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[IC Board] All the World's a Game - Season II

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    Banished Library

    Jason looked at the group.

    "Well... That was my best guess. Hey, where do I move it to?"

    Inozuka Estate (Future)

    There it was. The monstrosity that Otori created with his own two hands. The HoRIzoN. Best known as HRIN.

    "... Alright. This is going to be it. My resolve has shattered. But at least I can destroy what demonic work I've created."

    He pointed the Patriot at the HRIN.

    "... I'm sorry, guys. But this will be the last time I see you two."

    He then gritted his teeth.

    "LET'S FINISH THIS!!!!!"

    He began firing at the HRIN nonstop while crying his battle cry.


      Banished Library - Gensokyo

      "Won't it be too heavy for you to move if Nera in her mega forme has to struggle?" Patchouli disagreed with Jason. "You should have John do it, you've done plenty by solving the puzzles already."
      Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 01-20-2014, 02:45 AM.



        The Executioner fell with a loud thud, causing more debris to fall from the roof above.The Huntress whizzed past Eleos, ignoring the large fallen creature. Several phantasmal like skeletons clad in armor appeared ahead. They were nothing but piles of armor by the time they took aim.

        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


          Banished Library

          Jason walked back.

          "Hey, if you need me for anything, I'll be right here."

          Inozuka Manor

          It was all flashing to him now.

          His memories.

          Of his half-brother.

          "Hey, I'm Otori. What's your name?"

          "Huh? Oh, my name... Name's HM."

          "HM? Weird name."

          "Otori's a weird name."

          "Why, you..."

          I remember we used to fight all the time.

          The machine began spazzing out, creating tiny explosions.

          Of my half-father.

          "Now, you two stop it, that's the fifth time today, you're going to waste all of the target practicing dummies with your silly competitions!"

          "I could say the same about you and your ice cream, dad."

          "He is right, Gerard, you'll waste the ice cream inventory like that."

          "Then would you two like to compete against me?!"

          "Uh, uh, no, sir!"

          "What's wrong, HM? Alright, I accept your challenge."

          I lost horribly that day. But we both had a blast. We all had a blast.

          The machine then began creating larger explosions.

          But most of all... I remember her. Shikieiki.

          "She's awake! I have to alert the chief!"

          That's when I first met her.

          "Alright. I'm your guardian, as well as your partner's, Komachi. I'm going to do a combat evaluation. Are you ready?"

          Our first fight.

          "... You go. I need to stay here. After all... I might be able to harness the Improbability Drive."

          Our first departure.

          Then... There was that day.

          "Shikieiki... I..."

          "Otori... Is there something you must say to me?"

          "I... Know what? I'll tell you later. After we save the freakin' world again!"

          "... You're so full of yourself, Otori. Don't keep me waiting."

          "Alright! I won't let ya down!"

          My final words to her.

          The HRIN was done. The explosions were getting much bigger. Finally, the entire room began to collapse. With that, the entire manor. After a while, the manor was reduced to rubble. Otori, however, somehow managed to slowly limp out. He then sat by a pillar.

          "Heugh... It's... It's finally over..."

          He then took the patriot...

          "... I never thought... It would go down like this... But... Life is just awful... Isn't it, guys?"

          He... Put the barrel to his head.

          "... I'm not likely to go where you guys have gone... But I'll go wherever... Hoping I can attone to the unattonable regrets that spur in me..."

          He smiled as a tear ran down his cheek.

          "... 'In the end... All of this... Was caused by a bunch of bickering old fools... And once I go... There will be none left...' I guess... In the end, I did turn up something like the snakes... But this... Is where the similarities end...

          I pray... The next existance... Will not... Be... So......... Foolish."

          The trigger was pulled.

          Everyone that knew him had a slight ping in their hearts. Whether or not they knew him well enough to know what exactly this feeling was... Or if they did and knew exactly what happened. One of them was Jack.

          "... What just... Happened?"

          His eyes widened.

          "... Oh no... Don't tell me... Father..."

          He fell to his knees.

          "... I'm sorry I couldn't uphold your honor..."

          A new flare grew in his eyes.

          "But I promise you that I will not give in until justice is brought to the cruel world!!!"


