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[IC Board] All the World's a Game - Season II

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    Outside Rena's Apartment - Santa Cruz - California | Night

    Right as Isaac held out his hand for Lujuria to take, a strange looking girl with nine tails emerged from the apartment complex.

    "Huh?", Isaac uttered as he looked over at the girl.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Outside Rena's Apartment - Santa Cruz - California | Night

      As Ara approached Isaac and Lujuria she pointed her spear at Lujuria.

      "I knew I sensed a demon..." Ara whispered as she got closer. Ara had a... murderous look in her eyes as she looked at Lujuria.


        Outside Rena's Apartment - Santa Cruz - California | Night

        Isaac saw the look in the strange nine-tailed fox girl's eyes and knew exactly what she was intending. He had seen that look many times before, and even he had that look every once in a while, especially when he was in his game.

        "Oh no you don't! You're not going to kill her!", Isaac said as he stood in between Lujuria and Ara.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Outside Rena's Apartment - Santa Cruz - California | Night

          Ara turned to Isaac. As she did she stepped back as her eyes widened in shock. "Why are you defending a demon? Don't you know how much evil demons spread across the world!? I can sense the strong demonic power emanating from her! If I don't do something then she would surely do something vile!" She said as she gritted her teeth. "Now if you don't step out of the way then Eun and I will have to punish you for defending a demon!" She said as suddenly a magical arrow came down from the sky, more specifically Rena's Apartment's window.

          Right after the arrow hit the ground Rena jumped out of her apartment window, and into the parking lot where Ara, Isaac, and Lujuria are. "Ara stop!" Rena said as Ara looked at Rena in confusion. "Rena why are you stopping me? You yourself surely knows what demons are capable of correct?" Ara replied.

          Rena sighed as she turned to Isaac and Lujuria, then back to Ara. "I'm stopping you, because that man you were going to attack is Isaac! You know the one that I told you about!?" Rena said.

          "Why are you friends with a person who helps demons?... Are you... becoming corrupted by that demons aura!?" Ara replied as her aura flared up big time.

          "No! I didn't even know that he was friends with a demon! I just met the guy today! I didn't really get much of a chance to even meet his friend!" Rena said as Ara's aura calmed down a bit.



            ACO Helicopter - Russia | Day

            Flandre was both surprised and shocked by this. These people, whom Flandre could only presume were human, saved her life. The usual thing that most humans have done around her is shun her and label her as a monster or run away in fear of her. She just wanted to be friends with them. But no matter how hard she tried, they would always either run away or die by her hands. But this man, Cole, there were something strange about him. His demeanour. His appearance. His powers. He wasn't any typical human and yet he wasn't a youkai. What is he? Who is he? Why did he save her? Flandre wanted some answers of her own from these people.
            "Where exactly am I? Where is my sister?" Flandre asked.

            Once again, Flandre asked the question from before. "Where is my sister?" But this time it wasn't while she was trying to kill Cole. Cole had no idea about Touhou or about Flandre. Because of this, he could not answer Flandre's question. The only thing he could really say was where they were. Where they actually are.
            "You're in the middle of Russia. A country in..." Cole did not wish to continue his answer but he had no choice. "A country in... the real world. As for your sister, I don't know who she is or where she could be. Sorry." Cole would have brought up the fact that Flandre mentioned her sister during their battle. But he gravely did not want her to remember what had happened earlier. Anything that would make Flandre violent again would not be ideal. But hopefully the talisman placed on her would suppress any of her... powers.

            "W-what do you mean by the real world? What is going on?!" Flandre asked. Her voice increasing in volume and distress.
            Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

            My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
            My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
            My NNID: OfficialTRXD


              Rena's Apartment

              Lujuria sighed.

              "Damn... Hey Isaac, ready for your christmas prank? It's a tradition me and my brothers do, and here's yours."

              Lujuria took a deep breath and then...

              "Yes, I am indeed a demon, and one far more powerful than any other! I am the embodiment of one of the seven guardians known as Lust! Tremble beneath my power, for one day me and my brothers shall rise and overtake the human population as we see fit! Ahahahahahaaaa!!!"

              Lujuria took another deep breath.

              "Good luck getting yourself out of this one, ufu!"

              She escaped into the card.


                Rena's Apartment - Santa Cruz - California | Night

                Isaac retracted his helmet before Lujuria left, but it was too late. She had quite possibly made things much worse than they were before. Now that Lujuria was back inside the card Isaac had hidden in his suit, he was alone to deal with the angry nine-tailed fox girl known as Ara, and Rena.

                *sigh* "Why?", Isaac quietly said under his breath as he held his hand over his face.

                "Really good prank... Really good prank...", Isaac loudly said in front of Ara and Rena, as if he was shouting to the sky and to himself.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Banished Library - Gensokyo | Day

                  "Huh?" Shulk was confused. "What do you mean? The only thing my vision mentioned was that the book wasn't where it was normally. I don't know if anything else happens to it. There were some scattered books on the floor in my vision...It might have just fallen?"

                  Meanwhile the man kept his distance while remaining hidden, continuing to listen...

