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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Consumer

    "Trouble? I just said they put up quite a fight. I never said I had trouble. Besides... I haven't even started yet!" Said Zero as he dashed backwards to avoid the horrid beast. As Zero did he quickly activated his Z-Buster and fired a few shots from it at the creature. Thanks to his Black Armor upgrade he obtained from Nitori his speed, and attack's strength are increased decently.


      The Consumer

      A normal abomination would've been knocked unconscious from that attack. Unfortunately, the lizardman Dolcé blocked the shot with ease.

      "Ignorance is bliss, but I will tell you my trade secret anyway." Szayelapporo snickered. "Just by saying their name, my underlings grow quintuple in power."


      A bipedal pig with a ribbon and a lipstick on her pig lips swung her giant axe at Zero as Dolcé continued his offense, madly swinging his grog-soaked blade at Zero.


        The Consumer

        "Well ain't that !" Said Zero as he turned around. He was caught off guard by the... oddly disturbing pig, but Zero kept up his pace. Zero sidestepped to avoid Gruntilda's attack, but was almost struck by Dolcé blade. The blade scraped against Zero's torso. A very minor cut...
        Zero held his wound with his free hand. "That actually kind of hurt... what's with those blades?" Said Zero as he proceeded to dodge the attacks from the two. Zero should have known better than to underestimate his opponents...

        "Damn where is X and Axl when you need them?" He thought as he kept dodging the attacks.


          The Consumer

          "Jack Daniels!" Dolcé spoke, surprising for a lizard. "66 proof!"

          "Snort, aren't you a pretty boy." Gruntilda snorted, her voice a little bit too... Husky... For a woman. "Let me give you a hug!"

          Gruntilda threw herself against Zero with a body slam, as Dolcé attempted to pierce through Zero's head. With Gruntilda blocking Zero's escape route, Zero was in a sitting duck position until-

          "Optical Shield!"

          A turtle-shell shaped shield was deployed, blocking Gruntilda from smashing Zero into bits. He can dodge Dolcé's assault, thanks to the blue-haired kappa that Zero knows and loves.


            The Consumer

            Zero chuckled at Dolcé's comment, but he didn't hesitate in trying to dodge.

            Unfortunately before he could he was almost tackled full on by Gruntilda. However just before she did he saw a odd shield form in front of him, blocking Gruntilda from crushing him with her weight. Zero saw this as his chance to dodge Dolcé. He proceeded to dodge Dolcé by jumping backward.

            "About time you made it... I was about to say you missed all the action..." Said Zero as he turned to Nitori, he also aimed his Z-Buster at Dolcé and fired a large powerful red blast from it at the Reptile.


              The Consumer

              "I had a run-in with some wackjob." Nitori gleefully smiled. Her arsenal of weaponry was impressive as ever.

              "Ready to take names and kick ass?" Nitori asked as she loaded her quadra-barreled rocket launcher wih air rockets.
              Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 09-30-2013, 07:14 PM.


                ((Picture no work...))
                The Consumer

                "Well you're here now... and that's all that matters!" Said Zero as he jumped to Nitori's side and aimed his Z-Buster at the enemy. "You know it..." He said as he started charging up his Z-Buster to full capacity.


                  The Consumer

                  Dolcé winced in pain as the initial Z-Buster shot him in the face. He was knocked aside by Nitori's air rockets.

                  "You'll pay for that!" Gruntilda rushed at Nitori, but was struck on the chin by a geyser erupting from the ground.

                  "Worthless." Szayelapporo lamented his underlings' weakness as Gruntilda fell too. "Hyperion."

                  A leopard with augmented cybord limbs lunged at Zero, its' paws emitting electricity that can shock any biological beings and, even worse, unpower any machines, including Zero.


                    The Consumer

                    As Hyperion approached Zero's eyes flashed red, and his body color changing from the black of his upgrades, to a very dark shade of red for a split second.

                    Once Zero's Z-Buster reached full charge he fired 2 powerful red blasts from his Z-Buster followed by a crescent wave of energy from his Z-Saber at Hyperion.

                    "I'll destroy every last one of these creatures if it means stopping you!" Said Zero in a more than serious tone as he shot a glare at Szayelapporo


                      The Consumer

                      "Knock yourself out." Szayelapporo grinned as Hyperion yelped in defeat.

                      "What sort of man is he anyway, and what is he trying to do? His smiles and his gestures look as if he's not under control of the Devourer at all." Nitori commented.

                      "Good eyes." Szayelapporo complimented. "But I can't tell you, not just yet, what I plan on. Jacqueline."

                      An arabian dancer with two finely sharpened schmitar charged at Nitori. Her eyes glimmered in bright red bloodthirst. Her legs were those of a fox.


                        The Consumer

                        Zero turned to Nitori. "Well whoever he is we will stop him." Said Zero as he turns back to Szayelapporo then to Jacqueline.

                        "Nitori catch!" Yelled Zero as he tossed Nitori the Z-Saber. "Use it! Trust me I'll be fine without it! I'll handle Szayelapporo!" Said Zero as he dashed towards the scientist.


                          The Consumer

                          "Alright!" Nitori smiled as she obtained the Z-Saber. "This is just like Star Wars!"

                          "This isn't good." Szayelapporo sarcastically smirked. "Pavlov, block."

                          An iron-cast bull blocked Zero from approaching any closer to Szayelapporo.

                          "One another thing." Szayelapporo added. "When I add a simple command to their name, my underlings grow 5 times stronger than when I just say their name, and 25 times stronger than they normally are."


                            The Consumer

                            Zero kept charging when he was suddenly blocked by a large iron-cast bull. Zero looked at the bull and readied his Z-Buster.

                            "Whatever the case! Everything must fall eventually! No matter how strong they are!!!" Yelled Zero as he jumped back. He then charges energy into his Z-Buster and aimed it at the ground. "Rending Light Supremacy: Splitting light Command! REKKOHA!!!" Yelled Zero as he slammed his Z-Buster against the ground. As he did a series of eleven lasers start raining down on the bull. This move is one of Zero's stronger attacks.


                              The Consumer

                              Pavlov flinched and took a stagger, but he stood. He rammed his giant steel horns at Zero and lifted him upwards, trying to slam him down.

                              Nitori, however, was on the better end of the deal. Her affability with Momiji allowed her to learn basic sword technique, and with Z-Saber, Nitori was able to win in a blade-to-blade duel against Jacqueline. Nitori tossed the Z-Saber back at Pavlov, piercing through the bull's soft underside. Pavlov, snorting with pain, released Zero.


                                The Consumer

                                As Zero was lifted into the air he tried to break free, however he was unable to. Luckily right before he was slammed into the ground the Z-Saber impaled the beast in the head, causing it to release Zero. As soon as Zero was released he quickly dashed under the bull and grabbed the handle of the Z-Saber and pulled it out. Now that he was in a good position his Z-Saber became engulfed in searing hot flames. "Ryuenjin!" Yelled Zero as he jumped upwards, slashing straight through the middle of the bull.