            Banished Library - Gensokyo | Day

            John nodded at Patchouli, then walked over to the statue. Luckily, the puzzle was already at setting 1, meaning Annie didn't have to change it. Not wanting to waste any time, John put his hands on the wood statue and pushed it one tile to the left, causing it to fall to the tile below. After John jumped down and grabbed the statue, Annie changed the furnace setting to the second setting and John pushed it one more tile, then nodded at Annie to change it again. After the platform John was on rose up, he then continued his pushing, pulling, and telling Annie to shift the puzzle until the wood statue was at its switch.

            "Wood statue's done. Now for fire.", John said to the others as he flew back to them using his thrusters.
            Last edited by S121; 01-20-2014, 07:11 PM.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              London | Night

              As the strange entity came in, and killed almost the entire army the Glitter Demons that were remaining began to retreat. They had gone into small little rifts of Dark Ell. All the bodies of the killed Demons had disintegrated into a fine blue dust.

              "What was that thing?" Chung said as he quickly sets his Destroyer on the ground, and rushes to Raven who is still unconscious. Chung then proceeds to check Raven's pulse... "Thank god he has a pulse... Lily mind taking care of him while I check Elsword?" Chung replied as he walked over to Elsword who was still laying down seemingly unconscious in a pool of blood, and rubble. Elsword's sword was also broken in two, as well as being heavily damaged. "Damn... Elsword got messed up..." Chung said as he walked over to the still seemingly unconscious swordsman to check his pulse.

              However suddenly the strange armored man with wings roared once again before quickly jumping down in between Elsword and Chung. As Valak landed he delivered a sideways slash with his sword to Chung's chest. Fortunately for Chung he was able to just jump out of the way, but just barely. The sword still grazed his armor, and left a big cut in the armor but absolutely no damage done to Chung's body whatsoever. A split second later though Chung quickly keeled over in pain as he grabbed his chest.

              "GGRAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Chung roared in pain as Valak quickly flew back into the sky, leaving Chung screaming in pain despite no signs of injury on his body.


                Banished Library - Gensokyo

                "I can't go on any more..." Patchouli groaned in absolute fatigue. Annie, noticing that Patchouli is in pain, stepped up and said: "Take a break. I'll take care of this one."

                "Isn't it going to be too taxing for you...?" Patchouli asked Annie, who looked back and grinned: "Don't worry, I brought Rod of the Ages."

                Annie prepared a jet of flame that shot from her hand to the statue in an instant. The statue of the Fire Demon Ifrit burst into flame.


                  Banished Library - Gensokyo | Day

                  John saw that the statue ignited and was now on fire. Luckily for John, his armor could take temperatures much higher than those of fire. Without hesitation, John walked over to the statue and began to push it. The fire statue took less time to push, thanks to the switch being a little closer than the other already active switches. After a few minutes of pushing and platforms raising and lowering, the fire statue was now in its place.

                  "The fire statue is done. Now for metal.", John said as he flew back to the front of the puzzle.

                  Yakumo Estate - Gensokyo | Day

                  Takoizu knew that by this time, Otori would have been dead. It was over, and the only person fighting for the future was her. Takoizu placed her armored hands over her face and lightly rubbed at the area.

                  (I started off alone, and in the end, that's where I'll be. Back to square one. The others can't see you like this. If they do, they'll lose belief in your cause.), Takoizu thought, trying to comfort herself.

                  After getting her breathing to a calm, slow pace, Takoizu stood up from the couch and walked into the bathroom. Takoizu closed the door once she was inside, and walked over to the sink, where she put an arm on each side of the sink and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were red with tears, but she now had a calm, collected look on her face.

                  (I know more about Jack, so now I can create countermeasures. I.. don't know if I should kill Jack or not, but I do need to find a way to keep him from ruining my plan. I already know that I have to fight him, but not kill him. He might be able to somehow overcome my abilities when they affect the area around him, but what about if I isolate the code in his body, quarantine it? That could work, but I'll need to somehow incapacitate him, then study his code. Of course, I could always make the code manifest itself into the real world, but I don't know what I'll find. I'll have to be careful... I'll need to think about this at a later time. It's about time to check up on Yukari anyway.), Takoizu thought.

                  Now that Takoizu had calmed completely down, she turned on the sink, washed the tears off her face, then dried herself off with a towel. Once that was done, she quietly walked into Yukari's room to check up on her.

                  London | Night


                  Lily heard Chung scream in pain while she was taking care of Raven, and in a split second, she had her MA5C Assault Rifle at the ready. Seeing that she would need to move to Chung, Lily grabbed Raven by the back collar of his clothes and dragged him over to Chung, all while keeping her gun at the ready and looking at her radar every few seconds. When she finally approached Chung, Lily stopped dragging Raven and spoke to Chung.

