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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

    X looks out from behind his cover only to see everything was blown to hell and back. X was thankful that he got out of the way in time, but he also thinks about the amount of damage done. He quickly climbs out of cover and walks over to Yuuka. "That was... a powerful attack... do you think it was worth it though? What if some innocent civilian was outside and got caught by the blast?" Said X as he hears the voice of the police officers yelling through the megaphone. "I think you should go now. I need to head back to my base, and get repaired. There's a leak with my fuel cells so I won't be much help if we have to fight inside again." Said X as he makes his way out back quietly.


      Outside an office complex, Malun, France

      "Just who are you exactly?" the masked man asked, picking up his cigarette. (Isn't that thing dirty?) the commander thought as he watched him inhale and puff out a plume of smoke.
      "I am the last ARM Commander, a character from the game Total annihilation. Though I don't have an actual name, being one of many clones of the original commander, you may call me..." He thought for a second. It would be easier to have a nickname from now on, Commander being too... Demanding. "ACom. You can call me ACom." He was a little embarrassed at the name, but it was all he could think of at the time. He was a strategist, not a poet.

      "I was the one who had weakened the Scarlet Devil to this point, that is, me and my improvised squad. I fear that if i did not show up when I did, this entire city, and those who lived in it would all be completely destroyed." the commander continued to elaborate on everything he had done, from firing the first energy canister, to healing the woman caught in the explosion, to rolling the tank right into the AA turret. "...And that's where I left things to you."

      He gave the masked assassin a moment to process all the information, then said "So, how about we check up on that little demon child?"
      Last edited by topio1; 04-29-2013, 10:41 PM.
      There is so much that I could put here but I'm just gonna do this...


        Originally posted by Remilia_Scarlet View Post
        *** "Adventure time!" She happily giggled as she put her RPG Backpack at her feet.
        Adventure time, ho!

        Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan
        Time: 7:05 PM

        Yuuka thought for a second, and jumped in attempt of flight. She floated in midair. Perfect, Yuuka thought, so I can fly in outside world, just like I could've in Gensokyo.

        "Those who can fly should take flight out of the warehouse. It should be used as a distraction while those who can't take the sewer route." Yuuka said as the policeman outside the warehouse shouted threats. Empty threats, to be exact.
        "If you do not come outside in 20 seconds we will take action!"
        "There they go again." Yuuka murmured, and faced worried X. "Don't worry about the civilians. I do not kill without a reason. My control over Master Spark is sufficient enough to control the radius and power. I suppressed about 95% of the power to blast only the warehouse, nothing else."


          Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

          Finally taking the bullet out of her back, she made a little whince as it grasped her skin but it was now out.

          The fox looked at her digivice and thought ("So I can still transform.. this will be of great help"). Then as both Yuuka and John had escape route she thought about wether going from rooftops or by the sewers. "I´ll go by the sewers, I can trace the wherabouts of the antique shop if you let me guide you" the vixen said stretching her arm.
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

            Aqua looked at the escape route that had been found. "I'll fly, and beside i think i can do a pretty good job at distraction"
            Aqua threw her Keyblade up too transform it into a Keyblade Glider.

            After transforming her Keyblade she whispered a word. As she said the word tiny light spheres formed around her hand and flew of in all directions.
            "I think that might do"
            Born in the light.
            Molded in the dark

            Never Forget,
            Keep Fighting.
            –Don't Forget.
            Always, somewhere,
            someone is fighting for you.
            –As long as you remember her,
            you are not alone.


              Penn Station - New York

              After approximately 15 minutes of driving, they arrived at Penn Station. There was surprisingly very little traffic along the way, something that doesn't happen often in the usual bustling NYC. Snake parked the car off at a nearby parking lot two blocks away and he and Recette walked the rest of the way to the station. At the station, there was a slightly smaller crowd than usual going in and out. On first glance, nothing seemed out of place and the station did not seem like a place a major crime syndicate would be centered at.

