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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Test Chamber - Pentagon

    Zero struggles as he realizes that he is trapped in a bubble barrier. "Arrragh!" He roars as he clenches his fist. His fist glowing a bright blue energy. He then proceeds to pull off a full powered Rakuhouha to break the bubble. As he punches the ground the 'bubble' fills completely with a bright blue energy. If the bubble pops there will be a large explosion of energy.


      Tricky's Building

      "Hank J. Wimbleton." Hank replied.

      Borealis, Pacific Ocean

      "It is beautiful." Mima said, coming behind Iku. "Still has it's flaws, and not to mention most of the world is corrupt."

      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


        Right as John was about to carry Yuuka, she stood up. John was relieved at first, but something was off. She was crying blood.

        "Y-Yuuka, maybe you should take it easy.", John said as he reached out to her.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Last post of the day

          "Hank... I'll remember that. My name is Shikieiki Yamaxanadu. The one with the red hair is Komachi Onozuka, and the one with the long brown hair is Otori Inozuka. Now, Hank, last question before we take off. How any floors are there to this death trap?"


            Tricky's Building

            "I've been fighting through more then ten floors now." Hank said. "There doesn't seem to be a top or bottom."

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.



              As her search finally ended in vain, Renamon went back to the infirmary and sitted on the bed, risking her luck, she looked at the digivice. "You always have been of help, I know you can atleast help the others" she said holding the little machine as its screen started to glow faintly.

              Slowly the fox felt lighter and soon fell asleep.

              It was again the tree and the Jackal was on one of its branches "I see you are back, what are you planning?" she said greeting the vixen. "I want to help my friends who are still risking their lives right now"

              The jackal just shook her head smiling "You are indeed a stubborn fox, allright, let me help you with that" she said and put her paw on Renamon´s shoulder, suddenly the fox felt her energy being spiltted in parts.

              "W-what did you do?" she asked to the jackal who answered "I´ll send your energy to your friends, that energy will go to where it is needed like the body or the spirit of the receiver, just relax, they will be fine" the cyan and yellow jackal said and then asked.

              "Why do you risk yourself so much for them?" Renamon smirked and answered "I care for them, those characters are good people who want to help for a better good, I feel happy with their efforts" The jackal just smiled and said "Thats the Renamon I remember, im glad you are still the same"

              "I suppose you can´t tell me who you are yet, am i right?" the fox asked and the jackal shook her head, Renamon just chuckled and relaxed below the tree with the jackal at her side.

              (In resume, Rena just gave you guys energy for your bodies, emotional strengths, or spiritual strenghts, its up to you how to use it)
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Pacific Ocean

                "Corrupt... I cannot imagine this world being as corrupt as you say." Iku muttered and landed as soon as she saw a fisherman's boat approaching the Borealis.


                  Neo-Yakuza HQ

                  Just as Aqua was about to warp close and attack a few more times she felt a energy boost coming to her. ("Seems like someone have sent me some energy. Thanks")
                  Aqua then proceeds to continue warping around Apple but this time she does so in a completely circular pattern. Also when she warps to a new location she charges at Apple creating a frozen energy lance pointing towards apple.
                  When she have gone all the way around all the energy lances are released and come crashing down at Apple at the same time creating a explosion.
                  Born in the light.
                  Molded in the dark

                  Never Forget,
                  Keep Fighting.
                  –Don't Forget.
                  Always, somewhere,
                  someone is fighting for you.
                  –As long as you remember her,
                  you are not alone.


                    Tricky's Building, Base3
                    I gasped. "No... Top or bottom? But that's impossible..."

                    Otori lost his cool. "Dammit! Now we'll never get out of here. The door's gone and I highly doubt that going back would solve anything! I should have Davy Crocketted the shit outta this place when I had the chance!"

                    I put my hand on Otori's shoulder and he calmed down. "It's alright. We needed to know this stuff and he told us."

                    Komachi spoke up. "Wait, I still don't understand something."

                    "What?" I asked.

                    "If we're on the second floor, then how did he end up fighting ten floors?"


                      Tricky's Building

                      "Improbability Drive. It powers the clown's abilities, and warps reality. I'm guessing you aren't from around here?" Hank asked.

                      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                        {Good morning. Here's your grub. Wriggle is not up yet, but Yukari is.}

                        Neo-Yakuza HQ

                        "Yuuka, maybe you should take it easy-" Yuuka heard John's voice from behind.
                        John? Is that you?

