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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Yukari's Resort

    "Let's try. This requires you to reach into your heart, grab the core, and expand it... Hmm, think as if you're searching through a chest full of things. You're looking for darkness. You grab it with your mind, and then project it, so that the darkness expands all the way outside.", Rumia said.

    John focused his mind into his heart and began searching, looking for the darkness.

    Eventually, John found it.

    John projected it and formed a sphere around him that was about 10 feet in diameter.

    "Huh, it's kind of like the Bubble Shield from my universe.", John commented.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Yukari's Resort

      "Yeah... whatever that is." Rumia laughed. "The sphere is still very hazy, and you can see through it. You want something that the enemy cannot see through in either ways."


        Yukari's Resort

        "Yeah... whatever that is." Rumia laughed. "The sphere is still very hazy, and you can see through it. You want something that the enemy cannot see through in either ways."

        John began to shrink the orb around him and focused harder, causing it to darken more.

        "How's that?", John asked.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Waikiki Beach, Hawaii

          Dante smiles slightly and lowers his head. "Yeah, well..." Said Dante as he sees the Jester appear behind Komachi. As soon as Jester does Jester looks over at Dante. Suddenly Dante dashes forward, his body a literal blur due to his speed. Just as quickly he takes out the Rebellion and performs a heavy but quick stab at Jester who just teleported to the side.

          "Missed me! Missed me!" Said Jester followed by a laugh.

          "What are you still doing here." Replied Dante as the Jester stops laughing.

          "I just overheard your little conversation about how bored you two were. So I decided to help you with your little problem!"
          Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


            "Oh, it's you. Sure, we could use some fun!"

            I took out my scythe.

            "So, clown. Whuddya wanna play?"


              Yukari's Resort

              "You're... you're getting there." Rumia said.
              "Hey, is anybody here-" Yuuka intruded, opening the door to find Rumia and John together.

              (Inside Yuuka's brain)
              > John and Rumia together.
              > John is surrounded by darkness.
              > Rumia is half-naked.

              "RUMIA YOU SLUT!" Yuuka shouted, attacking Rumia. "John's Yukari's man, you heard me?"
              "Whoa, what the-" Rumia got jumped, but fought back.
              (Girls are busy fighting. Please watch and laugh at them warmly.)


                Waikiki Beach, Hawaii

                "Oh I'm not going to be the one to play with you, but my friends are!!" Laughed Jester as suddenly a large glowing red circle forms under Dante and Komachi, sucking them into Jester's "Arena". His Arena looks like a large circular room in the middle of a cathedral.

                "Don't worry! My friends here will be glad to play with you! Now play nice for daddy!" Yelled Jester who is nowhere to be seen, but his voice echoes throughout the room.

                Suddenly 4 skeleton like figures wielding scythes known as Hell Lusts appear out of nowhere surrounding Dante and Komachi.

                "I'm going to kill that clown when I get the change... but for now looks like we have something to keep us busy!" Said Dante as he tosses his Rebellion like a spear at one of the Hell Lusts, impaling it against a wall.
                Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                  Yukari's Resort

                  "RUMIA YOU SLUT!" Yuuka shouted, attacking Rumia. "John's Yukari's man, you heard me?"
                  "Whoa, what the-" Rumia got jumped, but fought back.

                  John looked on in shock at the sudden fighting.

                  "W-wait. Nothing's happening here. Rumia showed me how to make a Darkness Bubble Shield.", John quickly explained as he dissipated the orb.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Ya know? I'll hand it to the clown. I am going to have fun taking care of these guys!

                    I rushed over to the nearest demon and gave a big swing to it's neck.

                    "Take that!"

                    I kept spinning and the demon flew off my scythe into the wall.


                      Jester's Arena

                      Dante quickly dashes forward and grabs his Rebellion. He then takes out his gun Ebony and fires a few rounds into the Hell Lusts face, causing it to die and turn into a pile of sand. With each Hell Lust that is killed, a 2 more take it's place.

                      "This party's gettin crazy!" Yelled Dante happily as he sheathes the Rebellion, he then takes out both Ebony & Ivory. He then begins firing in two different directions in order to hit multiple demons.
                      Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                        Yukari's Resort

                        "Then please do explain-" Yuuka panted. "why is she in her undergarment?"
                        "Relax. Haven't you ever seen me in my EX form?" Rumia argued.
                        "God you are such a whore." Yuuka glared at Rumia, scanning up and down.

                        "Guys, stop fighting." Yukari walked upstairs. "You guys want any snack? I made some ham shells."
                        "Oh yes, please." Yuuka rushed out.
                        "Dammit, wait!" Rumia shouted, following Yuuka out.


                          Somewhere in Egypt

                          The Auditor went into a tent on the edge of the excavation, where a man in a gray shirt, with all the regular defining features of a Madness Combat person stood, wearing a small black hat, curls at the sides.

                          "Sheriff. It has been quite a long time since i've seen you." Auditor said.

                          "I could say the same to you, Auditor. What brings you here?" The Sheriff asked.

                          "I am simply here for the full rundown of the excavation. I know some details, but give me a full rundown of what exactly we're excavating." The Auditor ordered.

                          "We are excavating what we know as the Mental Institution. It is the home of the creature known as Mental, who controlled, or controls, we don't know whether he is alive or not, but nevertheless, controls the most powerful army in the universe." The Sheriff explained.

                          "How large?" The Auditor inquired.

                          "Large enough to destroy thousands upon thousands of highly advanced species, including sending the Moon into Earth, destroying it, along with humanity. We think the forces are potentially unlimited." The Sheriff said.

                          The Auditor made a low chuckle. "A perfect army."

                          "Essentially." Sheriff replied.

                          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                            Yukari's Resort

                            "Guys, stop fighting." Yukari walked upstairs. "You guys want any snack? I made some ham shells."
                            "Oh yes, please." Yuuka rushed out.
                            "Dammit, wait!" Rumia shouted, following Yuuka out.

                            (Oh, geez), John thought as he put his hand on his helmet's visor.

                            All of a sudden, John came to a sudden realization.

                            (Wait. How did Yuuka know that Yukari and I...?)

                            (Oh, well. I need to tell them about the voices anyway.), John thought as he followed Rumia and Yuuka.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              "Yea, half-demon, you got it!"

                              I prepared a danmaku.

                              "Ties with the deceased!"

                              Coins surrounded the demon.

                              "Hey, Dante. Make it out alive and you get free money."


                                Yukari's Resort

                                "Alright, ham shells!" Yuuka shouted as she sat down. Utsuho was already eating happily, nibbling on the crunchy shell-like cracker to find succulent ham inside.
                                "But really, Rumia, have some decency." Yukari joked. "We have a man on board."
                                "So what? I don't care!" Rumia argued, imitating Yuuka to ridicule her. "It's not like he's my man or anything."
                                "It's called common courtesy, Rumia." Yukari said. "Or would you like me to put your ribbon back on?"
                                "No, it's fine." Rumia said.