                  ACO Helicopter - Russia | Day

                  "Keep calm, ok? You are characters from a game, pulled from your world by an incident that occurred a little more than a year or two ago. We're just making sure you're safe."
                  Then the man shifted his focus. "Sister..." The man snapped his finger, signaling another to pull out a book and start looking.
                  "Touhou...Flandre...ah here it is... Flandre Scarlet. Sister of Remilia Scarlet. They live in the Scarlet Devil Mansion in Gensokyo."
                  "Gensokyo?" The man frowned. "Isn't that-?"
                  "It is."
                  "...hrm..." The leader had a furrowed brow as he turned back to the two. "Even though things are peaceful right now, we want to keep you two away from Gensokyo right now..." He then started explaining alittle more. "Because of the context of Touhou, the entire world of it was pulled from the games."


                    Banished Library - Gensokyo | Day

                    John quickly turned around and spoke to Shulk.

                    "Optimism does not save lives. Action does.", John sharply said to Shulk.

                    After remaining silent for a moment, to calm himself down, John spoke again.

                    "Listen, if we don't get that book, then we won't know where The Associate is. If we don't know where The Associate is, then we won't know where to find the Soul Vault. Yuuka is going to die if we don't find that book.", John said to Shulk in a calmer tone.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      ACO Helicopter - Russia | Day

                      The words that had been brought up by the ACO members helped calm Flandre a bit. But she was still afraid and a bit distressed. They knew about her sister and yet they did not want her to go back to Gensokyo. What kind of people were they? If they wanted to keep her safe, surely letting her return to her sister would have been the best thing for her. This did not appear to be the case.
                      "I can't go to Gensokyo? W-will I ever see my sister again? Can I ever see Remi?" Flandre desperately asked the others.

                      Cole immediately jumped onto this. He seriously did not want to stress Flandre any further than she already was and leaving the ACO members to do the explaining might not be the best thing. Cole briefly signalled to the ACO members with a simple wave of a hand. Hopefully, they would receive the message and let Cole do the talking.
                      "Hey. Flandre. That's your name, right? If your sister is out there in the open, we'll find her. We'll bring you back to her." Cole spoke to the girl. Hopefully that would calm her down.

                      "P-promise?" Flandre asked Cole in a hopeful but desperate voice.

                      "Yeah. I promise." Cole responded. Cole did not know what he let himself in on. If this Remilia person was out there in the real world, Cole would be certain to uphold that promise. But if she were in this Gensokyo, then that would be a major problem. Cole would be ultimately lying to Flandre and if she were to ever find out, Cole would surely regret it. Of course, Cole could sneak Flandre into Gensokyo but he would then have to deal with these ACO people. Since they appear to know a lot about him and the various "characters" that existed, they would undoubtedly know how to take him out. Cole just had to hope that it never came down to that.
                      Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

                      My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
                      My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
                      My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                        Basement - Yakumo Household - Mayohiga - Gensokyo | Day

                        All was quiet and dark in the Yakumo household's basement, until a gap opened up and Takoizu stepped out. As the gap closed behind her, Takoizu looked over her surroundings and noticed that none of her belongings were here anymore. That was evidence enough for her that she was in the past. With that in mind, a smile stretched across Takoizu's face as she looked up at the door to the rest of the house. Now was the time she would finally be reunited with her family, or at least see them. They wouldn't recognize her, but Takoizu was sure that they would understand why she was here. With anticipation creeping into her mind, Takoizu walked up the basement stairs, opened the door, and walked into the room.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Eientei - Gensokyo

                          "Here is the Chrysanthemum root-usa."

                          "Thank you, do put it on the table. Udonge, can you grind the root into powder?"

                          "Y- yes ma'am."

                          Eirin is a mysterious force in Gensokyo. During the Great Gensokyo Invasion, Eirin lost her left arm to the point of almost irreversible damage. However, it seemed that her influence in Gensokyo has grown even larger than before. She was a veteran; her lack of an arm reinforcing the fact; and everyone, from greater to less Youkai, from human to ghosts, recognized the fact that Eirin is not to be stifled with.

                          "Udonge, I'll be going somewhere." Eirin said to the moon rabbit wearing something that looked like a female school uniform from a school manga.

                          "Where will you be going?" Reisen asked.

                          "Visiting the Yakumos." Eirin answered, grabbing a pink package of medicinr with her right hand. A rabbit Youkai, seemingly lesser in position than Reisen, opened the door for Eirin.

                          "Come back soon, master." Reisen waved at Eirin as Eirin departed to the Yakumo estate.


                            Yakumo Household - Mayohiga - Gensokyo | Day

                            Now that Takoizu was no longer in the basement, she looked around at the pristine house before her and felt as if she were home.

                            "Finally.", Takoizu said to herself as she took in her surroundings.

                            Now that she was in the past, all she had to do was find her parents, give them the warning, find her brother, and help them fight the ACO.

                            As Takoizu walked out of the room and into another part of the house, she realized that there was no sound.

                            "Hello?", Takoizu asked aloud.


                            "Hello? Chen? Ran?", Takoizu called out as she began to walk through the house.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                              Popping around the corner in front of Takoizu was the white flaming body known as the Higher Power.

                              "Oh, I was expecting someone else." HP said.

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                Yakumo Household - Mayohiga - Gensokyo | Day

                                Takoizu straightened her posture very quickly, but then went back to a natural one and quickly thought up of a plan. Thinking quickly, Takoizu tried to assume the identity of her mother.

                                "Who were you expecting? Are you looking for John?", Takoizu calmly asked The Higher Power.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

