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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "Yea. I guess. I mean, it's not like I had a choice anyways. If I were to have stayed, I would've been killed. But honestly, coming over here... may have been the second best thing to have happened to me. The first being that I finally realized my past... and I have Isaac to thank for it."

    Lujuria sighed.

    "... Yup... this is the life."


      Ancient City

      "She probably just needs some rest." Yuuka commented as she picked up a kill on a Scout using Pomson 6000. "I cringe when I think of a hangover she will get tomorrow."


      "If I could, I would summon the entire naturity to smite you." Daiyousei silently muttered, but the quietness was what made her speech so deadly.


        Forest of magic

        Throwing the piece of the apple she finished to the air and catch it back Renamon said "Man.. this whole mess was a hell to endure, fights, death, gods and demons, now we are some time of peace, might as well enjoy it, donīt you think?"
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          Ancient City

          John looked over to Yuuka with a completely confused look and muttered two words.

          "Hang... over?", John asked in a confused tone.

          John had little knowledge of what being drunk was, but he had absolutely no idea what a hangover was.

          "What's a hangover?", John asked Yuuka.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            "I've heard of this," Akihita said. "It is a painful aftermath of excessive consumption of beverages that contain alcohol."

            Lujuria smirked. "If you think you're out of the woods with demons, you've got another thing coming, 'cause you're gonna have to deal with me." She said jokingly.

            "And you know what, my dear?" Lucifer said. "That's exactly why I invited you here. You put up one hell of a fight. You needn't worry, he's fine. However... don't expect to be seeing him for quite a while. He'll be... busy."

            Lucifer circled over behind Daiyousei.

            "Why do you... admire him so much? It doesn't occur to me that you two have anything in common."


              Forest of magic

              "I wouldnīt be surprissed we cross weapons, we have actually fought with both our enemies and allies, the latter as sparring, but the area kind of gets leveled down Nera joked to Lujuria

              "And this land is fond of a lot of sparring that will end like nothing happened between the fighters, so almost everyone has fighted someone and stay like best friends
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Ancient City

                John gave Akihita a confused look. If the after-affects were so horrible, then why would people drink it.

                "Okay...", John slowly said to Akihita.

                "Why would people drink it if it causes so much pain afterwards?", John then asked in a confused tone.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  "That was not taught, unfortunately." Akihita said to John.

                  "Sounds like a friendlier hell. Down there, we fight for no damn reason, and after, weall grab a drink, talk about how badly the loser lost, another fight breaks out, rinse and repeat."


                    Ancient City

                    "Who knows why we drink?" Yuuka hypothesized, sipping her own glass of beautiful light green cocktail. "It only matters that you drink: to socialize, to soothe, to relieve of certain emotion within yourself."


                    "B... Because-"

                    "Jerk on this, shitlickers."

                    Mokou revealed down a Full house, cutting off all tension on the table.

                    "Not bad." Duncan smirked, revealing nothing. He folded anyway.


                      "So do I, hothead!" Greed cried as he put down his own full house.

                      "... Sorry for the disruption. But it sounded like you had a reason. That's interesting."


                        Ancient City

                        John thought about what Yuuka had said. It didn't seem like Yukari was socializing with anyone. She was drinking too fast for it to be soothing. If anything, she was quickly drinking beverage after beverage. Was she trying to ease the perceived guilt over the trial? If that was the case, then John would have to simply go easy on her and not overreact about it.

                        John looked around the room, but could see little else of what he could do for Yukari. If Yuuka was right, then Yukari should be fine until this "Hangover". That gave John an idea.

                        "Huh.......", John muttered as he came up with an idea to cure Yukari's state, and how to prevent this "Hangover" from occurring. It might not cure her completely, but at least she would be conscious and have less of a chance of suffering in the morning.

                        John took a deep breath and lightly shook his body. He then looked over to Akihita and spoke.

                        "Can you get me a pitcher? I might have an idea on how to cure Yukari of this 'Hangover'... and whatever else is causing this.", John said to Akihita.

                        John then looked at Yuuka and spoke.

                        "I think I found a way to cure... whatever this is.", John said to Yuuka as he motioned to Yukari, referencing her current state.

                        John didn't seem to have any idea what drunkenness was.
                        Last edited by S121; 11-11-2013, 11:36 PM.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Forest of magic

                          "You will like this place, Gensokyo is a good place to rest and go see a lot of wonders" Renamon said getting on a seating form and catching the piece of eaten fruit

                          "We have plans of both staying here and go on training, we are a wandering duo, and the more people who want to join the better" Nera said offering to Lujuria
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                            Akihita wandered around until she saw a bartender with a pitcher.

                            "Excuse me, may I have this for a few seconds?"

                            "Well, alright, but bring it back in one piece, I'm gonna need it soon."

                            Akihita took the pitcher and gave it to John.

                            "What are you going to do with it?"

                            "Yea, I might. Say, these guys earlier were taking about going to a place called MSF. I'm guessing it's a mercenary base or something. I'm going. You two should too."


                              Ancient City

                              John was about to state his plan, but after a couple seconds, he quickly dismissed the idea.

                              "I was planning on using my Darkness abilities like a magic dialysis machine, but that wouldn't work without certain chemicals.", John said as he placed the pitcher on the table, next to the glass of water.

                              John was a little dispirited by his inability to speak to Yukari about the trial. It was important that they do so, and the sooner they did, the sooner John could rest easy and Yukari wouldn't need to drown her sorrows over it.

                              (If only there was some way to magically get rid of the alcohol...), John thought to himself.

                              That was when another idea quickly formed in his head, one that would succeed. Alcohol was, in a sense, poison. It was a poison people drank during parties. If that was the case, then John knew exactly who to contact.

                              "Akihita, can you go find Medicine Melancholy for me?", John asked Akihita.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                "Medicine... Melancholy?" Akihita said in a confused manner. "I'm sorry, but I've never heard of such a medicine. But it's quite an unfortunately named medicine. Is there a proper name to it?"

