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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Chris immediately stopped the car as a man in a blue coat hit the hood of the van. "How the hell am I supposed to know!?" Said Chris as Claire pulls out her handgun and aims it at the man. Chris also followed suit, aiming his handgun at Vergil's head as well. "Identify yourself this instant!" Chris said to the odd man.



      "Damn it Mundus... I'm going to make you pay for all this..." Said Vergil as he comes to his senses he looks up and sees three people aiming handguns at him. Vergil quickly grabbed the Yamato and did a back flip off the hood of the car.

      "The name is Vergil, and I would advise you not to use firearms against the likes of me..." He said as he falls to one knee as a sharp pain goes through his head. The fact of quickly warping from the Demon World to Real World is quite a bad experience.
      Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


        Human Village

        After a bit of travelling X, Zero, and Axl arrives in the human village. As they arrive Zero simply walks off further into the village while X watches on. X quickly turns on his communicator and calls John. "Hey John me, Zero, and Axl are in the Human Village now. Where are you?" Said X as Axl also jumps in on the conversation with his communicator. "Yea where are ya man!? I've been having no action since we got here!" Said Axl as Zero too surprisingly intercepts the communication. "Oh yea, does anyone know where Nitori is? I need to talk to her."


          Akyuu's Mansion

          John got another message from X, but this time Axl and Zero spoke as well.

          "Hey John me, Zero, and Axl are in the Human Village now. Where are you?", X asked.

          "Yea where are ya man!? I've been having no action since we got here!", Axl butted in.

          "I'm at Akyuu's mansion. I'm trying to gather people to put heat resistant spells on me.", John said.

          All of a sudden, Zero spoke through his communicator as well.

          "Oh yea, does anyone know where Nitori is? I need to talk to her.", Zero asked.

          "Sorry, I don't know. She might be in the Human Village. That's where everyone else is gathering, so I would recommend looking there.", John answered.
          Last edited by S121; 08-08-2013, 01:10 AM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Human Village

            "This is peculiar..." Yukari sighed.
            "What is it?" Eirin asked in confusion as she treated Yukari's Kawasaki Disease.
            "Why would Yuyuko just not show up?" Yukari explained. "She cared about Gensokyo as much as anybody would."
            "She probably got distracted by all the Hawaiian food." Yuuka joked. Yukari shot a look.
            "I'm not kidding!" Yukari snarled. "I think something's wrong. Something happened to her."
            "Bah, you worry too much. She's the princess of the Netherworld. She can't be caught by anyone out in the Outside world." Yuuka assuredly said. "Besides, it's like Iku's case: stuck out there with no way to get back here in time. We need to press on without her."
            "Right..." Yukari sighed as she got up, ignoring Eirin's worried protest. "Let's draw the final curtain then."


              Akyuu's Mansion

              After answering X, Axl, and Zero, John then turned his attention back to Reimu.

              "Sorry about that, I just needed to answer some questions.", John said to Reimu as he waited for her answer.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Akyuu's Mansion

                "Yeah, okay. Regarding the issue about Heat Resisting amulets..." Reimu began. "I can make something like those, butthen I would severly be in disadvantage when it comes to making amulets that can deal damage.'


                  Akyuu's Mansion

                  "Okay. If that's the case, then I can do without them.", John said to Reimu.

                  The last thing John wanted to do was disarm one of his teammates.
                  John moved his helmet from his side, over to his front, as if he was going to put it on.

                  "I almost forgot to ask. Is there anywhere I need to be? Do I need to help anyone prepare for the mission?", John asked Reimu.
                  Last edited by S121; 08-08-2013, 01:26 AM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Human Village

                    "Okay. I will track your coordinates down." Said X as he turns to Axl. After X tracked John's exact location down he nodded, giving Axl the signal to head out. They both head off towards the mansion.

                    Meanwhile Zero continued walking through the village as he looked for Nitori. "Damn it where is she?" He said as he thought of an idea. "Perhaps I could contact EVE..." He said as he turns on his communicator. He then begins trying to search for EVE's signal.


                      Kappa Village

                      "Hello, you've reached Restaurant Du Cráp. If you would like to make a reservation..." EVE's voice blared, as a couple of snickers were overheard.

                      Human Village

                      "You could probably help the lower-level Youkai-"
                      "Everyone, it's time! Assemble!" Yuuka shouted.
                      "Oh, we better go." Reimu said to John.


                        Human Village

                        Renamon was ready and all her energy was charged to the max "We are ready for this" she said as the jackal joined, her fur shivering with power too
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          Human Village

                          "Will do.", John said to Reimu as he put his helmet on.

                          John exited the mansion and went into the village to help the lower-level Youkai.

                          After a minute or two, he found their location.

                          "Does anyone here need help preparing?", John called out to them.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Human Village

                            After some time of walking X, and Axl finally found John. "John!" He yelled as he ran up to him, with Axl shortly behind.
                            "Are we preparing for the next mission?" Said X as he looks at John.


                              Human Village

                              John turned and saw X and Axl.

                              "Yes. We're going to attack the Extractor, but we only have 54 minutes. Once we're at the Extractor, I'm going to go into the reactor and manually detonate Mimi. Mimi is a talking nuke. Once I'm done, the reactor will explode and the planet will be safe from extraction.", John explained to X and Axl.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Human Village

                                "Always going for the main course spartan, know that you are not alone" The fox said as the jackal walked in

                                "Even with all that resistance, you will need someone to cover your back, so Im sticking with you on this to distract the soldiers, there you will have time for the bomb" Nera said with a small smile
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


