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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Hotel - Honolulu, Hawaii

    Isaac stared at where the hologram was, then finally speaks.

    "That was strange... Let's continue.", Isaac said.

    "Anyway, I'm going to need some nano-processors and some power nodes now. I just sent you the schematics for the power nodes.", Isaac said, still thinking about the message.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Hotel - Honolulu, Hawaii

      "Just got it. I'm going to try undoing the security code on that encryption." EVE said as she began making the processors.


        Moriya Shrine

        John eventually arrived at the Moriya Shrine and saw that they were still awake. John walked up to the door, and knocked on it.

        *knock knock knock*
        Last edited by S121; 06-14-2013, 11:49 PM.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



          Preparing to leave, the fox remembered the first time they got to the temple, it was a door that looked more like a portal "Follow me, I got an idea" she said leading the Jackal and the ghost

          The trio walked down the stairs and reached the enormous gate and the vixen touched it thinking of the group, the gate had a little shine and opened showing a blinding light "Eh.. I don´t like how this goes, is there another path?" Mara asked as a droplet of nerviousness fell from her forehead. "Here goes nothing, lets go on our new adventure" Nera pulled Mara as the fox entered first and the duo followed her.

          Moriya shrine

          The first thing Renamon saw was the floor, but it was rapidly getting closer ("Things are never easy") she thougth chuckling as she and the others were falling to what looked like a shrine

          The vixen spotted the spartan at the door, but she was too focused on how to land safely, Nera in the other hand was the first to touch earth and made a front rolling to absorb the inertia while Mara just floated calmly

          The trio of creatures got safely on the entrance of the shrine behind John
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            Moriya Shrine

            Upon hearing something land behind him, John pulled out his rifle and aimed it in that direction.

            Once he got a second glimpse, he realized that it was Renamon with two other people.

            John put away his gun and approached them.

            "Hi Renamon... I take it that these guys are your friends?", John asked.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Moriya Shrine

              "Yeah, they are Nera and Mara" the fox said gesturing each name with the Jackal and the ghost respectively

              "So you are the armored soldier, Im Nera, pleased to meet you" The jackal greeted him with a small bow

              "My name is Mara and I see you made interesting friends Renamon, I wonder the many things that can happen our curious luck" The ghost greeted the soldier with a mischevious yet honest smile

              "What brings you to Kanako´s place John?" Renamon asked to the spartan
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Moriya Shrine

                "So you are the armored soldier, Im Nera, pleased to meet you" The jackal greeted John with a small bow.

                "Pleased to meet you as well.", John said.

                "My name is Mara and I see you made interesting friends Renamon, I wonder the many things that can happen our curious luck" The ghost greeted him with a mischievous yet honest smile.

                "We make our own luck, but I'll always be there when you need me.", John said.

                "What brings you to Kanako´s place John?" Renamon asked.

                "Well, Kanako made a spell card for me and I was going to thank her. It helped when I fought Ansem.", John said.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Santa Cruz, California

                  Having departed from Mima's crew, Iku traversed the oceans alone until she came up to a packed beach/amusement park known as Boardwalk. It was almost noon, and families gathered to bask in the suns and enjoy cool rides.
                  "Interesting." Iku said, and looked at her little suitcase, filled with necessities such as emergency food, clothes, a little bit of US Dollars. "I might check out that place."


                    Moriya Shrine

                    John walked back up to the door and knocked again.

                    (It is about 7 or 8, so I think they're still up.)
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Moriya Shrine

                      "Araa, good morning!" Sanae spotted John walking up the stairs. "Welcome to Moriya Shrine, traveler! Here to give offerings to the gods?"


                        Moriya Shrine

                        "Araa, good morning! Welcome to Moriya Shrine, traveler! Here to give offerings to the gods?", Sanae asked.

                        "Kind of. I was going to thank Kanako for giving me this spell card.", John said as he showed Sanae the card.

                        "It helped when I had to fight this guy named Ansem."
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          (Last post of the day if I fall asleep. If not, I can make more. It depends whether I sleep or not.)
                          Moriya Shrine

                          "Ah, Kanako-sama... She is probably resting near Suwa Lake. If you take the stairs to the left of the shrine, you'll find the lake." Sanae kindly answered.


