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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    I paused for a second. Then, I scoffed loudly.

    "Oh, my dear. One, that is quite true, if you're not dealing with me! Two, a better person? HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA! You have no idea. Ah, anyways, thirdly, comrades? That had to be the funniest part! My only 'ally,' per say, is Gluttoneriel. Know what? Because I like you so much, I'm going to tell you why. Do you... Want to hear?"


      Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
      London - Prometheus Lab - Outer Wall - The bush outside the opening in the wall

      (you gotta have this playing for maximum effect of the situation...)

      As Robin and Chung looked at the opening...something was watching them. A bush behind them seemed to be growing a pair of grey, fuzzy ears, a bushy tail, and a wisp of hair sticking at a strange angle up. Big blue eyes looked out from the green leaves, impassively watching the two. Suddenly, the fuzzy features disappeared and soft rustling could be faintly heard. The grey wisp of hair stuck out of the tall grass and moved towards Robin. When it got close enough, it ducked under his cloak. Robin and Chung did not notice as the little thing jumped into Robin's bag under his cloak.
      Prometheus Labs

      Chung was about to go in when he could of swore he heard something coming from the bushes, however when he turned to look at the noise he saw nothing so he shrugged his shoulders and forgot about it. Just as he was about to go in again he turned and saw a literal blue and white blur in the shape of a human rushing towards them. As soon as he saw this he quickly pushed Robin inside as he readied his Destroyer in the case of this person being hostile.


        Prometheus Labs

        "Oof! What was that for?" Robin turned on Chung, then he noticed him looking at the ground cautiously. "Seeing ghosts are we?" Robin Chuckled lightly. "Chung, there's no one else here. If there was I would notice that something is off... Trust me."

        Prometheus Labs - Inside Robin's Bag

        Little Inu Sakuya had felt everything shift violently when Robin had been pushed. She was confused slightly by the sudden movement. When everything settled again, she sat up on the books within the bag. It was peculiar to her, the bag didn't seem all that big on the outside. Alas, sure enough, she fell in completely. But one thing was certain: the food she smelled was near... She carefully rearranged books and finally found a small wooden box from whence the smell originated. With the same impassive look she picked up the tiny box and stared at it. She then tried to open it.
        No success...
        She tried a little harder.
        Still the box did not open.
        She then primed to throw the box, but then stopped. She held it again and stared once more. Finally, she found the latch and opened the container. A small light emanated from the box and she slowly reached in.
        (note: stop other and play this video now~)

        A MUFFIN! She was so overcome with joy she plopped down on a book and held the muffin forth and admired it for a moment.

        ...and then...
        she ate it.

        Prometheus Labs

        "Seriously Chung...If I didn't know better I would think you were preparing to -" Then Robin looked up and saw Vergil approaching, down the hill side.


          London-Prometheus Labs

          Vergil was moving at surprising speeds towards the group. As he drew near he instantly came to a stop in front of Chung. Vergil stared at Chung and Robin before turning to the large hole in the building. Vergil then took his Yamato and unsheathed it. As he did he dashed into the building at the same speeds as earlier.
          Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


            Prometheus Labs
            "Huh? He ran off..." Robin looked off in the direction Vergil went. "Odd..."

            Inside Robin's Bag
            Inu Sakuya decided it was a good time to take a nap now that she was full from the muffin. She curled up on a red colored book with a little crest on it that looked like a great column of fire. It was cozy warm~
            Last edited by Cucoo5; 09-04-2013, 06:17 PM.


              Prometheus Labs

              Chung watched Vergil as he went into the building. "Yea, into the building that is. Anyways let's go!" Said Chung as he took off running into the building.


                Prometheus Labs

                "Oh! sheesh! Wait for me!" Robin broke into a run to try and catch up to Chung.

                Inside Robin's Bag
                Bouncing! Too much Bouncing! Little Inu Sakuya had just fallen asleep when Robin began the pursuit of his ally. Now she was bouncing around the inside of the spacious bag. Bounce, bounce, BOUNCE!


                  Inside Prometheus Labs

                  As Vergil entered the lab he began looking around for what exactly is emitting this strange aura he is feeling. This aura feels somewhat demonic, and yet at the same time entirely different. "Now where is the source of this strange power!?" Said Vergil as he ran through the building, if he came across anything in his path he simply cut through it with his Yamato. Fortunately all that was in his path were wrecked vehicles and such.
                  Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                    comunications room

                    Samus already hated the guy "By the way.. do you know a guy called Hell Master? HM? he is just a chameleon bot, you two would be good friends" she said seeing the resemblance with the general and HM

                    A secret huh?, letīs accept the offer then she agreed
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      "Hell Master? Woman, nick names won't do jack to jog my memory. Get me the name, I'll find out who this 'Hell Master' is. Now then... I like you. Why do I consider Gluttoneriel my only ally? It's because he's just like me. Hell, you could even say that we were..."

                      I leaned in close for this one. "... brothers."

                      I backed of. "Now then, scurry along. I have to go watch my brother in his fighting match. Care to join... madam?"

                      I spread my wings and held out my hand.
                      Last edited by wonderweiss; 09-04-2013, 08:31 PM.


                        Prometheus Labs

                        As Chung ran through the empty sector he notices that a bunch of wrecked vehicles were seemingly cut cleanly through. It appears as though someone had cut through anything that stood in their path. "Wow... these wrecked machines are cut cleanly down the middle... could that man we just saw have done that?" Said Chung as he turns to Robin. "No matter we have to keep going!" He said as he took off running again.


                          The Consumer

                          Koishi wandered a bit, noticing something very, very odd, even for a place such as this. An entire hallway, bodies of Nucleoids littering the floor like trash. The walls were rusted, some of the bodies were nothing but skeletons. Koishi shuddered a little at the sight, but went forward, the seemingly rusted floors creaking under her feet.

                          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                            Prometheus Labs

                            "Gah! He's quick! *huf* nothing for it...going to have to try and keep up with him!" Robin continues in Chung's wake. Looking ahead he sees in the distance a wall...


                              Prometheus Labs

                              After a small while of running the group came across a large wall? Or was it a door... Chung stopped and looked at the door then Robin. "Looks like it's a door of some sort..." Said Chung as he primed his Destroyer. "Stand back I'm going to blow it open!" He said as he aimed at the center of the door.


                                The Consumer

                                Isaac followed closely behind Koishi as they made their way through the hall. The rusted halls and skeletons on the ground confused Isaac. This was an active ship. It was not like the Nucleoids would just leave one of their halls in such a state. was there another person here? He knew that there was that maid from before, Sakuya, but she never came with them, did she?

                                Isaac leaned over to Koishi and quietly spoke.

                                "What do you think did this?", Isaac asked her.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