                        He cannot hear you.

                        Yuuka, in her own mind, turned to look at her madness. It was a twisted being that resembled Yuuka: green hair at a shoulder-length, red skirt and vest with checkered patterns, pink parasol. But the insanity warped Yuuka's pretty face into that of a monstrous being.

                        I am your insanity. I have come to take you hostage.

                        Yuuka tried to put herself into defensive position, but her arms and legs were bound to the mind, unable to move.

                        You are now my slave. Feel the eternal pain.

                        Pacific Ocean

                        "'ey lassies!" The old captain of the fishing boat called out to Iku and Mima. "Ya goin' to Osaka? Be'er turn that ship right 'round. Big damn storm coming away, with all those goddamned Characters. Goin' there's suicide."

                        Test Chamber

                        "Stop the test chamber right now!" Nitori shouted at the scientists analyzing the battle.
                        "Anyone who opposes my command will be dealt with accordingly by the law." Mr. Johanssen glared at the scientists, which extinguished any outside way the battle could be stopped. "Nitori, if you really wish to finish the battle, take Mr. Zero down. You are more than capable of doing just that."
                        "If I take anyone down," Nitori asked. "Will the battle end?"
                        "Yes." Mr. Johanssen replied.
                        "Sounds good." Nitori smiled as she brought out a giant warhead, size of a tree sapling, with sharp-tipped head. Then, to much of everyone's surprise, Nitori drove the warhead, not through Zero, but through herself.

                        "What the-" Mr. Johanssen gasped in shock as the test chamber turned back to its' normal gray cement room. "Why-"
                        "You said... the battle will end... when one of us falls..." Nitori smiled in triumph as she knelt on now dry ground. "Didn't expect this... to happen with that... genius brain of yours, eh, Commander?"
                        "Call the medical squad!" Lt. Trelawney, who was watching the entire battle unfold, called for medical aid as Mr. Johanssen stood there, watching fallen Nitori and confused Zero, with stupefied look.


                          Test Chamber - Pentagon

                          Suddenly Zero's attack is null and void as the Test Chamber ends. The still enraged Zero drops to the ground and looks at Nitori. His eyes widened as he saw a badly injured Nitori. Quickly running up to her he grabs her in his arm. "I-Iris!?" Yelled Zero who is still blinded by rage. The image of a fallen Nitori continues to bring thoughts of Iris to him. He quickly drops Nitori, and grabs his head as he screams in pain. Turning to Mr. Johanssen, tears fill his eyes as the W in the gem on his helmet disappears, and his eye color returns to the normal blue. Zero quickly wipes the tears from his eyes, and turns away from Nitori. He proceeds to make his way out of the Test Chamber, not even saying a word as he does so. His current target location is his capsule.


                            Neo-Yakuza HQ

                            John grabbed something for Yuuka to sit on and brought it over to her. Yuuka was still not responding to anything, so John coaxed her to sit down.

                            John took a piece of clothing and wiped the blood out of her eyes.Using his helmet's flashlight, John shined light into Yuuka's eyes, to test her body's automatic nervous system's responsivness.

                            (Maybe she's catatonic?)
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Tricky's Building, Base 3
                              Oh, by the way, I did research on the improbability and it says that it is indeed a physical object as will be mentioned in the post

                              "No," I answered "and this... improbability drive... is it a physical item? Is it something we can find? If so, where can we find it?"

                              "Yes," Otori said, "I saw it during our official visit here. We saw the clown -Tricky, it named itself- and I saw the Improbability Drive. But Tricky may or may not be smart enough to know that we would search for it, so he might have moved it somehow. It doesn't matter, It's highly likely that we can't escape this building, right... Hank was it? Yea. Am I correct?"


                                Yuuka's mind

                                10 minutes have passed. How are you holding up?

                                It felt like eternity. Yuuka has been bound to her own mind, immobile and bondaged by the chains of lunacy. Her clothes were ragged and torn from all the beating twisted Yuuka has inflicted with the evil parasol and rose vine whip.

                                You're breaking. Your mind is starting to become unstable. Once the sky opens, you will be nothing more than a shell of your formal self.
                                You won't break me.
                                Oh, still able to retaliate now? Let's find out if you can still talk after this.

                                More torture Yuuka received in her own mind, more blood was spilled from her eyes.
                                "I could use some help! I can't hold them back without using spell cards, and it's too dangerous to use one here!" Shinki shouted from outside the office, holding off various enslaved Character guards.