                            (Just in case you stay up...)

                            Moriya Shrine

                            "Ah, Kanako-sama... She is probably resting near Suwa Lake. If you take the stairs to the left of the shrine, you'll find the lake." Sanae kindly answered.

                            "Thank you.", John said.

                            John then made his way up the stairs...

                            Lake Suwa

                            John looked around, trying to find Kanako until he saw her sitting on a large Onibashira.

                            "Hello.", John said as he looked up.
                            Last edited by S121; 06-14-2013, 02:52 AM.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Shinki's Palace, Makai; Shiki

                              I woke up after a nice nap. It was still considerably early. I decided to walk around.

                              I went to the kitchen to whip myself something up. I'd best not disturb Louise.

                              After breakfast, I went out to the courtyard and sat there with a cup of tea in my hand.

                              Today is the day, Hank. I'm coming after you.

                              I heard a voice. "Shiki-sama!"


                              "Oh, hello Komachi. Is the bridge done?"

                              "Dunno. But I did help gather the ingredients, and it was dangerous. We fought a dragon, too!"

                              How does she get herself into these situations?

                              "Well, at least you helped. So why are you here again?"

                              "Well, I had no job to take care of, so I came here."


                              I thought heavily, and decided to warn her since we'll be in two different worlds now.

                              "Listen, Komachi. You must be careful in the real world."

                              "I know."

                              "No, listen. You're a shinigami, but remember that you still can die if the conditions are met. Right?"


                              "And in the real world... who is to say that you are partially invincible at all there?"


                              "Just don't do anything reckless. A shinigami may be easy to replace, but you... you are one of a kind, Komachi. You can't be replaced. Be careful. We leave today."


                              "Come. Sit down. Enjoy the early morning."

                              We sat there. Awaiting what is to come next.

                              Desert, Nevada; Otori

                              God, was I sweaty. For a basic training maneuver, I decided to do sprints from the house to the train and back. I had already done it nine times, and my sides were killing me. But I stick to mind over matter, and just keep running.

                              But Deimos sure was taking a while.

                              I decided to go back with a towel over my shoulders.

                              "Deimos! Are ya here? Did ya find anything?

                              Lisborn, Australia; Snake

                              "Like hell you are! You're never going to beat that thing alone, even with your demon powers! Now come on and get ready for a monster fight!"

                              I readied the Carl Gustav.

                              "Hey, you! Come on! Give it your best shot!"

                              I fired a round towards it's face.

                              Office, Base 2, Australia

                              I paused for a moment.

                              "...heh... you want me... to destroy... the rebels?"

                              I began bursting out laughing.

                              "AHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! I come to you saying that I will willingly forget about eliminating the Snakes, yet here you are commanding me to do it?! GAHAHAHAH!!! Oh, sir you have a deal!"


                                Base 1, Classified Location

                                "A compromise, if you'd like." The shadow smiled. "Of course, you can choose not to. I won't stop you."

                                The Bridge

                                Yuuka woke up to find the bridge complete... But a lot more flamboyant.
                                "Whoa what-"
                                "Oh you're awake!" Utsuho called from the other end of the bridge. "I tried to wake you up but you didn't, so I went and made the bridge instead.
                                The new bridge was supposed to be tranquil and peaceful, with Golden bamboo stalks illuminaing the bridge with faint, smooth lighting. Instead, this bridge was gaudy and loud, with dragon designs and neon-bright bamboo lights.
                                "Okay, first of all, why are you not changed?" Yuuka fidgeted. "And second of all, who told you to build the bridge by yourself?"
                                "Well it's really comfortable like this: I didn't have to worry about my skirt when I was woking-"
                                "That's not the point, you moron!"

                                "Well, at least we have the bridge done. Let's go find John and the others and meet back at Pandemonium. Utsuho, you should go back to Old Hell too."
                                "Unyu, but I'm going with you."
                                "Satori-sama said she had extra tickets to Hawaii, and I voluntered to go."

                                Suwa Lake

                                "Morning, mortal." Kanako addressed, not looking down. "What brings you?"

