the final word's of Robin's sentence, stopping him in his tracks.

                          "What?", Six asked in a slightly confused tone.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            "Alright. Let's go, my son."

                            It all seemed good... until...


                            "GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !"

                            "What's wrong!?!?!"


                            All of a sudden, a faint image of a maliciously smiling Lucifer appeared behind HM.


                              The Consumer

                              John readied his light and Darkness magic, waiting to see if the image was going to attack. The face of the image looked familiar, but John wasn't sure who it was.

                              "Who are you?", John asked the image.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                The image simply kept smiling.

                                "My parting gift."

                                HM was banging his head on the ground in pain. Suddenly... it stops. All is still. HM is now stiff as a statue.

