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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Test Chamber - Pentagon

    "Do not get cocky." Mr. Johanssen commanded. "Your next opponent awaits."
    The iron gate opened, revealing a very large man riding a very large spectral horse. The essence of evil oozed off of him as he swung his wicked blade.
    "Come, mortal." The spectral rider guffawed. "I am here to take your corpse."



      Secret Underground Base in the Middle of the Pacific Ocean

      "Ugh... where am I?" I had awaken to find out that I was in an unknown room. The technology was amazingly advanced in any case. I couldn't open the door. Rather, it shocked me. Not with enough voltage to kill me, but enough to topple me to the ground. "Ow..." That hurt, but never mind that; I may have only rarely taken naps, but this one in particular... why did it feel so long? Someone was coming. "Huh?! She's awake! Chief! CHIEF!!!" What was that all about? I waited a few minutes for something significant to happen. Then, a purple gas filled the room, and I felt drowsy... I... Can't... Stay awake... I fell with a thud.
      Last edited by wonderweiss; 05-12-2013, 01:42 AM.


        "Gah!" Another surprise slumber, but it didnt feel as long as my last one. I was tied to a chair, and the chair felt cold and hard. the rope had some kind of rubber covering. I couldnt break it. Someone was coming. It was a man in a black suit. "So how have you been, miss... Shi...shikieiki..." "Its shikieiki yamaxanadu," i corrected him," and just how do you know my name? Ive never met you, and Ive mever been here. Were you stalking me? Oh... Dont tell me..." "Oh, no no, miss... I'll call you shiki. Ive just been told that that was your name." "By who?" All of a sudden, Komachi came out from behind him. I should have known. She was wearing a different attire: the same one that the man was wearing. "Komachi... What were you thinking?! I would kill you should i not be tied up." "Relax, they're the good guys." "Then why the hell am I tied up? The man stepped in. "It's merely for safety precautions. As you may have guessed, you dont belong in this dimention. We, the neoyakuza, are trying to get you all back to YOUR realms." So I wasnt the only one... "What we want... Is for you to join us in our struggle to help everyone."


          Approaching the Hakurei Shrine, Gensokyo

          The trio approached the shrine, spotting the all too familar face of Suika Ibuki.

          "Well, well, well, if it isn't Suika. How are things?" Mima asked.

          "Should we stay back?" Pontius asked.

          "For now, at least, we don't want to drive suspicion, or make her think we're hostile or anything. Because, albeit her looks, she could kick both of your asses in hundreds of ways." Mima whispered to them, which the other two nodding and stepping back a little.
          Last edited by Koishi; 05-12-2013, 11:48 AM.

          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


            It seemed very foggy, but it seemed i had no other choice. "... Alright. I'll join. Now untie me this instant!" He took out a pocket knife and cut the ropes of rubber. "Now, based on my readings, you come from a rather undeveloped dimention known as gensokyo. This all must be new to you. Dont worry, I'll show you the ropes. My name is otori, by the way. Otori inozuka." All i want to do is get out of here. "You will be under training before your mission tommorow, but its not like you need much of it, anyways." What a suck up. Worse than komachi. Speaking of which,"komachiiiii!!!!" "Im sorry, but they conviced me that they were good, they even convinced you." "Even so, its dangerous to act on your own!" "But youve been asleep for so long tha-" "wait... What do you mean, asleep? You mean... I was in a coma?" "Uh huh..." Damn! Oh well. I must get conditioned to save everyone. I followed otori. "Oh, mr. Inozuka. Where is my rod of remorse?" "Rod of remorse? Never heard of it." Then komachi whispered in his ear. "Oh, the stick?" The stick?! How disrespectful! But he handed it over anyways. I'll be keeping an eye on them.


              (I have a perfect image for what Komachi would look like. I'll post it on OOC Board)
              Hakurei Shrine, Gensokyo

              "Well, well, well, if it isn't Suika. How are things?"
              "Oh it's just you, Mima." Suika said. "If you're looking to bug Reimu, she's not here. Who are those people behind you?"


                Test Chamber - Pentagon

                Zero looks at his new opponent. His cocky attitude quickly changed back to his serious one. "Well looks like you will be stronger than the last one." He said as he draws his Z-Saber again. He goes into a more offensive pose, and shoots a eager look at his opponent. "Bring it!" He yelled as he charges at his opponent.


                  Hakurei Shrine, Gensokyo

                  "Well, we're a bit on the run. You guys can come out now." Mim said, with the two coming out. "Suika, meet Salvador and Pontius."

                  Pontius bowed. "A pleasure to meet you, my lady."

                  Salvador pulled out a beer from his pocket. "You have any food around here, dama?"

                  "You are honestly the rudest man i've ever met." Pontius said.

                  "Your stomach says otherwise, gordo." Salvador retorted.

                  "Why you little-" Pontius gritted his teeth, but Mma came in-between the two.

                  "Do you two ever do anything but fight?" Mima asked.

                  "We eat." the two said at the same time, causing Mima to sigh.

                  Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                  You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                    Courtyard - Pandemonium - Gensokyo

                    X overheard the whole conversation about another kidnapping. This just made him more angry than sad. He stands up and looks at Yuuka. "Some of us need to get supplies before we can even think about fighting them. I even have a few upgrades at the base I was stationed at that could help out some. I just need to get back there. Some of you can even stock up on ammunition or even weapons if you really need to." He says in a slightly angered tone. He does not wish to fight, but he wants to help out in some way. "My Falcon Armor upgrade is all I need in this situation."