              "So... what now?" Recette asked Snake, eager to continue the adventure.

              "I still need to gather some more intel about this area and find out more information about the crime syndicate," Snake replied with a grin, recalling the exhilaration from previous battles and knowing that he will begin to feel that again soon.

              "Oh," Recette said, slightly disappointed. "I'll be waiting in that nearby Chase bank and also withdraw some money."

              Recette leaves Snake as she goes off towards the bank.

              (short, funny scene I'll put up later)


                Mima's Antique Store

                The store had luckily quieted down since the trio left, which left Mima with some well deserved free time. She went to the basement, which was considerably small, and filled with arcane tomes. She went to the back of it, pulling out a very dusty tome, blowing on it, then opening it.

                "Hm. I could go back to Gensokyo, but should I?" Mima said to herself. She looked at the pages, written in a mixture of writing and cipher created by her and Marisa. It was old and worn, the pages yellowing and occasionally ripped in corners. She had used this book many, many times beforehand, for easy travel through anywhere. She sighed, and put the book in a small bag on her side.

                She went back upstairs, locking the basement door and going to her back room again. "Such a question it is, to go or not to go. This world really doesn't need me, does it?"

                The Inventory-Somewhere in New York

                Tensions were starting to run high in that small room, four people that could easily take down an army with just the four of them. Lonestar, with his dynamite and odd ray gun, Marisa with her powerful danmaku and mini-hakkero. The Heavy, with his brute strength, probably enough to lift a car, and his large gatling gun, shooting bullets larger than most large caliber rifles. Mr. Foster, with his expertise in most firearms, and being able to deal with large swathes of enemies at a time.

                "I'm guessing you were waiting for me?" came a voice at the top of the stairs. On the stairs was a man in what looked like a futuristic police outfit. He had short, ragged black hair, and a face that looked to have seen everything.

                "Ah, Mr. Calhoun is here. Splendid. The buy in, if you recall is 20,000 dollars." Winslow said.

                "Just call me Barney." the man said, leaping to the bottom of the stairs without harm, and sitting at the table. Everyone there put a large bundle of money in the center of the table, exchanged with chips, the money set off to the side next to Winslow.

                "Now then, let the tournament begin!" Winslow said, sitting at the sidelines with the money.

                "The name of the game is Texas Hold-em." GLaDOs's monotone voice said from above.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

                  There was absolutely no way that a 7'2' foot tall green giant would be able to sneak away. John's only safe choice was to jump down the man hole, into the sewers.
                  He landed onto the walkway below and turned on his helmet's flashlights.

                  (I am so glad to be in a suit right now...), John thought to himself.

                  The sewer likely smelled heavily of excrement, but he was in a pressurized suit. He looked to Renamon, who looked a little more than bothered by the smell.
                  He tried to give what little advice he could offer to his suffering teammate.

                  "Just pinch your nose, hopefully it'll work."

                  He felt a little bad for Renamon, seeing as how she had heightened senses. The smell was probably worse for her than it would be for a human.
                  He didn't have to worry about suffocating from the smell or even getting anything on him. That being said, he wasn't going to dirty his armor by getting into the water, He wouldn't be able to swim anyway.
                  They slowly made their way through the sewer, careful not to slip and fall into the waste. He turned towards Renamon for directions.

                  "Where to now?"
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

                    "Vanish" She said in a firm voice. As she said the word she faded out of reality.
                    She was no longer visible but she was still there. The Keyblade Glider could not been seen either.

                    She flew out of the window and and released more glowing spheres going in semi-random directions, tough the was heading away from the antique store.
                    Meanwhile Aque quickly flew towards the shop while the police were chasing the glowing spheres.
                    Last edited by Katrix; 04-29-2013, 05:16 PM.
                    Born in the light.
                    Molded in the dark

                    Never Forget,
                    Keep Fighting.
                    –Don't Forget.
                    Always, somewhere,
                    someone is fighting for you.
                    –As long as you remember her,
                    you are not alone.