                  "What happened!?", Lily asked, still on her guard in case anything attacked.

                  Meanwhile, Jack was walking back to the group after the Glitter Demons retreated. To Jack, it was truly a shame they gave up so easily. He could have gone on for much longer than that. Just as he approached the Warthogs, he heard Chung scream in pain, and in a single instant, Jack looked over and saw a winged being swoop back into the sky.

                  Daniel was walking back to the ledge where he climbed up the building when he suddenly heard Chung scream in pain. All of a sudden, some strange winged creature flew up and came inches away from Daniel. Reacting quickly, Daniel jumped back and aimed his "Shifter" Assault Rifle at the flying beast.

                  "Daniel, you see that?", Jack said over his communicator.

                  "Yea, the thing almost ran into me.", Daniel said.

                  "We have a man down. I'm hunting angels.", Jack said as he manned one of the Warthogs' Gauss Turrets and took aim at the creature.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    banished lubrary

                    renamon helped patchouli to drink two rimes from her estus flask "I lnow you are tired, let it flow and relax" she said looking calm, but she too was tired. the fox wasn't going to give up either

                    Nera was already charging her energy for the metal statue "we can do it people, just keep up" she spoke as her aura flourished
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Banished Library - Gensokyo | Day

                      John looked at the metal statue and lightly frowned. The other statues took on the form of their respective element, which meant that if John was correct, then the statue would turn to metal. If that was the case, then not even he would be able to move it, at least not with his armor's safety constraints still active. He would need to remove them. After thinking, John spoke to the others.

                      "If the fire statue burst into flames, the wood statue came to life, and the moon statue turned invisible, what will the metal statue do?", John asked the group.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Banished Library - Gensokyo

                        "Alright, I can do it... Just a few more." Patchoulu grinned, sweats dropping like buckets, and fired the Metal element energy at the statue of the swordsman. The ststue glowed in faint silver aura, the density of the statue slowly increasing


                          Banished Library - Gensokyo | Day

                          After a moment, John let out a quiet sigh as he began to disengage his suit's reactive metal liquid crystal layer's safety constraints. A small, red "WARNING" flashed at the very top of John's HUD, but he simply ignored the warning as his lifting capacity went from double its normal capacity to ten times. John began to push the statue, and even with is strength at ten times the normal amount, he felt a slight strain when pushing it across the tiles. After a few minutes of pushing the super-dense statue and switching puzzle settings, John eventually moved the metal statue onto its switch.

                          "Okay... It's done...", John said, fatigued by the immense weight of the statue.

                          Based on John's estimate, the statue had to of weighed at least 300 metric tonnes (330 US tons), maybe more. It only served to make John wonder why anyone would create a puzzle with a statue like that. How was a person supposed to move it, besides the method he used?
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Banished Library - Gensokyo

                            "This is bad. Both Patchouli and John are down." Annie gulped, which was true. John, who was supposed to be an indominable tank, had his hands on his knees. Patchouli was even worse off: increasing density of the statue meant that it took Patchouli more energy to supply more energy per kilogram. She collapsed as soon as she released the energy, and even after burning through Renamon's magical flask she was breathless.

                            "What's next?" Patchouli asked. "Water?"


                              Banished Library - Gensokyo | Day

                              "Water is right, and I got a way to deal with its own puzzle" Nera spoke thinking on her attacks

                              "I´ll freeze it everytime the water manages to break the ice and keep moving" The lucario explained while going to the statue

                              Renamon looked at the magician and sighed "Patchouli, Prepare for an overdrive" she said taking her digivice and slammed it on Patchouli´s back. The small object started glowing as all its storaged energy both drained the fox´s own while pouring it into the purple haired woman. This time the drain was direct from the fox as she fell to her knees almost falling unconscious

                              "That.. should do it.." Renamon barely spoke while grasping for air
                              Last edited by Kristia; 01-20-2014, 10:08 PM.
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Banished Library - Gensokyo

                                "Ugh... Alright." Patchouli frowned as she channeled a jet blast of water and fired. The statue of the Mermaid started emitting goo-like water, so slippery that it cannot be touched without slipping. The goo covered the entire statue, but whatever goo that reached the floor vanished.