                      (I literally can't breathe b/c of Pontius and Salvador. It's great.)
                      [EDIT]Putting something out for the main party.
                      Test Chamber, Pentagon

                      "Dark Arthas, the Lich King?" One of the scientists accompanying Mr. Johanssen gasped. "That Character is one of the highest caliber of Forbidden Project Characters!"
                      "If Mr. Zero can win this battle," Mr. Johanssen said. "Then he will be considered THE highest."
                      "But, if Dark Arthas is the fourth trial opponent," the scientist inquired. "Who will be the fifth?"
                      "You will find out soon enough." Mr. Johanssen replied coldly, his eyes not leaving the test chamber.

                      "Arise, my undead companions." The spectral rider, Arthas, hissed as the ground erupted. From the eruption, two undead ghouls moaned and screeched, risen from the dead. "Attack, and devour."
                      The ghouls pounced onto Zero, their mouths agape, ready to chew and consume.

                      Hakurei Shrine, Gensokyo

                      "We eat."
                      Suika laughed. The human companions of Mima were just like oni, rowdy and funny.
                      "All I have is this sake gourd. But you can't drink from it. Too toxic for humans like you." Suika drank from her gourd. (Side Note: Suika is 2 feet right now.) "Reimu should be back soon. I remember her saying she would go down to the human village to pick up some groceries."

                      Courtyard - Pandemonium, Gensokyo

                      "Do what you will about the supplies, I'm going on ahead." Yuuka replied. "I do not have neither needs nor time to waste. My friend has been kidnapped, and I will not stop until I get her back."
                      Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-12-2013, 03:11 PM.


                        Test Chamber - Pentagon

                        Quickly before Zero can react he gets pounced by two undead creatures. He fights the creatures, and proceeds to try and knock them off him. After a short time has passed he finally manages to push them off. He then continues to stab each creature with his Z-Saber. After the creatures stops moving he turns to Dark Athas. "Summoning people to fight for you? You remind me of an old enemy of mine." He said as a ghastly W forms inside the crystal on his helmet. A look of pure rage comes over his face as it happens. "S-Sigma..." He mutters as he grips his saber tightly. An odd energy starts emanating from Zero in the form a purple like mist. Zero quickly drops his Z-Saber and grabs his head and begins screaming as though he is in intense pain. His screaming quickly turning into insane laughter. He quickly grabs his Z-Saber from the ground and dashes at Dark Athas with the intent to kill.

                        (Zero's original programming kicked in temporarily. While his original programing is in effect he gives off an odd energy which does not make him stronger. This energy can be detected by the devices being used to scan Zero. It will cause his systems to appear jumbled, and distorted when scanned. This energy is actually the Zero Virus (which is a strain of the Maverick Virus which effects A.I.'s causing them to go rogue, and/or insane.) When his original programming (A.K.A. The programming that was put there by his creator the evil Dr. Wily) he will be a bit insane, and his intent to kill will be increased.)

                        Courtyard - Pandemonium - Gensokyo


                        X looks at Yuuka then his hands. "Friend..." He says to himself before turning back to Yuuka. "I know what it's like to lose a friend. If your friend is in trouble then I will do anything in my power to help you. I won't let anyone lose someone they care about. I will come with you Yuuka." Said X in a unusually serious tone for him.


                          Hakurei Shrine, Gensokyo

                          "Can't wait. I'm starving." Pontius said with mild glee.

                          "You just ate an hour before we even got here." Mima said, her arms crossed.

                          "Knights should eat every hour. It's a privilege." Pontius retorted.

                          "Just like getting a girlfriend, but I don't think you're entitled to that privilege, gordo!" Salvador said back.

                          "And you aren't entitled to being bigger than a little goblin." Pontius snapped back.

                          (last post for a bit, going to dinner)

                          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                            Test Chamber - Pentagon

                            "Frostmourne hungers." Arthas the Lich King murmured as his blade, encased in dark ice, glistened maliciously. He parried the blow from Zero's Saber, and quickly pushed Zero aside to give some space between. Then, Arthas began reciting an enchantment, summoning Crypt Fiend.

                            Hakurei Shrine, Gensokyo

                            "I'll see what I can find." Suika spoke, turning to the shrine. "But you will have to pay donations to Reimu."

                            "I will come with you Yuuka."
                            "This is personal, and you are not ready yet." Yuuka snapped. "You just said you needed to grab supplies. Stop being hypocritical of yourself."


                              Test Chamber - Pentagon

                              As Zeros attack got parried and got knocked back by Dark Athas he begins laughing again. His laughter gets interrupted by the sound of him screaming. Again Zero grabs his head as though he is in pain. This time however he falls to his knees. Small surges of electricity can be seen coming from Zero's helmet. Though he quickly stands back up ready to attack again. "I'm going to rip you apart!" He yelled as he rushes at Dark Athas again, Z-Saber in hand.

                              Courtyard - Pandemonium - Gensokyo

                              "I may have said that, but this is a more urgent matter at hand. Allow me to help in some way. I don't want anything else bad to happen." X said as he takes a few steps towards Yuuka. "I lost a friend several times over. Sometimes I thought I would never get him back. I don't want to stand here doing nothing while someone you care about is in danger." Said X as he looks at Yuuka.


                                Courtyard - Pandemonium - Gensokyo

                                John turned towards X.

                                "We're not helping Yuuka's friend by going in unprepared. Rushing in will only get us killed.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