                      Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

                      The sewers were far bigger than the fox thought as they walked between the many pathsof it. She smirked with the soldier´s suggestion of pinching her nose. "I don´t know about you, but living in the wilderness has showed me many osoors and smells, this smell of death and pollution is just a minor problem right now" Renamon explained using her ears to hear any strange thing.

                      There was a faint sound, a metallic object was hitting the concrete, the sound echoed trough the sewers and Renamon was having trouble to pinpoint the source of the sound. "There is something down here, it can be a being or a metal object bumping with something too, we must be careful" the vixen warned and then remembered something else. "Try to use your weapons as minimal as possible, if there are creatures down here, they will hear the gunshots from miles away"

                      The sting on the fox´s back was still vivid, the digivice´s energy was healing it slowly and renamon sighed as she looked at the bullet while guiding John through the sewers.
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan
                        Time: 7:15 PM

                        "Halt! You won't get away from us!" The policemen shouted as they chased Yuuka with a weird metal bird that shoots danmakus. A metal bird that shoots danmakus! What is up with the outside world?

                        "I thought that blue-haired girl was flying with me!" Yuuka shouted as she dodged a hail of danmaku flying at her in a straight line. "Dammit, she set me up!"

                        "Cease! You have no chance of running against the Japanese police! We have ground troops deployed in a 50 mile radius! Surrender now!" The police officer inside the metal bird shouted through a red trumpet. Time to bring out the big guns, Yuuka thought. I'll just use it as a bluff to get away. Besides, the citizens of this city must like some flashy fireworks, right?

                        "Gentlemen, this spell card is specially for you." Yuuka smiled in her casual, bloodthirsty ways as she spread out her arms. From behind her, large petals of flowers, all danmaku, appeared into the presence. "Bloom Sign - Belladonna."


                          Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

                          A faint voice could be heard "Firaga Burst". As she said the words a huge orb if fire appeared in the sky. Out of it fired countless of small fire orbs. The Fireballs didn't hurt anything, but it did scare the police men.

                          "I'm still here, just say if you need anything." The voice was faint, but still near.
                          Born in the light.
                          Molded in the dark

                          Never Forget,
                          Keep Fighting.
                          –Don't Forget.
                          Always, somewhere,
                          someone is fighting for you.
                          –As long as you remember her,
                          you are not alone.


                            Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

                            John saw Renamon examine her wound.

                            (When did she get shot?)

                            "Hold still.", John said as he pulled the healing crescent from his utility compartment. He put it near the wound and watched as it closed up.

                            "That should do."

                            He put the crescent back into its pouch and looked at his HUD. Renamon was right; they weren't alone!

                            "We might have company.", he said as he readied his pistol.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

                              Renamon felt a little pain as the crescent touched her body, yet it calmed down as the wound cooled down. "Thanks, by the way, we are almost there" the vixen said

                              Then she heard something coming, it was running and getting closer to the duo. "Guess they followed us, be ready but rely more on your martial arts, i don´t trust the state of these sewers, unless it attacks with weaponry" the vixen said gripping the bullet on her paw.
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

                                John put away his pistol. If he fired, there would be a risk of igniting the whole sewer. He couldn't see any strategic points in the sewer, so they would just have to muscle their way through.


                                Meanwhile, a small group of agents followed a strange little man. "Why are we following him?", one of the agents whispered. The strange little man looked over to the agent and gave him an evil looking glare.
                                The agent quickly averted his eyes away from the little man's glare, obviously intimidated by him.
                                Standing at about 4 feet, the little man had blond hair, big black eyes, and a blue and yellow jumpsuit. He was holding a cartoony looking gun and had a belt full of grenades on his waist.

                                Hearing John and Renamon's footsteps, the little man picked up his pace, eager for the challenge at hand.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

